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i've always been a big proponent of implementing a sideboard. however, it wouldnt serve much purpose as we only play 1 round anyway. it would be helpful if you somehow know what kind of meta you're playing in, and switch cards out in between rounds. im direly tired of decking 1-2 site accessors, and no one plays a site deck at the tournament
yeah, i realize there will be site decks at nats, but i've been to quite a few states/regionals/a couple nats even where i did not play a single site deck. the last time i ever remember playing against a site deck in a high-calibur tournament was at least 5 years ago...midwest regionals in iowa...against hedgehogmans site lockout deck. it ended in a tie, but im still quite fond of that being one of the best games i've ever played in my life.
But again, you have to know that your opponent is playing sites in order for that to be useful...