Author Topic: Because there is truly not a great place to put this  (Read 1211 times)

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Because there is truly not a great place to put this
« on: June 25, 2009, 11:44:02 PM »
This is a combination of a testimonial and a discourse on where I think I am goign with my future and then a few prayer requests. Some of you may remember some of this but oh well.

I am 17 (born '91). I have basically grown up a Christian. I remember my parents baptism when I was about 4 but I've basically grown up in a Christian home. I was one of the better christian kids, always knowing my verses and finding obscure books and such. When I was 10, my family moved form Delaware to my current location of Pittsburgh. I didn't really want to move but I got over it eventually. I made some friends, and continued playing some card games that I had always played, like Pokemon and Yu-Gi-oh. In 2003, the National Tourny was held at my school, so I got into Redemption then, when I was in 6th grade.

I would continue to play the game for the next 3 years not because of any spiritual value, but because it was fun. By this time, I had begun to reject Christ in all facets. I hated goign to church. At home, I spent much of my time hanging out online at porn sites and other such mischevious activities that I have struggled with until this day, simply because they were once so ingrained. Just last year at age 16, I finally broke free of porn. I can't say I had a specific moment as much as I just lost a desire because I gained a desire for God. I was thinking about what I wanted to do with my life and my future and I knew God was the way. At the same time I began attending a Young Life bible study after school at a local restraunt.

Now, the first thing you should know is that I go to a Christian school. For those of you who know anything about YL, you'll YL doens't typically go near Christian schools. They typically try to reach the kids noone cares about in public schools. However, a few kids were friends with the Area Director for Pittsburgh YL, and they convinced him to try it at my christian school. 2 years later, we consistantly have about 20/120 of our high school's kids at campaigners (YL slang for bible study) and we just had about the same number attend a week of Young Life Camp in Virginia. God has truly blessed YL at my school.

For my friends and I, all of whom are current or former pornography viewers, YL has been insturmental in our recovery. Personally, YL has taught me many more practical ways to use the knowledge I have been granted by God to help my walk. It has been a great tool to learn about everyday life in a way that I can use to glorify God. For those friends of mine who still look at porn, I have seen huge strides compared to where I saw them a month or a year ago. I, and they, attribute this to YL's affect on our lives. It has been a tremendous blessing God has bestowed upon us.

Because of this, I became a YL junior leader, which essentially means I go to some extra bible studies about biblical leadership, I try to be a leader in YL activites by always being willing to participate and by aqlways being positive, and Iactively try to get kids to come to YL - essentially trying to be an abassador for YL in my school. It has been a great expirience, and one that I will continue to enjoy throughout my next and fnial year of high school.

As I said before, my school recently went to yonug life camp. Camp's main goal is to save lost kids, so all the stories and skits point to Christ the Savior. Despite having heard these stories thousands of times, I was greatly moved. During 20 mintues of personal quiet time we were given following the talk of Jesus' death on the cross, I spent a lot of time thinking about my future and where I want to spend my life, and that's where these prayer requests come in.

1) Please pray that I get into my first choice college, Robert Morris. They have a good business school that I want to attend, but more important, I already know the Young Life Area Director for the area where RMU is located.
2) If I get into RMU, please pray for me to find favor with the YL staff there. Many leaders of YL are college aged, so I hope to lead one of the YL's in the area, or maybe even help get a new one off the ground.
3) Please pray that I do not lose sight of what's in front of me. I still have a whole year left, and I am not a very focused person to begin with. Please pray that I continue to be focused on school for my last year.

Thanks for reading and praying in advance. I know getting into my first choice schoo is pretty selfish request, but through a lot of prayer and thinking the coincedence of meeting the YLdirector for the area, I think it's where I am supposed to be, so I figure some more prayer can't hurt. I'd also just like to publically thank God for giving me my life now. I know it's only going to get better as I walk with him.

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Re: Because there is truly not a great place to put this
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2009, 12:00:10 AM »
Awesome testimony man! Keep pressing into God during this next stage of transition for you!
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?


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