Author Topic: TN state  (Read 1234 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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TN state
« on: June 17, 2013, 07:39:31 PM »
I rode up, slightly late due to work, to meet with RTSmaniac and Logan. I car pooled with them and Logan's grandpa drove, and RTS brought his son with him. I was very much looking forward to this tournament as I have been active duty military for nine months, and I have not been able to play since nationals. We got there in time for booster. I posted my deck under complete decks, it was a very nice draft. We used tins, where I got the Levi/Asher and evil Greek band, all packs minus warriors, and disciples and txp. I won both games to go undefeated and take first place. The first game was not so much of a problem as my offense could never really be stopped. The second game on the other hand was close. Clift attacked Logan with his Isaiah/angel band. Long story short Logan drops a Sin in the Camp, a hostility, and Great mourning on him along with a successful block. Because of that Great Mourning I was able to attack next and he was out of defense, and Clift, who was in first now tied with me could not attack, so I rescued again and won. The next day was type 2 2 player and type 1 multi. Both decks that I used are on complete decks or type 2 advice, they are titled My Samuel, and Unity in Christ. They have been modified prior to tournament but those are very close checklists, the unity deck used ten different color sites with deceivers on defense.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: TN state
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2013, 07:48:52 PM »
I do not know the names of my opponents for the most part. First game I faced a jank deck pretty much. He used teal/purple but not your normal offense, he was somewhat of a newer player. I used my Unity in Christ deck on him. I wanted to somewhat slow play it to show him how it worked and teach him type 2. My combo set up early and I just waited till I had everything to make the final blows. I held SoG/NJ on him just to test my deck out to see if it could easily rescue seven. I did this because two years ago I did not rank at nationals because I used this deck but didn't test it and realized without the two Abe's kid and 2 Moses and elders, the deck runs out of firepower at five lost souls. I easily won game one 7-2. Next game I faced someone else I don't remember what they were using but I chose my Samuel deck. It murdered them, 7-1. The defense set up on him early and he could not rescue a single soul, and the offense ran over him without being blocked. The final round was the two undefeated players, rtsmaniac vs myself. He chose his other deck and it surprised me, as I chose my Samuel deck. We started off aggressive from the beginning. I knew his deck was fast so I had to run with him. I got a beautiful start. It seemed like a was a slight step ahead all game. It was hard to block him though and he had a 5-4 lead on me, neither had played the big two. I held SoG though, and I had drawn a lot more than him, so I was more confident that he did not have it. I got my defense set and blocked him a little and also tied the game. He decided not to attack one turn and to instead set up his deck to draw a lot the next turn to race me. I attacked and won the rescue and played SoG for the win, and the tournament win.


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