I will concede my bid for SE Regionals this year.
Alabama does the same.
Unless I hear otherwise soon,
Southeast Regionals will be planned for
July 13 & 14 at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Davenport, FL. We look forward to having Rob Anderson in attendance for the second consecutive year. Hopefully we'll get another sneak preview of soon-to-be-released cards.

I would also like player feedback about having the "Restricted" Type 1 Category for Regionals, in addition to traditional Type 1 (if this is even possible). Never mind. This option is not available at the moment.
Regarding Central Florida Redemption:
Tentative dates for tournaments are as follows:
Saturday, May 5th (Local)
Saturday, May 19th (District)
Saturday, June 2nd (Local)
Friday, June 15th (Local)
More will come after I get more information about the church calendar. Please let me know what works or doesn't work for anyone planning to attend. I need feedback about Restricted events, which will be included for each tournament either as 2-player or Multiplayer.
Are any of the other Florida groups considering hosting the
Florida State Tournament this year? Please speak up soon, since alternate plans needs to be put into place in advance.
For now, I have reserved my church for
June 29th & 30th. This is the best weekend to avoid conflicts with other church events. I will not put in an application yet, as I wait to hear from the other Florida groups.