Author Topic: SE Regionals results  (Read 4213 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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SE Regionals results
« on: July 19, 2009, 01:22:37 PM »
Please let me know if I am wrong because I took a nap for two categories and was half asleep half the time.
Tyler Stevens
Ben Shadrick
Eric Largent

Chris McCravy
Tyler Stevens
Clift Crysel

Type 1 2 player
Chris McCravy
Steve Kamke
Peter Kamke

Type 1 Multiplayer
Ben Shadrick
Chris McCravy
Peter Kamke

Type 2 2 player
Clift Crysel
Steve Kamke
Chris McCravy

Type 2 multiplayer
Steve Kamke
Ben Shadrick
Tyler Stevens/Christian Kamke
« Last Edit: July 19, 2009, 02:36:50 PM by Mr.Hiatus »

Offline redemption99

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Re: SE Regionals results
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2009, 01:27:00 PM »
I think peter kamke was the one who got third in type I 2-player.

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Re: SE Regionals results
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2009, 02:04:45 PM »
just curious, how many were at this tournament? there were only 7 winners...

Offline redemption99

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Re: SE Regionals results
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2009, 02:20:52 PM »
There was:

Eric Largent
Tyler Stevens
Ben Shadrack
Clifton Crysel
Steve Kamke
Christian Kamke
Peter Kamke

There should have been more but they couldn't make it. =(

Tennessee People
Daniel Whitten

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Re: SE Regionals results
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2009, 02:29:29 PM »
Fun tournament and we made it back OK  :)
Small tourney for regionals but tight competition.
Peter got 3rd in t1 2player and Christian tied for 3rd with Tyler in t2 multi.
Will post more after I wake up. :D

Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: SE Regionals results
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2009, 03:31:25 PM »
Lol, NC Regionals got almost ten times as many players. :laugh:
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Re: SE Regionals results
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2009, 06:38:04 PM »
Yeah, but they're all suckers. :-*

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Re: SE Regionals results
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2009, 08:55:58 PM »
Yeah, but they're all suckers. :-*

So what does that make you, if you did not attend any regional?  ::) :-*

Friends don't let friends play T1 multi.

Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: SE Regionals results
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2009, 09:39:06 PM »
tru dat
we missed both youo guys
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

Offline Lawfuldog

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Re: SE Regionals results
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2009, 05:24:39 PM »
Though there weren't many players, it was all good competition. Most games came down to luck of the draw with all of the good decks being played, except for Clift and his beast Type-2 deck. (Btw, you have a PM coming soon)
Booster Draft king once upon a time.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: SE Regionals results
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2009, 12:17:05 AM »
How you likin that shaman? Good ole pigpin take car of him.


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Re: SE Regionals results
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2009, 09:21:59 PM »
Here is my (Steve Kamke) tourney report for Southeast Regionals….(I only had details to events I played in). Please forgive me in advance if I made mistakes in my accounting of events, which I attribute to my zombie-esque lack of sleep.  :)

Me and my 2 sons (Christian and Peter) drove to Clift’s house in GA. We should’ve made it in 5 ½ hours, but we got delayed in Atlanta traffic for 1 ½ hour. I got ½ my arm and ½ my leg sunburned from the window being down. Clift’s house is very nice and his wife was kind and fed us.  :) Clift’s lil boy was walking around with his own “deck” composed of some angel from patriarchs and pokemon cards. I believe he was the only one to defeat Clift in t2 2 player! I need to consult with him for some deck doctoring!  :)

Fri nite- For some reason, I can’t remember many details about this event. I think I was tired.
Type 2 multi-me, Christian, Peter, Tyler, Eric, Clift, Ben, Chris.
1st round- I played against Tyler, Clift, and Chris? I was playing my purple/white garden tomb with gray defense (I’ll post it in the deck section). Tyler had blue powerful offense with crimson/orange defense? Clift had garden tomb offense/gray defense. I can’t remember Chris’ deck. I remember once Tyler had rain becomes dust up and before that it was unsuccessful (they look similar). He attacked and I blocked with Sabbath breaker, only to reveal the 3 cards. I was bummed, but I didn’t draw for my wasted Pentecost. I somehow pulled out a very close one.
2nd round-Me, Eric, Clift, and Christian. Eric was playing purple/gold, and Christian had purple/white/garden tomb/crimson. Eric had spreading mildewed some garden tombs but there were 3 on the table, so it was too much. It was another close one, with Christian sneaking out the win.
3rd round-Me, Christian, Tyler and Eric. This game I was able to pull away more, early searching for doms and eventually ending it with the garden tombarama.
I was 1st, Ben 2nd, and Tyler/Christian in 3rd.

Booster draft-we all played it. I got the FOOF tin with naaman/red, and on my table many were drafting red and gray. Bummer. I did get a great image, which I was able to play once, and eric played one as well, even tho it was negated. That was fun. Otherwise, I got slaughtered. Can’t remember more details because I was half asleep. Went to bed around 3:30AM. Heard chris, tyler,and ben talking about redemption cards in my sleep. I thought they were playing T1 multi! LOL (I think they were deckbuilding).


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Re: SE Regionals results
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2009, 09:24:03 PM »
Next morning after breakfast we started with Type 1 2player and sealed. I have no affection for sealed, so I played t1. I haven’t played that in years, so I built a type 2 sized deck, which I am more familiar with.
Type 1 2player-me, Peter, Christian, and Chris. We all played each other.
1st round-Me vs Chris-Chris was playing a nice garden tomb purple/white? /pale deck. Very fast and effective. I was playing my “I’m really a type 2 player playing type 1 deck.”  It was originally 119 cards, but I couldn’t fit it in my card box, so I had to reduce the size to 105.  :)  It was basically designed to have a large defense that outlasts the smaller faster decks, then after they deck, to come back and win (black greeks/Sadducees, with orange standalones and uzzah, lots of defensive curses/arts, sites, and a very small offense- generous widow, et/aoc, angels and I am holy). Well, my first draw was a good one, and so was Chris’-he attacked and I blocked w/sadducee, and played high priests plot and he had SOG/NJ!! So bye SOG, then I had to Christian martyr the hero so he couldn’t negate it. That was my cool play, then after that it was death by garden tomb. Chris won 5-2.
2nd round-me vs Christian. He was playing garden tomb purple/white and crimson. I was able to stall him.  He was in the lead as he decked out, but I was able to crawl back after that and pull out the win.
3rd round-me vs Peter. Another….you guessed it….garden tomb purple/white with blue/silver and gray defense. He pulled out early but my defense outlasted him and after he decked I was able to pull out a time-out win.
Chris rolled over all of us for 1st, I surprisingly got 2nd, and Peter was 3rd.

Next event-Type 2 2player, which all 8 of us played. Fun!!!  :)
Round 1-me vs clift. I was playing garden tomb purple/white/teal/crimson/sites. The teal was a small splash w/trumpet blasts to destroy KOTW. It never happened. I was bummed. Clift was playing his sin in the camp combo deck-pale/blue/purple/teal. He made some modifications to it which turned out to be wonderful, considering he won the tourney. I jumped out to an early lead, and then he hit the combo, and…. that’s all ffffolks! He was able to draw like a fiend with z temple/teal priest who grabs back offerings/Pentecost, all without me not being able to block since he would zip in, grab Pentecost, setaside, done. He decked and then the camps/words of discouragement/confusions in a side battle came out and my hand went POOF. I had SOG buried in the deck and was praying to get it and then it eventually comes up! I was able to slowly get a hand again, but my offense could not wipe out the protected Assyrians (Assyrian camp), as I could not play my set fires to burn it down. He kept a steady stream of rescues up and then it was over, I lost, 2-7.
Round 2-me vs Eric. Eric was playing purple kings/gold Egyptians. I was worried about his spreading mildews, so I only attacked when I was sure he could not block, or when my tomb was not out. He pulled to an early lead, then my sites locked him out and I was able to come back to win after my set fire burned down the pharoah’s throne room, aoc cleared out bad guys, then garden tomb away. I won, 7-3?
Round 3-me vs Tyler. Tyler was playing a secret combo deck which I won’t talk about in case he tweaks it and takes it to nats. It had cleaned people out in a few turns, so I was worried. I played as normal, tho, since I didn’t know the combo. Unknowingly, early on, I had drawn and played a counter to part of his combo which handicapped it. I was able to walk in for garden tomb rescues after aoc’s cleared the way. I won, 7-1?
Round 4-me vs Peter. Peter was playing a blue/purple/pale sin in the camp deck (we made an inferior copy from Clift). I kept one of my good doms early on in hand, and Peter eventually decked out and was leading, but I was able to set fire Assyrian camp, then get rid of the sin in the camps, and aoc/garden tomb my way back to victory. I won, 7-3.
Clift was 1st, I was 2nd, Chris was 3rd.   


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Re: SE Regionals results
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2009, 09:25:36 PM »
We ate dinner then played t1 multi (Chris, Ben, me, Peter, Christian). Garden tomb ruled the event.
Round 1-Chris (garden tomb/fast drawing), Ben (speed/garden tomb?), Christian (purple/white garden tomb/crimson), Peter (purple/white garden tomb/blue/silver/pale/gray) and me (purple/white garden tomb/silver/blue/black). I had rain becomes dust out early to slow down Ben’s drawing. Ben and Chris pulled out early and Ben was eventually attacking me for the win with a huge garden tomb band. I was soooo frustrated because I could not stop him even tho I had a Sadducee, wrath, and high priests plot in hand! (no other black in play and I was afraid to put it down earlier because of AOC’s, and I didn’t have the protect fort out.) Ben won.
Round 2-Ben had gifts up and played the offering where everyone discards and draws. He decked out quickly and dominated.
Ben 1st, Chris 2nd, Peter 3rd.
I think at some point we asked for a ruling, but Tyler was sleeping on the couch and incoherent. LOL
We drove back to SC that night and we ate at McDonald’s on the way back. I haven’t eaten there in years. It looks a lot nicer, but the food still tastes the same. Yuk.

The tourney was over and we had a blast! Thanks to Tyler and Clift for putting on a great tourney! Thanks to Clift and his family for their hospitality!!  :)
Hope you guys going to nats-Eric, Tyler and Ben do awesome!

Steve Kamke

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Re: SE Regionals results
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2009, 10:12:59 PM »
How you likin that shaman? Good ole pigpin take car of him.

It's pretty awesome. Eric's Piggy macro is amazing.  :P
Booster Draft king once upon a time.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: SE Regionals results
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2009, 10:15:54 PM »
Hahah! How did I know he was gonna post that as soon as you got on. But yeah I am known as pugpin so keep the reputation alive! Also call me sometime to talk about the madness deck.

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Re: SE Regionals results
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2009, 10:17:55 PM »
Perfect the madness!!!! ;D

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