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I'm not whining, just stating.I said I could see it becoming a problem. That kills some potential 5x speed card combos. Yeah, you gotta be more deliberate, whatever.
I like all of the ideas presented by Rob a lot except the hand limit. I agree with RDT that 16 might be a bit on the low side. However, perhaps a good compromise would be to leave it at 16, but the one time you can go over is during your draw phase. I believe for consistency's sake, we don't say that a player with 14 cards in hand (from drawing on his previous block) can only draw two during his next draw phase. This eliminates the huge drawing combos, but doesn't complicate the draw phase.Anyone else in favor of this?
But Justin, now you are saying you can have more in your opening draw but not more than 16 normally. How do you explain that to starting players? Uhm so you can have over 16 when you draw first phase but you can't go over that in battle phase...No thank you. How about we leave it alone for this season and see if speed camp is prevalant. I see this going two ways, the first one being people will see the deck that won nationals and duplicate it like always. The problem with that is that you must know when to do the combo and how to play it. Also the more games that plays the higher chance it has of not getting what it needs on the opening draw to turn 3. The second way this might go is people seeing my deck and how it sytopped it and incorporate some of those strategies into their decks. Also with another good dominant sin in the camp is not going to be as effective. Just let it be for now. If people are getting stomped by speed combo decks then something can be done, but just because of one deck shutting down it's opponent on the first few turns is nothing to change the rules about. That deck took Clift three years to make for crying out loud! Let it work for another year. In the next set I am sure a lost soul or two might come out that hurts it even more...
How do you explain that to starting players?
Quote from: Mr.Hiatus on August 05, 2009, 12:11:22 AMHow do you explain that to starting players? How about "If you have 16 or more cards in your hands, you may not draw cards outside of the draw phase." This essentially puts a hand cap, while still not breaking basic game functions.
Tyler,I'm not exactly supporting the change, but rather operating under the assumption that it's going to happen and I would just like to keep from messing with the draw phase
EJB,How difficult is it to say "Your hand size cannot exceed 16 unless it occurs during your draw phase" ? As far as I know, the ony card abilities that mess with the draw phase are the "Opponent may not draw cards next turn" cards, which wouldn't affect this anyway.