These would be what you say were the highlights and bummers of Nats for you this year.
My Highlights:*Being able to participate in my first Nationals tournament ever!
*Getting to Meet Rob Anderson
*Getting his autographs on my "Authority of Christ" promo and my copy of the original Player's Guide
*Getting a picture taken with him and getting a compliment from him about the deck I made for my brother. (He had the Darth Vader Sleeves in T1/2P)
*Having played "Fellowship" and having a huge 63/55 juggernaut in battle (it soon fizzled out though)
*In above game, it was a draw and we ran out the clock.
*Getting slaughtered by a TGT deck. (Seriously, I think this was good.

*Getting my very first official tournament win in the last round.
*Playing Chris Bany during my bye.
The Bummers*Getting a bye. (But had a good consolation.)
*In the first round, I got beaten by someone who said that that was her first game. :O
*Not getting to play Rob Anderson
*My "Priests of Christ" promo had a weird circle on the bottom part of the card back, making it impossible to use it in clear sleeves or sleeveless decks.
*Forgetting to pray before each round.
*A win against someone I played due to my opponent's deck illegality. For some reason, several of his Lost Souls disappeared. He found them later, fortunately, but it was a shame to see something like that happen.
*Quoting Rainbow Dash's infamous line "So Awesome!" while sticking my fists to my cheeks..... and only one guy got the reference.

All in all, I had a great time, and I'd love to do it again!

What were your best and worst moments of the tournament?