Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Redemption® Collectible Trading Card Game HQ => Playgroup and Tournament Central => Redemption® Official Tournaments => Topic started by: CactusRob on March 05, 2010, 12:05:07 PM
The Redemption National Tournament Official Website: (
So, Susan and I were in New York a few weeks ago for Toy Fair. Matt had his new video camera and well... (
How many people do you know in this video?
Hmmm. It might be just me, but I don't think the audio is working on that video. However, judging from Jon's reaction near the end, I'm guessing Boston got Natz.
Nice...depending on prices for everything...I might actually be able to go...Windfield, MA? If i heard correctly...
My computer is struggling to download the whole thing but I'm going to assume Nationals is in Boston.
EDIT: but I need to know the dates...anybody who got the whole video willing to share the dates?
Woo Hoo!!!
Windfield, MA
August 12-14
Audio and video worked for me, RC's dates and place are correct, except I think it's spelled Lynnfield, MA. ;)
Ah, got it, my computer thought I still had headphones plugged in.
Cool. Thanks Rob!
MA?MA?MA? well i'm glad they got it.
*sigh* Maybe next year...
...unless there are any MN carpoolers?
I am deeply disappointed, that Rob and his cohorts did not tell us the REALLY pressing news from Toy Fair...
... what is the word on the new Star Wars: Epic Duels that was previewed last year?
*sigh* Maybe next year...
...unless there are any MN carpoolers?
I know Wild Bill is negotiating with his wife to let him and Nathan go. I'll have to do the same by that time. And I know Justin will do what he can to get himself there. We'll all keep in touch.
The wife said to far to drive to expensive to fly. Look out Redemption players Nats Missouri in 2012
I am deeply disappointed, that Rob and his cohorts did not tell us the REALLY pressing news from Toy Fair...
... what is the word on the new Star Wars: Epic Duels that was previewed last year?
Heh heh heh ...... I think you could ask John M. better, as no else is as obsessed as you than he!!!! Blessings, brother!
A huge 'THANK YOU!' to our dear Matt S. for filming this great clip! His major plan is to even have live streaming for Nats 2010. Kudos!!!!
Godbless ALL!!!
The wife said to far to drive to expensive to fly. Look out Redemption players Nats Missouri in 2012
Nooooooo ..... keep on praying, and saving mullah! WE will see both you and your wife in the North East!!!!
the new Star Wars: Epic Duels that was previewed last year?
I have not heard of this awesomeness. Is this for real?
As for Nats, it's out of my range for attending, but I'm happy for the people up in the Northeast, and I'm sure that they'll put on a great Nats experience for all who come.
As for Nats, it's out of my range for attending ......
Mark, PM me on this please. I need more details, brother. ;)
I have been to a nats so if we cant make it then we will try to make it to the next one. Like i said i am shooting to host nats in missouri in 2012. Congrats to the North East
15 Passenger van with trailer coming from Franklin, OH...if you are interested in driving with us click here, (
the new Star Wars: Epic Duels that was previewed last year?
I have not heard of this awesomeness. Is this for real?
It was previewed at last year's Toy Fair but fell off the radar shortly thereafter. The buzz was that it would feature characters from the Clone Wars cartoon series and be age-rated at 6+ (either because they thought the game was that simple, or because they reduced the complexity from the original).
Early reports are that it is absent from Hasbro's booth this year, suggesting it may be a canceled product.
It looks like our route will take us through Dayton, Columbus, Cleveland, Erie, Buffalo, Syracuse, Albany, then Boston. If you are on that route and want to hitch a ride with us PM me...first come/first serve!
the new Star Wars: Epic Duels that was previewed last year?
I have not heard of this awesomeness. Is this for real?
It was previewed at last year's Toy Fair but fell off the radar shortly thereafter. The buzz was that it would feature characters from the Clone Wars cartoon series and be age-rated at 6+ (either because they thought the game was that simple, or because they reduced the complexity from the original).
Early reports are that it is absent from Hasbro's booth this year, suggesting it may be a canceled product.
Well, the online community for Epic Duels is enough for me to continue playing it; the custom characters, boards, and RTS are pretty cool. A simple version wouldn't be as fun.
Anyway.... Congrats to Mass; I won't be near unfortunately.
Yeah but if the boards and characters (and card decks) were compatible, we owners could treat it as an expansion ;)
Anyway.... Congrats to Mass; I won't be near unfortunately.
Try your best to save up for it, Cameron. With Him, nothing is impossible!
Hey Travis,
I would be interested but I'm most likely traveling with my wife and stay a little extra to catch a Red Sox game. FWIW, you can stay at my place overnight if you want to break the trip in half. :)
John M. or Matt S. hook me up with some tickets!!!!!!
Awesome! Definitely going to do my best to come.
Kurt and I plan to attend, and we will be bringing my wife and daughters along, too. If anyone else is bringing a wife and/or non-participating young'uns, maybe they could get together and plan some little local side activities for those days.
My only concern is Gretel will be stuck in education training, although I hope not. If I may inquire, why so late compared to prior years?
Brad I really hope you and Grettal can make it ;D It landed on this weekend because Rob had the catholic bookshow and I had Soulfest on the traditional 1st weekend of August. As far as acomadations are concerned we will try to have as much cost cutting built into the weekend as possible. It is however, an expence, so I hope everyone plans to make this weekend a summer priority.
We are going to UNVEIL a MAJOR NEW inovative offer that has never been done before in the Redemption Community. It will help us celebrate the 15th anniversary of Redemption. This offer will be announced within the next two weeks at website and will only be availble by attending Nationals this summer. This is where all online Registration and updates will be posted.
I want to thank Bryan and Kurt Hake for helping us make this initiative a reality and thanks to Rob for his consent. Stay Tuned... and get ready to be blown away!!!
SEE YOU ALL this Summer!
JOHN Gauntlet Games JOHN 10:10
woo hoo!
I can't wait my wife, baby and i will be up for sure.
Our first nats and third wedding anniversary.
Looks like I can not make it. August 14th is first day of fall semester. Why do the second week in August when so much of our players are still in school? I realize dates can not please everyone, but why not try to please the majority? I would do it in the last week of July, that way students can come.
Yep but July runs into summer camps and mission trips. Personally, I like the date alot!
John, what is the word on the Red Sox hook up?
Brad I really hope you and Grettal can make it ;D It landed on this weekend because Rob had the catholic bookshow and I had Soulfest on the traditional 1st weekend of August. As far as acomadations are concerned we will try to have as much cost cutting built into the weekend as possible. It is however, an expence, so I hope everyone plans to make this weekend a summer priority.
We are going to UNVEIL a MAJOR NEW inovative offer that has never been done before in the Redemption Community. It will help us celebrate the 15th anniversary of Redemption. This offer will be announced within the next two weeks at website and will only be availble by attending Nationals this summer. This is where all online Registration and updates will be posted.
I want to thank Bryan and Kurt Hake for helping us make this initiative a reality and thanks to Rob for his consent. Stay Tuned... and get ready to be blown away!!!
SEE YOU ALL this Summer!
JOHN Gauntlet Games JOHN 10:10
hmmm what could it be?
Looks like I can not make it. August 14th is first day of fall semester. Why do the second week in August when so much of our players are still in school? I realize dates can not please everyone, but why not try to please the majority? I would do it in the last week of July, that way students can come.
I have the opposite problem. Summer school in CA typically ends about July 31 (I had to miss the last day of Summer School to host nats last summer), with the entire month of August off. Our first day of School is usually right around Sept 1 to the day after Labor Day.
So, I like the dates. I'm sorry it does not work out for you, though.
John, what is the word on the Red Sox hook up?
So, I like the dates.
This is beginning to sound like a conspiracy. Did anyone else notice how nervous Rob looked in that video? He was clearly reading a script and the people behind him (Nick Archick and Mike Mendencino, I think) looked like they were holding something against Rob's back.
yeah that's mike mendicino and me with the soda
Sorry I have to break bad news about the Red Sox. they will be on the road Aug. 6-15 they are home Aug 5 and 17 . If you would like to come super early or stay super late I can plan Dinner and a Game, Jon
Let me know
Let me talk to the wife, John, and check the calendar dates....I may make one of those work...I would really like to get that ballpark in this year. I'm sure there are other things to do in Boston. The only two hindrances that we must discuss is the number of vacation days and hotel fees for 8 days. I'll let you know quickly....thanks for checking on the schedule and getting back with me.
I'm sure there are other things to do in Boston.
I highly recommend the Freedom Trail. You can easily walk it, and it takes you to tons of famous historical stuff (most of which is free). Places that I remember include Breed's Hill (where the battle of Bunker Hill happened), Paul Revere's birthplace, the place where the Boston Massacre happened, the cemetery where a bunch of people are buried (from John Adams to Mother Goose), Fauniel Hall (probably misspelled) where revolutionaries across our nation's history have held meetings, the book store where the Scarlet Letter was first published, etc. You can also easily walk to the place where the Boston Tea Party happened and even get on a replica of the ship.
yeah Boston is a fun place to visit!
I really wanna go soooo bad, hopefully I'll have enough money to put up in a hotel for a couple days and a ticket for a plane or bus/greyhound/w.e.
FWIW, you can still take a tour of Fenway Park when the Red Sox are away. The seats are actually not very comfortable for watching a game anyway. Apparently people in 1912 were not as wide as me. ;)
Other things I used to do in Boston when I was younger:
Faneuil Hall is now a shopping complex, too.
Boston Harbor - which includes visiting the unique islands in the Harbor, visiting the USS Constitution (galleon-type ship), whale-watching boat trips, and lobster snatch-and-grabs (if you like seafood).
Boston Aquarium - unusual large-scale aquarium because it is mostly vertical due to limited space in Boston
Boston Museum of Art - if you are so inclined
Boston Children's Museum - for younger family members who are enduring the trip
Six Flags New England - 100 miles away from Lynnfield if you are a park enthusiast
Canobie Lake Park - 30 miles north in New Hampshire for a smaller scale amusement park
If you want a real adventure, then take a drive on the Interstate through Boston. If you have never been around Boston drivers during Rush Hour, then you are in for a treat.
As a long-time New Hampshire resident, I can also give tips on things to do there if anyone is interested. Lynnfield is less than half an hour from the border of NH. Manchester, NH is 50 miles away, which is my old hometown.
I can't believe no one has mentioned the Boston Science Museum yet. It is hands down the coolest museum I've been to in my lifetime...
BTW, there is also the Boston Museum of Science, which I hear is really cool.
A note for flyers, flying into Manchester,NH airport tends to be cheaper (especially through Southwest Airlines) than flying into Boston. Also, getting out of Manchester is whole lot easier than getting out of Logan, especially if there is an accident in the tunnel (or if sections of the tunnel suddenly collapse due to poor workmanship). :o
oh no
i won't be able to attend AGAIN considering the fact that it's out of the way for me and cause the cost is too much for me
I didn't catch the name of the church. Does anybody know what it is? And it's Lynnfield Mass right? I just wanna look for a hotel that is close enough to it...
I didn't catch the name of the church. Does anybody know what it is? And it's Lynnfield Mass right? I just wanna look for a hotel that is close enough to it...
Calvary Christian Church, 47 Grove Street, Lynnfield, MA 01940
See ya!
*sigh* Maybe next year...
...unless there are any MN carpoolers?
I know Wild Bill is negotiating with his wife to let him and Nathan go. I'll have to do the same by that time. And I know Justin will do what he can to get himself there. We'll all keep in touch.
add me to this list.
I caught up with the buffered section right as he said "held..." and I'm pretty sure I nearly missed a heart attack.
Any recommendation on hotels around the area that are close to this church?
Any recommendation on hotels around the area that are close to this church?
Hey there brother. Your question might better be seen by others on a related thread and so I placed a link on that thread, too. (
I think I might go, just because of so many great things coming up, and I love the teams from last tournament, and who knows, more new cards can be bought. I am so saving money from now to Boston, and of course need to know the air fair.
What happened to the new innovative offer being posted within 2 weeks? That would have been by March 19th, and unless I missed something, I don't see the offer posted...
Also, what about the web site that was going to be posted in "a day or so"?
The innovation is in the transmission.... I know I received the offer in a dream on March 18th.
The innovation is in the transmission.... I know I received the offer in a dream on March 18th.
I actually saw it in a vision. ;)
(see Acts 2:17 (
You see. It fits perfectly. ;D
Well, I'm older than you. I just don't make it public knowledge. :D
Here's what I wear on fall Sundays:
The innovation is in the transmission.... I know I received the offer in a dream on March 18th.
I actually saw it in a vision. ;)
(see Acts 2:17 (
Wow! That verse is... prophetic. ;)
Is the website for nats up yet?
After a little searching, I was able to find it here (
Why is Type 2 at the same time as booster? Why isn't it against Type 1 like in the past? I am curious to know the reasoning for these pairings???
Why is Type 2 at the same time as booster? Why isn't it against Type 1 like in the past? I am curious to know the reasoning for these pairings???
even if I could go, which I doubt, that's crazy. the two best events shouldn't be at the same time.
I have to say, I think that is one of the worst schedules yet. Sorry, but the last day is almost pointless. Teams, Type 1 multi, and sealed... completely boring. Teams and type 1 multi are very closely related, and what about the type 2 players? We pretty much have to play sealed, thanks. Not many people like type 1 multiplayer, as anyone can see from the number of participants last year, and teams is almost the same thing. So why have those 2 running same day? It seems a two player category should go there instead. I also like the traditional booster draft at the last day, seems like a great way to wrap up nationals. Either way I am coming, but I just do not agree with the schedule.
I like Booster Draft last, too. Kurt will be disappointed if he can't do both Booster Draft and Type 2, 2-player. Those are his favorite events.
Am i behind or did any one else know that the new pack is called Disciples?
I cannot find the link to the schedule?
Am i behind or did any one else know that the new pack is called Disciples?
If this is legit, I saw it coming. :D APOSTLES REPRINT FTW!!!
i'm getting the new cards!
Am i behind or did any one else know that the new pack is called Disciples?
Where did you find this out?
Question…………….. What cards or expansions are legal at Nationals ?
Answer……………… All cards in the Redemption universe are legal for play at all Nationals 2010 events EXCEPT, any Custom Created cards, any Disciples expansion cards or New Nationals promo card, these will all be tournament legal at your first events following the 2010 championships.
On the nats page under FAQ
Read through the schedule carefully. Note what is being used for booster draft. There's more spoiler there than just the name...
anyway why can't we ordor a card and have someone pick it up?
anyway why can't we ordor a card and have someone pick it up?
That would ROCK.
Read through the schedule carefully. Note what is being used for booster draft. There's more spoiler there than just the name...
A box? like TEXP?
Read through the schedule carefully. Note what is being used for booster draft. There's more spoiler there than just the name...
Lol, I couldn't even find the schedule on there before. Now I see it. :rollin:
IMO, the ideal schedule would be more like:
Day 0: All the starting stuff
Day 1: Sealed and T1 Multi (boring events)
Day 2: T1-2P, T2-2P, and TA (standard events)
Day 3: Booster, TEAMS, and T2-MP (awesome events)
BTW, from the FAQ it sounds like there will be a new Nationals promo this year.
anyway why can't we ordor a card and have someone pick it up?
You MUST be present to pick it up. You know you want to come anyway. :)
If this is a success, it will likely be redone next year, so there is hope for those who want one and can't go this year.
I have been searching both the forums and cactus's site, where is the link to the schedule?
anyway why can't we ordor a card and have someone pick it up?
You MUST be present to pick it up. You know you want to come anyway. :)
If this is a success, it will likely be redone next year, so there is hope for those who want one and can't go this year.
why do i have to be present? if it's done next year i might go. i can't go because it's to far away.
I have been searching both the forums and cactus's site, where is the link to the schedule?
After a little searching, I was able to find it here (
Go to "Nat's Schedule" just beneath the photo at the top.
thank you bubble boy!
moved my rant to here (
I started a new thread discussing past schedules and such. (
instaposted by Marti :)
Gabe can now have two cards with his face on them. ;)
Gabe can now have two cards with his face on them. ;)
You read my mind. :laugh:
Of course, Gabe, you've pretty much committed yourself to promising never to shave or cut your hair. :) Could you imagine the shock from some of the players you only meet at Nats? :D
Just stay away from anyone named Delilah. ;)
Question for the powers that be.
My wife and I are planing on attending. I will be playing all three days, but my wife is only playing sealed deck on saturday. Does she still have to pay 25 dollars to preregister or will it just cost her $15 when she shows up to play sealed on saturday?
Gabe can now have two cards with his face on them. ;)
3. Throne of David and that one local promo guy who starts with an A and had a fight with Absalom over Tamar...
is it just me, or is $25 a bit high?
is it just me, or is $25 a bit high?
Are you kidding me?!? $25 for a tournament legal card with my ugly mug on it?!?!
I'm trying to figure out a way to come up with the $500+ for airfare and hotel. :-\ To me, THAT'S the true cost of a tournament legal card with my ugly mug on it.
25 dollars seems fair to me. I personally probably won't go for it, but with the classifications that you can choose from, prophet, priest, and sa, as well as low initative, (4,4)
It would *only* cost $6300 to get one of each!
i would gladly drop 6300 to get one of each possible card.
This new card promo also makes it impossible to collect every card in the game.
I was thinking that on the way home from work today...Poor travis is going to have a har time collecting multiples of every card in the game now!
If I make it to nats, I doubt that I will pay $25 for this. I might think about it if some of the abilities are super awesome and I can't live without it in the deck that I am using. I also might pay if I can get more than one for the cost.
I might think about it if some of the abilities are super awesome
Shoot, having a NT prophet to add to my T2 deck instead of Agabus is worth it right there! :)
is it just me, or is $25 a bit high?
Are you kidding me?!? $25 for a tournament legal card with my ugly mug on it?!?!
A. I was talking about pre-registration. and B. I wouldn't unless the abilities are good.
I might think about it if some of the abilities are super awesome
Shoot, having a NT prophet to add to my T2 deck instead of Agabus is worth it right there! :)
You might not feel the same way after seeing the Disciples set. :P
John reprint in green?
I might think about it if some of the abilities are super awesome
Shoot, having a NT prophet to add to my T2 deck instead of Agabus is worth it right there! :)
A N.T. musician is nice, too, especially if you are a female. :)
The more realistic price of the card is $50, beings everyone is going to buy this ( to wear for a picture, and that costs $25 also.
A N.T. musician is nice, too, especially if you are a female. :)
WOW! I didn't think of gender... A female priest?! CAN IT BE DONE?!
Can't stop females from choosing whichever category they want to be in.
My wife thought it would be cool to make a card of our daughter but shes only 2 1/2 months old so it would be a while before she could use it.
I just want to clarify something: You don't have to make a card about you, but you have to pick up the card you order correct?
- (
Check out this thead. The card has to be you and can only be used by you. Aka the image on the card has to match the player using it.
And I believe you have to be the one to pick it us, as the only way to currently get one of these cars is to attend nats.
Booster Draft Championship $20 fee
Standard ROA or FOOF tin plus a Disciples box expansion.
(Please bring 7 non special ability lost souls and opaque sleeves )
what are opaque sleeves?
WOW!! Britta and Marti and all the other females are SOOOO lucky! :D
opaque sleeves are sleeves you cant see through clear front blue back
Ha ha! So excited about that. I didn't even THINK about being a female priest... or musician. Totally worth it!
Seeker of the Lost is defined as a female because the picture shows someone wearing a bonnet.
Maybe if I wear a bonnet in my picture my Hero can be female too? ;D
Or is that one of those pictures that would get rejected? ::)
id vote Gabe would get to keep the picture.
robm the Nate FAQ disagrees with you from what I can see.
a bearded woman would certainly be interesting...
wait, the picture has to be you? dang, there goes my Saruman card. (but I guess he'd actually be O.T.)
The more realistic price of the card is $50, beings everyone is going to buy this ( to wear for a picture, and that costs $25 also.
OH WOW!!!! LOL.....way to open up the doors....bite your tongue Josh, bite your tongue
Seeker of the Lost is defined as a female because the picture shows someone wearing a bonnet.
Maybe if I wear a bonnet in my picture my Hero can be female too? ;D
I would pay the cost of your card to see you wear a bonnet!!! Then I would pay someone to make a copy of it for me to use against you when we play head to head again!!! .....LOL
I might think about it if some of the abilities are super awesome
Shoot, having a NT prophet to add to my T2 deck instead of Agabus is worth it right there! :)
A N.T. musician is nice, too, especially if you are a female. :)
Now I am going to have to drag my mom along so I can steal her card. Thanks alot! ;)
what no teal?
Teal really wouldn't make sense for most people. However, if someone who plays actually is a priest (Jewish or Catholic or whatever other kinds of priests there are nowadays), I think teal should be an option for them.
I'm cool with teal not being an option, but in response to BB's statement on being an actual priest, there are quotes in the NT about us having priestly duties as Christians, so they wouldn't necessarily need to be that (Romans 15:16). My understanding of the reasoning is that teal, other than PoC, is meant for people who did the priestly duties in the OT.
But, like I said in the other thread, white female musician ftw.
A NT Female White Musician would be pwnage...I wonder what the ability options are for that. :o
??? What?