Author Topic: Single Elimination Tournament - Hanover, PA 8/18/12 (please read if attending)  (Read 5941 times)

Offline _JM_

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Fedex is overrated, I want my booster via carrier pigeon.  Have fun with this y'all, wish it could've worked out for me to make it!

Offline czepp

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I would like my packages delivered by pony express aka on horseback. Try carrying some car parts on a saddle. lol

So here's a list of who is coming..

Marti (host)
Chad (host)
clintia61 (sorry I don't know your name)

Here's who I'm not sure if they are coming...
MD crew
Lancaster crew

If I can get 5 confirmed players that will play booster draft, then we will add it as a category. But I need five CONFIRMED players.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2012, 08:49:19 PM by czepp »
xbox live gamertag: CjZeppy
aliases: Zeppy, Chadwick, Chad-a-lac

Offline jbeers285

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Just wanted to bump this with only a day till the tournament also booster will now be available.
JMM is a modern day prophet


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Just cause I know you guys will all look: Did anyone borrow a Bringing Fear from me in the last year and not return it? I can't find mine.

Also, I will have my large white box available with some low-end cards for you guys to rummage through and take stuff for yourselves or playgroups as I phase completely out of T2 and into very casual T1.

Offline jbeers285

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I'm very sad that I never got to play you in type 2 considering I moved to t2 too late in this season.

Still thanks for hosting and for continuing to host states
JMM is a modern day prophet


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Today was a blast, even with small numbers. It was very laid back and I was home by 5:30!

The single-elim model definitely has the potential to be pretty sweet, adding a new level of "something different to do." :D We didn't have enough to really test it, but we can wait and see.

Offline czepp

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I would like to thank Marti for co-hosting with me, the Beers for borrowing their church, and everyone who attended the tournament. We had two new players join us for booster, and I was surprised to say that they both placed in that category.

After the Swiss Style Type 1 2 Player we had our bracket made to determine the seeds...

1. Josiah Beers
2. Keith Lance
3. Charles Johnson
4. Jerome Beers
5. Chad Zepp

After the Elimination tournament....

First Place: Jerome Beers

Second Place: Keith Lance

I will admit that during booster draft we had a bad draw for defense, but the ending was extraordinary. We almost had to play two additional games to determine a winner, but here's the results....

First Place: Dale Metz

Second Place: Josh Metz

Congratulations to all participants, and hope to see you at the next event (possibly on Oct. 13th)
xbox live gamertag: CjZeppy
aliases: Zeppy, Chadwick, Chad-a-lac


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We should plan one when more people can make it. :)


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If you're in Ship you should tell me to get you :p

Offline czepp

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We should plan one when more people can make it. :)

I sent in the application in a month and a half before the tournament, so there shouldn't of been an issue of awareness. I'll admit it was right after Nationals, and this month is when kids return to college, but there's always the next one.
xbox live gamertag: CjZeppy
aliases: Zeppy, Chadwick, Chad-a-lac

Offline Redoubter

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We should plan one when more people can make it. :)

I sent in the application in a month and a half before the tournament, so there shouldn't of been an issue of awareness. I'll admit it was right after Nationals, and this month is when kids return to college, but there's always the next one.

I find no problem with the timing of the tournament.  Some of us (like those in my caravan to Nats) wouldn't be able to make it, but people who weren't able to go still had a tournament to go to.  And frankly, trying a new style of tournament is best with lower numbers :)


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