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Not sure if new member is troll or srsbsns
Quote from: Alex_Olijar on April 03, 2012, 11:19:31 PMNot sure if new member is troll or srsbsnsEasy way to find out. Have The Schaefer tell us his real name and then check with TCMgoingon30 to see if he's been part of the TX tournament scene.Assuming that The Schaefer is legit, I'll explain to him that there the guy who basically is in charge of this whole forum is called The Schaef, and there are a fair number of people who would enjoy trolling him, so people are naturally curious if there's a connection. However, since I assume he had to personally approve your membership, I'm thinking that he's already checked you out.As for playgroups, the closest that I know of is Slugfencer's family which is just south of Charlotte. The good news is that the National Tournament this summer is going to be in Knoxville, TN, which isn't too far for you
Hi, I am a Redemption player from Texas who recently joined the US Navy and am stationed in Charleston South Carolina for nuclear power school for the next year and a half to two years. I am just curious if there are any other Redemption players or tournaments near where i am stationed and if not how the online play works and all. Ive been playing for years and its just a little weird going from a place with many players to practically zilch. Any information or advice would greatly be appreciated.