Author Topic: T1 Categories Nationals report  (Read 2391 times)

Offline Alex_Olijar

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T1 Categories Nationals report
« on: August 15, 2011, 11:14:51 AM »
I would post booster draft as well, but I got the bad tin and there was nothing in the packs in my brigade and I drafted with Gabe, so anyway, I did terrible.

I went into T12P with big expectations. I entered a offensive deck x2 (for plot) and a deck similar to trolololol to counter some Disciples. I ended up using my offensive deck in 9/10 games, not ripping any plots, and being mad I played my trolololol deck at all.

Round 1: Brianna Alstad, W 5-1

It was cool to meet yet another alstad (I have now personally met 5; orangebus is the only I have not). She never really had much of a chance in this game. I got a band out pretty quick and just walked in for 2 souls and Angel of the Lord'd a character for my 3rd. I drew SoG NJ soon after. It wasn't much of a game, but I was glad my deck drew so well, as it had recently been increased to an awkward 53 cards.

Round 2: Bret Niford, L 3-5

This game was really stupid overall. It started out great. I had two souls in territory; my two liner and a wanderer. He had a female and a shuffler. I won the tie break to go first. I switched for his shuffler and then RA'd with John. He didn't block, so I got the wanderer, leaving me with the two liner and shuffler to abuse. He RAs for half a two liner. His next turn, he buries his shuffler so I have to give him the two liner, and then proceeds to have a great soul draw for him (i.e. not getting any). He was playing a mirror TGT deck, so pretty much whenever souls did come up, we'd walk in for them. I made the only successful block of the game (out of 3 blocking attempts) and still lost. I was pretty mad at the draws at this point that I had lost a game without making a mistake or even really a decision that affected the outcome of the game.

Round 3: Daniel Overbeek, W 5-1

I don't really remember much of what happened because this game was over so fast. Daniel was really new to the game, but he had a good deck built by Travis Brown. I was sitting next to Gabe Isbell, and he told me after the game that my game was over so fast that he wasn't sure if we had played at all.

Round 4: Brian Jones, W 5-0

I had played Brian at MW regionals with virtually the same deck and won 5-0, so I was definately feeling good about the game going in. As it turned out, I had good reason, because the draws were on my side. He drew one hero which I CM'd. I walked in for two or three. I might not even have played SoG with NJ; I can't remember. It was my 4th game of the day that finished in about 15 minutes or less.

Round 5: John Nesfeder, L 1-5

I knew going in that Nesfeder would be a tough game, but it doesn't help when your opponent is good AND gets all the right cards. First turn, I RA, win, set aside my MMOJ and Joanna band with First Fruits. He turns up a Darius Decree on his first draw. I couldn't get another hero for a turn or two, and had no evil characters. He fell me away, so I had to win back my one soul. He soon got to 3, and combined with his drawing via Boat and Pentecost, I was never going to recover. I lost another lame game due to nothing I had done.

Round 6: Alan Rice, L 1-5

I had discovered before the game that I was almost certainly playing Alan, and I knew he always plays heavy offense, so I decided to switch to my heavy defense deck in order to avoid having another coin flip game of hoping he didn't get his few stalls if I didn't. Unfortunately, in order to win with my heavy defense, you have to actually play well. I made at least 4 notable mistakes, including blocking with a negated Uzzah, and totally didn't deserve to win this game. Alan made a few mistakes too, but his were not nearly as big, and so he won. We had a "winner gets a tat" agreement, but I'm not sure we ever gave him a tat.

Round 7: Jeremy Volk, W 5-0

Jeremy was playing a unique Gold/Silver offense (without new tin support!) and orange defense. Unfortunately, I didn't draw too many souls, and when I did, I actually managed to block (even in my heavy offense deck!). I just trolled him with a big band and he never really drew anything to counter it, so it was my 6th game of the game that wasn't much of a game.

Round 8: Kirkland Wilson, W 5-2

I don't remember this game at all other than that Kirkland was a little kid. I was pretty tired and frustrated with my games at this point, but I knew if I won out, I would probably be top 10, so I did my best to keep my differential high. I guess I did well, because Bany's spreadsheet says I won 5-2.

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: T1 Categories Nationals report
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2011, 11:16:01 AM »
Round 9: James Roepke, W 5-4

James is a really good, but unknown player because he isn't overly active on the boards. He was playing a Teal/Green offense with a black defense that he and John Earley had put together the night before. I was concerned going in; I knew James was good, and I figured his deck would be good. There was one really notable battle endgame that changed the game on way or another.

Matthew RA, d3, gets CM'd.
I am at 2, so I instead, hoping not to hit NJ and ensure I get it next turn.
I hit NJ.
James plays SoG, NJ, to get to 4 and get rid of souls in his land of bondage.
I play Harvest Time.
He blocks and playes Grapes.
I RA with some other hero.
He blocks.
I play Angel of the Lord.

It was a really epic exchange. I ended up being able to block him for one turn, make an RA, and play my Son of God for the win.

Round 10: Josh Knitt, W 5-4

This game was way closer than I ever thought it was. Throughout the whole game, I trolled with TGT and felt good about where I was. He made a couple rescues, I blocked him once. I get to 5 to win the game and feel good about myself, and he says "at least it was close". I look at his Land of Redemption, and he has 4. I thought he was at 3, or maybe even 2, so I'm glad that the game didn't go for another turn.

Final Placing: 21 points, 9th, +13 soul differential


I was using a standard speed deck with tech against similar deck. It will be posted with an explanation later today.

Round 1: Andrew De La Rosa, Aaron Ziskovsky, Tommy Volk
Win 5-1-0-0

This was a 10 minute or less game. I got two free RAs with a John, drew Son of God, NJ first hand, and won the game with ease. Nothing anyone could have done.

Round 2: Greg Miller, Mike Nordby, Eric Wagenknecht
Win 5-3-2-1

This was a slightly better game. Greg made a mistake and Hur'd me while I had Nazzy, and so I drew 7. End game, Mike made a mistake while blocking Greg to give me the game.

Round 3: Scott Bowen, Kurt Hake, Pat Wester
Win 5-0-1-0

I feel really bad about this game. I think I probably would have won anyway, but towards the end game, Pat played Mayhem while I had Nazzy up. I commented that was cool, as I got to draw 6. Scott did not hear me. Pat knew I was drawing and Kurt (I think) also did).
Unfortunately, Mayhem is a cost benefit, so I shouldn't have drawn. I won on my next turn. I'm not entirely sure not drawing would have made a difference, but I feel terrible that that's how it happened.

Round 4: Tim Maly, Nic Jaeger, Brian Jones
Loss 3-5-4-2

At this point, I felt terrible about my last game, as my cheat had been uncovered after talking with Scott after the game, but unfortunatley, we had no way to correct it. I was the only undefeated player left, so I hoped that if I were to win, I would just win both my games so that my third game wouldn't matter much point wise. I ended up at a tought table. I made a mistake early by putting down Nazzy before I played my Harvest Time in hand and late game by attacking with a PoC with no support while Nazzy was occupied and I couldn't bring it into battle. Still, when it got to the last round, I had a chance. 6 cards were in my deck with 6 in my hand including Mayhem. I mayhem at the end of my turn and don't get SoG NJ. Tim would win on his next turn.

Unfortunately, I was dumb. I should have discarded my hand except Son of God and Mayhem, in which case I would have drawn 6, left one card in my deck, and almost certainly won. Tim told me this after the game and I raged. I can't believe I didn't think of that.

Tim told me after the tournament that I had the most deserving deck of his opponent's and that I played very well, but I'm still pretty raging that I basically lost myself Nationals. If I had won, I'd be at 12 points, while my nearest competitor would have been at 9 if I checked right, but I had tiebreakers on both via head to head.

Round 5: Sam Larson, Chris Egley, Daniel Overbeek
Loss 3-5-4-3

I don't remember too much other than I was raging at myself, I played bad, I got dom blocked 4 times despite never leading, Chris made me really mad a lot, and Sam trolled his deck with a Susanna for the win. It was lame.

Final placing: 6th, 9 points, 20 souls


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Re: T1 Categories Nationals report
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2011, 11:26:06 AM »
Orangebus is not an Alstad. There is, however, the Orange Alstad.

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: T1 Categories Nationals report
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2011, 11:27:02 AM »
Orangebus is not an Alstad. There is, however, the Orange Alstad.

That one.

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Re: T1 Categories Nationals report
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2011, 12:27:39 PM »
orangebus has every identifier, hes that win.
"If it weren't for people with bad decision making skills, I'd have to get a real job." - Reynad

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Re: T1 Categories Nationals report
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2011, 02:29:19 PM »
Round 2: Greg Miller, Mike Nordby, Eric Wagenknecht
Win 5-3-2-1

This was a slightly better game. Greg made a mistake and Hur'd me while I had Nazzy, and so I drew 7. End game, Mike made a mistake while blocking Greg to give me the game.

This game was ugly. I should have just given him the soul. Props for not making horrendous mistakes in every single game like me.

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Re: T1 Categories Nationals report
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2011, 07:30:51 PM »
Round 9: James Roepke, W 5-4

James is a really good, ...

Alex, would you mind if I shared this article within the August issue of The Redeemer webzine?
Visit for deck analyses, even for other games

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: T1 Categories Nationals report
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2011, 08:06:47 PM »
Go for it.


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