Author Topic: Type 2 Blowout report  (Read 2802 times)

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Type 2 Blowout report
« on: February 28, 2011, 02:03:11 PM »
I was blessed enough through Bill to able to attend this year’s Type 2 only tournament, so I figured I would do my service and post a tournament report for those unable to attend.

I caught a flight from Pittsburgh at 4:40 pm. I was on the only plane out of my terminal not to get delayed, so the blessings came early in my trip. I arrived at Minneapolis a bit early, where I spent about 30 minutes figuring out how to get to the entrance where Bubbleboy picked me up. After arriving at the tournament, I set to work constructing my sealed deck. I was paired with Bubbleboy and we were the only ones to choose to use the E/F starter decks. I got a bit lucky on the random selection and ended up with the Silver offense, so for my 6 packs, I selected 3 Angel Wars and 3 Patriarchs in addition to my Disciples and TexP packs.

My deck wasn’t overly intimidating, but I did get enough worthwhile neutral cards to run a 40/40/25 set up. By “worthwhile neutral cards”, I really mean I drafted 4 sites and traded for Bubbleboy’s 4 sites to give myself 8 sites, allowing myself to lock out anyone without access to my sites after Son of God and Burial. The other notable about my deck was the epic hero that is Abram/Abraham. I managed to convert Abram to Abraham in 3 separate games, including one where he finished the game with 4 counters. He was beastly when backed up by my Covenant of Abraham x3, Abraham’s Descendants, and Jubilee x2. Abraham was definitely my MVP. If I recall correctly, I finished 3-2 in sealed deck.

After the conclusion of the Sealed Deck unofficial tournament, the Save Que Foundation proudly presented the first prize to Jordan Alstad. First prize was a beautiful shirt reading “Save Que” with a picture of the Q-tie himself courtesy of Matt Brinkman. The Save Que Foundation had one Elder under their grasp. An informal meeting was then held among the members in attendance + Professor Alstad and a guy from Iowa who’s name I do not remember (and by informal meeting, I mean we stayed up until about 5:30 talking about ridiculous things and rulings).

After getting a robust 3 hours asleep, I was awoken by Bill, grabbed a bowl of Cocoa Puffs for breakfast, checked in my deck (it was legal) and prepared for my first matchup. I couldn’t wait to see what was going to be popular. As it turns out, I didn’t even have to go to the tournament to know that, as my suspicions about popular offenses were correct.

For my first game, I was paired with Scott Reuter. He said he wasn’t a very good player, but I assured him I didn’t play much Type 2 anyway. The game commenced. Unfortunately for Scott, his deck was a very bad matchup against. His combination of Captain Banding, Job, and Bulletproof Samson was no match for my CBNB + Horses/End the battle defense, and his Roman Emperors were not doing much against Thaddeus. He managed to pull off 3 rescues, but two of them were with Dominants. I rescued 7 with my disciples.

After a solid performance, I was feeling good about the next game. I got matched with Jacob Fountain. He surprised me with an Angel/Demon deck. He used Consuming Fire on offense to keep me from using my horses, on my Archers and had the solid defense of not drawing souls. He also spotted a Strong Demon against my purple Disciples for most of the game. In the end, he walked through me pretty quick due to the combination of a bad deck matchup and a terrible defensive draw. The final score was 7-2

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: Type 2 Blowout report
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2011, 02:03:53 PM »
My next opponent was Mike Nordby, or The M to you forum goers. I knew he was using a newer deck and hadn’t played much Type 2, so I was confident my deck would be able to be victorious in the end, as I had glossed his deck list previously and was not concerned with his White Ladies offense. His magician defense was a little tougher, but as it turned out, I had a lot of time to handle it. He didn’t draw a soul for approximately 11 turns, and shuffling of the deck was involved. In this time, I managed to deck out via Fishing Boat, drawing an average of 4 cards from the Boat per turn. This mass drawing allowed me to quickly set up some serious defense, and he never really got to close until near the end of the game when he managed to get a Salome, but by that time I had run out of enhancements anyway, so it was too little to late. The Final Score was 7-5.

I knew going into Round 4 that I had a strong chance to play for a place if I won this round, as the final two undefeated players, Gabe and TrollSauce were playing. I figured if I won, I had a low enough diffential to get a good pairing next round and sneak into placing talk (and by placing talk, I mean 3rd place as well, even if this is a local). I got paired with an RLK who I do not remember the name of. He was playing Prophets and Babylonians. He started strong, jumping out to a 4-0 lead. Unfortunately for him, by then, my defense had set up, and I just sat there and stalled him until I got Blue Tassels and Thaddeus. Combined with a well timed convert of his Nebuchadnezzar, I fought back to finish with the 7-4 win, largely on the back of the James/John band and Thaddeus.

At this point, I was really hoping to play TrollSauce to see his Pharisee defense at work, but as fate would have it, I got paired with Josh Brinkman and played one of the most anti-climactic games in Redemption history. We both played disciples offenses, and I made one mistake on an RA. Combined his early Thaddeus, it wasn’t much of a game for either of us and he won pretty easily 7-2.

For those of you counting out home, that left me with a 3-2 record with a 0 differential, which was good for 9 points and 9th place.

As for meta information, most seasoned Type Two players probably knew that Disciples would be popular, but I was surprised at just how popular they were. Disciples finished in 5 of the top 10 places, with another place being taken by White Women. At least 3 of the top 10 defenses were Pharisees. It was also rumored that Gabe is Samson and that we need to cut his hair off to sap his strength (ok, not really, but it’s a possibility).

Those of you looking to compete in Type 2 absolutely must have several counters to Thaddeus in every deck you build. Thaddeus spam is a real problem. I would suggest Unholy Writ x3 and possibly even Confusion of Mind x2. It was incredible how prevalent he was.

I would type a multi report, but multi is terrible now without A New Beginning, so it was really boring for me, and honestly, I don’t remember it anyway because I was so tired.

Thanks go out to Bill for the great tournament and Jordan Alstad for letting me sleep at his house Saturday night.


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Re: Type 2 Blowout report
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2011, 02:15:24 PM »
Slightly random note, Scott Reuter's board name is Wanderer.

And again, I beg for multi. :)

Phillies are the best way to go to stop Thad. Satan's Seat is a fail.

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: Type 2 Blowout report
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2011, 02:17:34 PM »
Slightly random note, Scott Reuter's board name is Wanderer.

And again, I beg for multi. :)

Phillies are the best way to go to stop Thad. Satan's Seat is a fail.

Phillies fail against too much other stuff though. Also, Phillies get slaughtered by the other parts of disciples. I'd say Crimson is a much harder counter than Philistines.

Is it? I just know he hosted States last year?

Multi stinks. I won't humor it :D


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Re: Type 2 Blowout report
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2011, 02:19:14 PM »
Multi was awesome.

Justin: "Why did you convert all his Pharisees [I had like 3 converted PP and 2 converted Pharisees] to heroes? And you made one white?"
Craig: "It seemed like a good idea at the time...."

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: Type 2 Blowout report
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2011, 02:20:34 PM »
Multi was awesome.

Justin: "Why did you convert all his Pharisees [I had like 3 converted PP and 2 converted Pharisees] to heroes? And you made one white?"
Craig: "It seemed like a good idea at the time...."

Well, I was never paired with you, and I got paired with Craig first round, so he thought he still had a chance to win back then ;)


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Re: Type 2 Blowout report
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2011, 02:53:53 PM »
Whatever :-*. Also, the guy from Iowa that stayed up was Sepjazzwarrior.

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Re: Type 2 Blowout report
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2011, 04:21:55 PM »
Multi was awesome.

Justin: "Why did you convert all his Pharisees [I had like 3 converted PP and 2 converted Pharisees] to heroes? And you made one white?"
Craig: "It seemed like a good idea at the time...."

That was actually my query, not Justin's.
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Re: Type 2 Blowout report
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2011, 07:29:37 PM »
To me, multi always failed.   ;D  ANB just made it a little more bearable.  :P  I'm glad I picked board games instead.  Civilization the board game is awesome!  :laugh:

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Re: Type 2 Blowout report
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2011, 08:37:03 PM »
Satan's Seat is a fail.
But it just seems like it should be so good, doesn't it? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

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Re: Type 2 Blowout report
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2011, 09:47:10 PM »
Wow Great report Alex! I wish I could have been there!
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Re: Type 2 Blowout report
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2011, 10:03:47 PM »
To me, multi always failed.   ;D  ANB just made it a little more bearable.  :P  I'm glad I picked board games instead.  Civilization the board game is awesome!  :laugh:
Yes it was, I'll have to remember to play it when I'm not falling asleep   :P
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Re: Type 2 Blowout report
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2011, 10:22:18 AM »
Great Report Alex! I really appreciate the time you spent to write this up for us who wished we could have been there. I really thought Jobs Faith and Emps would have done better. Maybe some decklist for Disciples?
Thanks Again
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