Title says it.
I promised a family here on Long Island that I will not finalize my Nats travel plans until the last minute, even if they end up not being able to go. Tonight they finalized that they cannot travel.
My plan is to fly to Nats.
However, if by a certain 'miracle' I am able to organize 3 to 4 more people who would be willing to pay for gas etc., I will share my car and driving time.
My car: 2008 Elantra 4-door
Fuel stats: from Long Island NY to W Arden Hills MN: conditions for the 'miracle' to happen:
1. Minimum of 3 carpoolers except me. 2 other passengers apart from me must be licensed and insured drivers. Each driver will help me drive the car alternately.
2. I will not be part of gas money sharing (equal sharing regardless of distance from residence). Fair enough, I guess, since I will lose 3 working days by driving anyway.
3. We must crash at a hotel once per way (Estimate cost per person: $25 per night)
4. You take care of your own accommodations etc. at Nats --- best to crash at the church. We can leave Saturday night to save on extra hotel night.
5. I will need a group organized by Thursday night this week.
Plan if the 'miracle' happens:
1. Meet up along my driving route to pick you up (or alternative meetup method)
2. Leave the Northeast early on Aug 9, or Aug 8 if you think we need an extra hotel night.
3. Crash at a hotel after about 12 driving hours (or less depending on whether you want to have a pre-approved Local tourney at the hotel).
4. Pre-approved T1 2P or T1 Multi at the hotel, on the way to Nats.
Thintank please --- post or PM. Spread the news.