Author Topic: Redemption South Central PA goes to NE Regionals!  (Read 4040 times)


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Redemption South Central PA goes to NE Regionals!
« on: June 02, 2009, 11:43:28 AM »
So, first, if I didn't announce it before, the Shipwreckers and the York Playgroup have merged into Redemption South Central PA! Nate is currently working on our website, and next season, we will have more tourneys.

Anyway, we're taking a road trip, and we all know how much fun road trips with us are! Here's my offer. At the moment, we have 2 seats in my car, but I believe I may be able to get a bigger vehicle if we have a higher interest. If anyone wants to join us, we also can pick people up if they are on the way or only slightly out of the way.

Regionals starts at 6pm on Friday. We plan to get there by 5.,+Homer,+NY+13077&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=40.051313,-77.518666&sspn=0.031339,0.075274&ie=UTF8&z=7 < this is how we're getting there.

12:30pm (Friday July 10th)- leave Shippensburg. Please eat lunch prior to arrival. Please bring snacks if you think you'll get hungry, and we will be stopping for dinner early.
4:30 or 5 PM: stop near the church for dinner, fast food.
6PM- gaming begins.

RSCPA (ironically, that's the abbreviation for Australia's version of the ASPCA. LOL) will be staying at the church that night, remember, there is a $5 donation for staying there.

Next morning, gaming begins at 8 AM.
12 or 1ish I will assume there's a lunch break. I don't know if they are providing lunch (does someone who's helping host know?)
I assume we will be done gaming by 5PM (once again, I don't know). Annually, our playgroup and John's posse usually goes out to dinner, so I assume that will happen again. Hopefully we will leave by 7 or 8, getting us home around midnight. If you do not want to drive home at that time, we will find accommodations for you :)

1 fast food dinner
1 fast food lunch
1 going out to dinner
Approximately $20-$25

Gas: Has been donated for my vehicle. No need for gas costs.

Tournament fees (according to cactus website)
Registration Fee: $5
Closed events- $10 each
Open events- free

Lodging: $5 to stay overnight at the church, I assume some of the other playgroups may be at nearby hotels.

Total costs: $55 if everything at maximum

If you want to hitch a ride with us, let me know!

« Last Edit: June 29, 2009, 02:10:19 PM by The Marti »


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