Author Topic: FL Local 2P Booster Winning Deck.  (Read 4651 times)

Offline SiLeNcEd_MaTrIx

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FL Local 2P Booster Winning Deck.
« on: February 23, 2020, 01:30:15 PM »
Packs were Priests, RoA, Foof, Fall of Man, (2x) Prophecies of Christ

50 Cards (3-0)
Game 1  (5-0)
Game 2 (5-3)
Game 3 (5-3)

All 3 games I decked out while opponent had at least 20+ cards left if not more.  I love Seven Years of Plenty.  Got a very solid offense which didn't have much trouble getting past anything.  To me, even without a judge, Angel Under the Oak is worth always grabbing for the Draw 2.  Got really lucky with my defense as well.  The Terrifying Beast + Namaan's Chariots + Suicidal Swine Stampede or Balaam's Disobedience was really amazing.  I once got to draw 7 defending and playing (2) swift horses and a regrets.  High Priests Maid is an undervalued booster card.  False Prophecy was amazing to get soul gen going and using in battle for a free block most times.  I wish I had at least 1 more crimson evil character but I did belz banquest twice one game.  Uzzah is always OP in booster (grab crappy artifacts just for him near the end of a pack if need be!)

Lost Souls (7):
6x Meek
1x Discarder (Psalm 119:150)

Artifacts (2):
Iron Pan
Golden Cheribum

Dual Cards (2):
Seven Years of Plenty
Two by Two

Multi-Good (6):
Joseph, the Dreamer
Phinehas, son of Eleazar
'I AM' Has Sent Me
Capturing Canaan
The Lord Fights for You

Blue (9):
Numerous as the Stars
Reuben's Torn Clothes
Forgiveness of Joseph
Jacob Buries the Foreign gods
Buying Grain

Red (7):
Caleb (FoM)
Caleb (FooF)
Power of the Cross
Caleb's Sword
Battle Axe

Silver (1):
The Angel Under the Oak

Multi-Evil (3):
Damsel with Spirit of Divination
The Terrifying Beast (PoC)

Black (1):
High Priest's Maid

Brown (1):

Crimson (6):
King Belshazzar
Belshazzar's Banquet (2)
Swift Horses (2)

Gray (4):
Namaan's Chariot and Horses
False Prophecy
Balaam's Disobedience

Orange (1):
Suicidal Swine Stampede

« Last Edit: February 23, 2020, 01:36:55 PM by SiLeNcEd_MaTrIx »
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