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As for Sealed Deck, if the new set was a starter deck, then playtesters would have a clear advantage. I can think of two possible solutions for this: 1) Don't use the new cards 2) Release the set list a week before Nationals so that everyone gets a chance to see the new cards before the tournament. I would support the second option, because I think that the idea of using the new set has been fun and has made BD one of the most popular categories at Nationals the past few years.
I also want to make another point clear-Most of us on the boards- even non playtesters- knew about the new sets before they were released. I think to be fair to everyone else- there should be a prerelease of some kind as ProfA has suggested so that the claims made on this post (no matter how mistaken) can not be an issue in the future.As for releasing the new set to the public, realistically, I would say revealing a new card every day a month prior to the release seems logical.
How many of these people knew about the cards and had some kind of advantage over other players because of it?2010RNRS booster3rd - Mark Underwood (KY)
We would have to see after this year depending on things if a playtester actually won a category (say sealed for example) where the majority of the cards are new.
I also personally chose to NOT look at any of the Disciples cards until after they were released this year. Since they had already been sent to the printer before I became an elder, I didn't have a chance to give any input on them. Therefore, since I wasn't helping to make the set, I just chose to not get to look at them until everyone else did.
As for this overall issue, I don't think that playtesting the cards really would make much of a difference in Booster draft. I do think that it could make a difference in Sealed Deck, but since when do Elder-caliber players choose Sealed Deck over whatever else is that day anyway?
2010Sealed Deck 32 Brandon Abbott - CA Booster Draft1st - Tyler Stevens (GA) 2nd - Matt Stupienski (CT) 3rd - Tim Mierzejewski (SC)RNRS booster1st - Shawn Capron (MD) 2nd - Tyler Stevens (GA) 3rd - Mark Underwood (KY)
Quote2010Sealed Deck 32 Brandon Abbott - CA Booster Draft1st - Tyler Stevens (GA) 2nd - Matt Stupienski (CT) 3rd - Tim Mierzejewski (SC)RNRS booster1st - Shawn Capron (MD) 2nd - Tyler Stevens (GA) 3rd - Mark Underwood (KY) You're lucky 2 out of those 6 people happen to be your best friend! I plead da fifth.
I'm pretty bad at this game, so knowing what the cards are before hand doesn't really help me much
I actually really really like nobody knowing the cards at the time of booster/sealed (which is why I'm so happy that we're doing Booster first. If the set is for booster, it'll be awesome debuting it so that nobody (except playtesters...) know any of the new cards. If it's sealed, it doesn't really matter, since I don't play sealed. I could care less if playtesters do know...as long as they don't beat me.
Are dice makers forbidden from yatzee?