Welcome to the Official Redemption® Message Board!
The first day or two should be easy. But after that.... . I'll be praying.I just got back from my first PSEO class. It was... different..."I have a gun so I'll cut your head off"-My professor.
Post Secondary Education Option. it's high school students doing college classes and getting college credit. I started today as well. between English and Biology, I'm going to have plenty of work...praying for you!
So-So. I need to learn how to use a graphic caluclator but I have no idea how to use the Zero function or eVALUEate functions of the TI-84 PLUS
Don't go hating on my TI-89 and its whopping 160x100 pixel display.
I never could get games figured out on my TI-84+
Quote from: Ring Wraith on August 26, 2010, 02:24:30 PMI never could get games figured out on my TI-84+I am teh gamez masterr of duh TI-84+.