Author Topic: Speed Camp????  (Read 1550 times)


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Speed Camp????
« on: August 05, 2009, 03:04:10 AM »
Hey, folks:

I just discovered on the message board that there are some new rules being instituted because of Gabe's "speed camp" deck which apparently dominated Nationals. I was at Nationals and I briefly met Gabe, but I wasn't able to really learn what his speed camp deck entailed or why it was so devastating. But my question is this: What exactly was it? I mean, what were the combos it utilized, etc? Apparently you draw a lot in that deck.

But also, my follow-up question would be: Why are we instituting changes to combat this deck? Isn't that like slapping Gabe on the wrist for his creativity and ingenuity? Or is there really no forseeable way to combat this deck?


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Re: Speed Camp????
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2009, 03:10:23 AM »
1) Look under "Complete Decks" for the "SE Regionals 1st place T2 2P deck" thread by RTSManiac--you will see the combo explained there.

2) The deck was built by Clift (RTSManiac) and modified ever so slightly by Gabe who used it successfully at Nationals this past year.

3) The rule changes are not just for stopping this type of deck. It also hinders T1 MP speed decks which have been dominating since 2004 (though to be fair, I believe David Ebert's 2005 T1 MP Nationals winning deck was more fight by banding than speed).

4) There are many ways to combat this deck, which is why the rule change is not ONLY for this deck, but for the massive card drawing combos in general.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?


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Re: Speed Camp????
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2009, 03:17:40 AM »
1) Look under "Complete Decks" for the "SE Regionals 1st place T2 2P deck" thread by RTSManiac--you will see the combo explained there.

2) The deck was built by Clift (RTSManiac) and modified ever so slightly by Gabe who used it successfully at Nationals this past year.

3) The rule changes are not just for stopping this type of deck. It also hinders T1 MP speed decks which have been dominating since 2004 (though to be fair, I believe David Ebert's 2005 T1 MP Nationals winning deck was more fight by banding than speed).

4) There are many ways to combat this deck, which is why the rule change is not ONLY for this deck, but for the massive card drawing combos in general.

Okay, thank you. I'll check it out.

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Re: Speed Camp????
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2009, 08:40:19 AM »
Yes, just to clarify it's not "Gabe's deck", it's Clifts deck.  Gabe just shamelessly copied the deck from Clift and played it well enough to get by.

Even before the T2-2P event on Thursday we were talking with playtesters about possible changes needed to stop abusive combo engines.  Rob and some of the playtesters had a brainstorming session and the solution they came up with is the limit on hand size. 

It's not just to slow down "Speed Camp" but also any other combo deck that would use the massive draw engine to set up an unfair situation before the opponent gets to play.  I like the fact that they aren't trying to get rid of combo decks altogether.  They just want to slow them down to a pace that allows an opponent to paricipate in the game too.

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