ATTENTION!! If you have hosted a tournament in the past and are a message boards member, please PM me if your "Position" has not yet been updated to Tournament Host. If you have another position apart from Junior Member or Senior Member, you must choose between that position or Tournament host. Elders, Playtesters and the like may not change their positions please. Thanks and Godbless.
Click this for INFO ON PRE-CACTUS-APPROVED TOURNEYS !!!Join the official Redemption Discord:*******************************
Redemption® CCG Game Master - is a host, judge, referee, etc. who has committed himself/herself to promote Redemption® gaming by organizing a tournament no matter how small the attendance.
Wikipedia has a definition: Redemption®, all it takes is be at least 15 years of age to host. If you are younger than 18, all you need is adult supervision during the tournament itself.
Shown below are quick start downloads for you to start your Redemption® hosting: Track hosting tips:
a. You may host your first two Local tournaments by yourself, then you are allowed to host your first District tournament, etc...
b. An existing host who has hosted above Local and District level may co-host with you on your first Local, and then co-host again as you jump ahead to your first District tournament without needing to host another Local.
c. Let you and your playgroup members join the Redemption Gamers Discord server AND create your own for your area, region, or state (it's so easy).
Some useful links:
1. A post that brainstorms unique hosting activities that boost interest and the bottom line:
CLICK HERE!2. A template I use as a basis to send Emails and letters to churches and organizations to propose demos of the game:
CLICK HERE!Useful Gadgets & Visual Displays:
1. Display banners at your tourneys! --
CLICK HERE! and hover below:
2. The Berkenpas Tournament Tracker -
CLICK HERE!3. A Free PC Timer -
CLICK HERE!4. An Inexpensive Way to Light Up Your Gaming Tent: Printables:
1. A One-Page Redemption CCG Overview Flyer!:
CLICK HERE!2. Microsoft Publisher printables to create a display board using a project board --
CLICK HERE! See finished product for project board
CLICK HERE!3. Printable Official Deck List Forms - Redemption® Audio-Visual Resource:
CLICK HERE!************************
Host a Local / District tourney in your area NOW!
Note to all Hosts, please join the campaign to initiate more hosts in the Redemption® gaming world!