Author Topic: Type Half 3rd Place  (Read 1733 times)

Offline dermo4christ

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Type Half 3rd Place
« on: August 11, 2017, 11:58:28 AM »
Hey all! I can finally say that I placed in a category at Nats! Woohoo! So excited!! I placed 3rd in Type Half. I know it wasn't a main category but it was a category none the less. The deck I used was a FBTN/Chump Blocker that played 6 games and went 4-2.

Moses (CoW)
Captain (warrior class)
TSA (warriors)

Faith of Moses' Parents
Faith of Moses
Sword of the Spirit (CoW)
The Third Deal (Warriors)

Fire Foxes
Sabbath Breaker
Foreign Wives

Belsh's Banquet
Balaam' s Teachings
Seized by Rioters

Ends of the Earth (RoJ)
Confusion of Mind
Golden Sensor (RoJ)
You Will Remain

Open Hand

Round 1 vs. George Celotto
I got a lucky first draw: Auto, CoM, EotE, and STA. Activated CoM so George's hero's were negated and then pushed Auto for the d2 to get Moses. He couldn't block so I got a freebie. And it went fairly smooth since I was able to get Moses and TSA out first round with Ends to get my good enhance. Won 3-1. Blocked with Uzzah and Sensor and second block was Breaker vs. George's Moses. Played Teachings off Breaker. He didn't have an enhance. So force withdraw CBP.

Round 2 vs. George Celotto
A bit longer of a game as my first draw wasn't as lucky. Although I did grab wives and seized by Rioters in that first draw along with 2 souls. Replaced souls souls with Golden Sensor and Banquet. All I remember with this round was that George and I kept battling back and forth with each others' Moses. I used Remain at one point after losing Moses by numbers to get Captain with Sword into battle for my second soul and he got his back with Eternal Covenant. I ended up winning that one 3-2.

Round 3 vs. Kai
Good game! I got a lucky draw with both Captain and Moses, a soul, and Remain. Replaced soul with CoM. He drew the most souls and chose to go first. I can't remember his offense but I do remember him getting the first soul as I didn't draw any blockers. I d2 and get a second soul and wives. Replaced soul with seized by Rioters. Activated CoM.  Pushed Auto for the d2 to Moses. No block. 1-1. All Kais hero's are negated and he chose not to dc off curse all game. Unfortunately for Kai, his Caananites that stood a chance against Moses and TSA were on the bottom of his deck so he never had a really good block. I ended up winning that one 3 to 2. He was able to negate my wives/SbR block to get his second. I ended up winning the game with TSA push. He told me "You win. I can't get the numbers." It was a good game!

Round 4 vs. Young Kid (cant remember his name at all)
This game was extremely fast as he drew all his souls 1st turn and then drew all hero's and ecs  with no enhances. I won 3 to 0.

Rounds 5 and 6 were losses. Round 5 I couldnt keep my Hero's on the table as they were either being capped or dc'd and I didn't draw CoM or Remain until the last two cards. My draws were awful, first turn, both games, I drew 3 out of 4 souls. Not good in Type Half.....😣. Round 6 my opponent had alot of cbp and cbn  stuff that were able to get around my fbtn offense. I was only able to pull off 1 or 2 blocks between both games. Brutal!!!

This may not be the greatest report you all have seen on the boards from a nationally placed competitor. However, I wanted to be able to post, FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER IN 6 YEARS!, my third place Type Half deck!

Thanks to all for playing and, especially to Isaac for creating this category at Nats!!! And also to JD for helping me tweak this deck for the 5th and final time (I built it and tweaked it 3 times before coming to JD for advice.....twice!)!

« Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 12:02:52 PM by dermo4christ »


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