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Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
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Topic: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History (Read 20346 times)
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Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
August 13, 2012, 01:34:13 PM »
Blessings all.
This thread serves as the official Cactus-based source for Redemption Nats and RNRS results (supplied as available). Many thanks and blessings to Mr. Chris B for contributing historical records through
Covenant Games
With Cactus' blessings, beginning Nats 2021 we have included and have given credit to everyone who has participated in the tournament in the attendance count (player + non-player) and have awarded one participant promo to each non-player who has met a minimum event requirement (emceeing, judging, assistance, chaperoning, board and lodging, etc). Players are awarded one participant promo per day after accomplishing an event.
Nats and RNRS Top 3 Rankings:
Nats Per-Category Score/Ranking Spreadsheets by Year (as available - thanks to Chris B):
Last Edit: October 06, 2021, 11:03:08 PM by ReyZen
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #1 on:
August 27, 2021, 06:46:45 PM »
Location: Philadelphia, PA (Origins Game Fair)
Host: Rob Anderson
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player - ?
Type 1 Multiplayer - ?
Attendance: Unknown
Official Judge: Rob Anderson
Trivia: Two categories were run (first official tournament in Redemption history)
Redemption debuts at the 1995 Origins Game Fair.
Location: Milwaukee, WI (Gen Con)
Host: Rob Anderson
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player - ?
Type 1 Multiplayer - ?
Type 2 2Player - ?
Type 2 Multiplayer - ?
Attendance: Unknown
Official Judge: Rob Anderson
Trivia: Debut of Type 2 categories
Location: Milwaukee, WI (Gen Con)
Host: Rob Anderson
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player - ?
Type 1 Multiplayer - ?
Type 2 2Player - ?
Type 2 Multiplayer - ?
Attendance: Unknown
Official Judge: Rob Anderson
Location: Milwaukee, WI (Gen Con)
Host: Rob Anderson
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player - ?
Type 1 Multiplayer - Ron Sias, MI
Type 2 2Player - ?
Type 2 Multiplayer - ?
Sealed Deck 2Player - Ron Sias, MI
Sealed Deck Multiplayer - Ron Sias, MI
Attendance: Unknown
Official Judge: Rob Anderson
Trivia: Sealed Deck & Booster Draft debuts?
Location: Ohio
Host: Doug Gray
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player - Keith Bartram, OH
Type 1 Multiplayer - ?
Type 2 2Player - Gil Kimmons, NE
Type 2 Multiplayer - Pat Nolan
Sealed Deck 2Player - Daniel Horton
Sealed Deck Multiplayer - Ron Sias, MI
Attendance: Unknown
Official Judges: Rob Anderson, Doug Gray
Location: Kansas City, MO
Host: Kory Lentine
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player - Tim Maly, NE
Type 1 Multiplayer - Kevin Dulin, KS
Type 2 2Player - Gil Kimmons, NE
Type 2 Multiplayer - Daniel Goodner, MO
Sealed Deck 2Player - Nicholas Campbell, MO
Sealed Deck Multiplayer - Aaron Torres, KS
Attendance: Unknown
Official Judges: Rob Anderson, Doug Gray, Kory Lentine
Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 07:13:06 PM by ReyZen
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #2 on:
August 27, 2021, 06:47:12 PM »
October 5-6
Location: King of Prussia, PA
Host: Brian Sawyer
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player - Keith Bartram, OH
Type 1 Multiplayer - Ron Sias, MI
Type 2 2Player - Bryon Hake, CA
Type 2 Multiplayer - Gil Kimmons, NE
Sealed Deck 2Player - Dave Daugherty, OH
Sealed Deck Multiplayer - Brandon Knick, VA
Attendance: Approximately 80
Promo: Authority of Christ
Official Judges: Rob Anderson, Doug Gray, Kory Lentine
First time that Swiss Style is used at Nationals
First time an official Nationals Promo is given to participants
October 18-19
Location: Rochester, MN (Rochester Central Lutheran School)
Host: Chris Bany
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (75) - Keith Bartram, OH
Type 1 Multiplayer - Josh Slinkard, KS
Type 2 2Player (18) - Bryon Hake, CA
Type 2 Multiplayer - Gil Kimmons, NE
Sealed Deck 2Player (36) - Roy Cannaday, VA
Sealed Deck Multiplayer - Josiah Fiscus, PA
Attendance: 117
Promo: Mary's Prophetic Act
Official Judges: Rob Anderson, Doug Gray, Kory Lentine
Emcee: Chris Bany
October 10-11
Location: Pittsburgh, PA (Trinity Christian School)
Host: Mike Berkenpas
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (102) - Kyle Hostutler, WV
Type 1 Multiplayer (39) - Evan Souer, MO
Type 2 2Player (16) - Eric Largent, GA
Type 2 Multiplayer (24) - Josh Hey, MO
Sealed Deck 2Player (58) - Brad Dembo, PA
Booster Draft Multiplayer (55) - Joshua Meneely, PA
Attendance: 135
Promo: Walking on Water
Official Judges: Rob Anderson, Doug Gray, Kory Lentine, Chris Bany, Bryon Hake
Emcee: Chris Bany
Trivia: Booster Draft Multiplayer replaces Sealed Deck Multiplayer for the first time
October 22-23
Location: New Orleans, LA (New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary)
Host: Chris Funkhouser
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (82) - Tim Maly, NE
Type 1 Multiplayer (52) - Justin Alstad, MN
Type 2 2Player (20) - Josh Hey, MO
Type 2 Multiplayer (22) - Josh Hey, MO
Sealed Deck - Michael Bell, CT
Booster Draft Multiplayer - Ken Shartle, FL
Attendance: Approximately 125
Official Judges: Rob Anderson, Doug Gray, Chris Bany, Mike Berkenpas, Bryon Hake
Emcee: Chris Bany
Trivia: Angel Wars booster packs debuts
August 4-6
Location: Burnsville, MN (Berean Baptist Church)
Host: Chris Bany
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (123) - Justin Sangillo, NJ
Type 1 Multiplayer (62) - David Ebert, MN
Type 2 2Player (26) - Kevin Shride, IA
Type 2 Multiplayer (33) - Adam Erickson, MN
Sealed Deck (62) - Seth Mick, MN
Booster Draft Multiplayer (92) - John Nesfeder, KS
Type A 2Player (45) - Scott Demars, MN
Attendance: 252
Official Judges: Rob Anderson, Chris Bany, Mike Berkenpas, Bryon Hake
Emcee: Chris Bany
Unofficial Event Winner:
Settlers of Canaan - Lisa Wester, MN
Current attendance record-holder
First time Nationals is a 3-day event
First time for Type A category at Nationals (same as type 1 but for ages 12 and under)
Settlers of Canaan debuts as an unofficial tournament event
Local TV news coverage of Nats2005
Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 07:20:54 PM by ReyZen
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #3 on:
August 27, 2021, 06:49:17 PM »
July 27-29
Location: Hempstead, NY (Hofstra University)
Host: Roy Cruz
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (76) - Chad Soderstrom, TX
Type 1 Multiplayer (31) - Justin Alstad, MN
Type 2 2Player (22) - Ross Lang, PA
Type 2 Multiplayer (24) - Justin Alstad, MN
Sealed Deck (58) - Claude Fong, NY
Booster Draft Muiltiplayer (76) - Sara Harris, WV
Type A 2Player (13) - Mark Anderson, NC
Attendance: 138
Promo: Elijah
Official Judges: Rob Anderson, Chris Bany, Mike Berkenpas, Roy Cruz
Emcee: Chris Bany
Unofficial Event Winners:
Teams - Christian Fong, NY / Ben Campbell, NJ
Iron Man - Ben Campbell, NJ
Priests booster packs debuts
Teams unofficial event debuts
Iron Man unofficial event debuts
August 2-4
Location: Kansas City, MO (Bread of Life Church)
Host: Todd Gordon
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (84) - Gabe Isbell, IA
Type 1 Multiplayer (35) - Daniel Whitten, GA
Type 2 2Player (40) - Justin Alstad, MN
Type 2 Multiplayer (44) - Nathan Voigt, MN
Sealed Deck (60) - Chad Soderstrom, TX
Booster Draft Multiplayer (112) Brad Coverdale, OH
Type A 2Player (10) - Kenny Parks, MO
Attendance: approximately 150
Promo: Priests of Christ
Official Judges: Rob Anderson, Chris Bany, Mike Berkenpas, Bryon Hake, Tim Maly
Emcee: Chris Bany
Unofficial Event Winners:
Teams - Ben Arp, WA / Kirk Dennison, FL
Iron Man - Kirk Dennison, FL
Settlers of Canaan - Chris Bany, MN
Trivia: Faith of our Fathers Tins debuts and are used for Booster Draft
August 7-9
Location: Columbus, OH (Holiday Inn)
Host: Stephen Schaefer
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (91) - Tim Mierzejewski, SC
Type 1 Multiplayer (18) - Daniel Whitten, GA
Type 2 2Player (50) - Tim Maly, NE
Type 2 Multiplayer (28) - Steve Kamke, SC
Sealed Deck (46) - Michael Huerter, PA
Booster Draft Multiplayer (96) - Jacob Fountain, MO
Type A 2Player (6) - Alex Sias, MI
Attendance: Approximately 125
Promo: Split Altar
Official Judges: Rob Anderson, Chris Bany, Mike Berkenpas, Kevin Shride, Tim Maly, Roy Cruz
Emcee: Chris Bany
Unofficial Event Winners:
Teams - Ben Arp, WA / Kirk Dennison, FL
Iron Man - Josh Brinkman, MN
Settlers of Canaan - Andrew Wester, MN
Trivia: Rock of Ages Tins debutes and are used for Booster Draft
July 30-August 1
Location: Newbury Park, CA (Evangelical Free Church of the Conejo Valley)
Host: Michael Wolfe and Bryon Hake
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (54) - Gabe Isbell, IA
Type 1 Multiplayer (11) - Brandon West, CA
Type 2 2Player (26) - Gabe Isbell, IA
Type 2 Multiplayer (11) - Ron Sias, MI
Sealed Deck (26) - Sam Nurge, MA
Booster Draft (44) - Sam Nurge, MA
Type A -2Player (4) - John Ferraro, CA
Attendance: 85
Official Judges: Rob Anderson, Chris Bany, Kevin Shride, Bryon Hake, Roy Cruz, John Michaliszyn, Eric Wolfe, Gabe Isbell
Emcee: Chris Bany
Unofficial Event Winners:
Teams - Gabe Isbell, IA / Kevin Shride, IA
Iron Man/Seeker of Souls - Cameron Etchart, NV
Type NW - Brandon West, CA
Treasure of the Past set debuts (first ever Redemption foil cards)
Custom Hero cards were available to players and were legal for the following season.
August 12-14
Location: Lynnfield, MA (Calvary Christian Church)
Host: John Michaliszyn
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (66) - Jonathan Greeson, NY
Type 1 Multiplayer (52) - Nathan Voigt, MN
Type 2 2Player (28) - Gabe Isbell, IA
Type 2 Multiplayer (12) - John Earley, MN
Sealed Deck (32) - Brandon Abbott, CA
Booster Draft Multiplayer (61) - Tyler Stevens, GA
Type A 2Player (2) - Nathaniel Hulle, NY
Teams (14 teams) - Gabe Isbell / Kevin Shride, IA
Attendance: 103
Official Judges: Rob Anderson, Chris Bany, Kevin Shride, Bryon Hake, Roy Cruz, John Michaliszyn, John Earley
Emcee: Chris Bany
Unofficial Event Winner:
Iron Man/Seeker of Souls - Jonathan Greeson, NY
Disciples set debuts
Teams becomes an official event
Last Edit: August 28, 2021, 11:56:04 PM by ReyZen
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #4 on:
August 27, 2021, 06:49:42 PM »
August 11-13
Location: Arden Hills, MN (North Heights Lutheran Church)
Host: Chris Bany, Bill Voigt
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (98) - Matt Townsend, OH
Type 1 Multiplayer (43) - Tim Maly, NE
Type 2 2Player (20) - Nathan Voigt, MN
Type 2 Multiplayer (16) - Jordan Alstad, MN
Sealed Deck (24) - Rebeccah Collins, OH
Booster Draft Multiplayer (88) - Eric Wolfe, CA
Type A 2Player (17) Nathanael Love, MN
Teams (20 teams) - Gabe Isbell/Kevin Shride, IA
Attendance: 155
Promo: Daniel
Official Judges: Chris Bany, Rob Anderson, Bryon Hake, Kevin Shride, Tim Maly, John Earley
Emcee: Chris Bany
Unofficial Event Winner:
Iron Man/Seeker of Souls - Martin Miller, MN
Trivia: Tins 20-25 of Faith of our Fathers and Rock of Ages debuts in Booster draft
August 9-11
Location: Knoxville, TN (Meridian Baptist Church)
Host: Chris Fachman
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (65) - Martin Miller, MN
Type 1 Multiplayer (12) - Chris Ericson, PA
Type 2 2Player (18) - Josiah Beers, PA
Type 2 Multiplayer (12) - Jonathan Greeson, NY
Sealed Deck (26) - Ian Kratzer, KY
Booster Draft Multiplayer (66) - Alex Olijar, PA
Type A 2Player (10) - Caleb Brinkman, MN
Teams (24 teams) - John Earley/James Roepke, MN
Attendance: 110
Official Judges: Chris Bany, Rob Anderson, Gabe Isbell, Kevin Shride, John Earley, Chris Fachman, Roy Cruz
Emcee: Chris Bany
Unofficial Event Winner:
Iron Man/Seeker of Souls - Martin Miller, MN
Trivia: 15th consecutive National Tournament attended by Ron Sias
August 8-10
Location: Lynbrook, NY (The Vineyard Church)
Host: Roy Cruz, The Villanova family
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (40) - Josiah Beers, PA
Type 1 Multiplayer (21) - Tim Maly, MN
Type 2 2Player (10) - Justin Alstad, MN
Type 2 Multiplayer ( 8 ) - Tyler Stevens, GA
Sealed Deck (28) - Justin Alstad, MN
Booster Draft Multiplayer (20) - Matt Townsend, OH
Type A 2Player ( 8 ) - Jason Greeson, NY
Teams (18 teams) - Martin Miller, MN / Chris Ericson, PA
Attendance: 75
Official Judges: Chris Bany, Rob Anderson, John Earley, Jonathan Greeson, Tim Maly
Emcee: Chris Bany
Unofficial Event Winner:
Iron Man/Seeker of Souls - Connor Magras, MO
4th Edition Starter Deck debuts
Top Cut for Type 1 2Player debuts
August 7-9
Location: Rochester, MN (Autumn Ridge Church)
Host: Chris Bany, Pat Wester
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (60) - Zac Cornell, IA
Type 1 Multiplayer (16) - Ray Imgrund, WI
Type 2 2Player (14) - Jordan Alstad, MN
Type 2 Multiplayer (9) - Dayne Maust, MD
Sealed Deck (22) - Joseph Zimmerman, WI
Booster Draft Multiplayer (48) - Joshua Knitt, WI
Type A 2Player (9) - Duncan Loegering, MN
Teams (18 teams) - Josiah Beers/Jerome Beers, PA
Attendance: 96
Promo: Glory of the Lord (Gold Border)
Official Judges: Chris Bany, John Earley, Tim Maly, Chris Ericson
Emcee: Chris Bany
Unofficial Event Winner:
Iron Man/Seeker of Souls - Justin Alstad, MN
The 20th Redemption National Tournament
Early Church Phase 1 packs debut for booster draft
Dragon Raid Winner promo debuts
2014 National annual promo debuts
July 30 - August 1
Location: Knoxville, TN (Meridian Baptist Church)
Host: Chris Fachman
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (46) - John Earley, MN
Type 1 Multiplayer (12) - Charles Johnson, PA
Type 2 2Player (10) - Justin Alstad, MN
Type 2 Multiplayer (12) - Justin Alstad, MN
Sealed Deck (32) - Dayne Maust, MD
Booster Draft Multiplayer (47) - Daniel Huisinga, TN
Type A 2Player (6) - Forest Isbell, IA
Teams (8 teams) - Jordan Alstad/Martin Miller, MN
Attendance: 74
Promo: Glory of the Lord (Brown Border)
Official Judges: Chris Bany, John Earley, Dayne Maust
Emcee: Chris Bany
Unofficial Event Winners:
Iron Man/Seeker of Souls - JD Cunningham, TN
Garbage Sealed - Jon Masters, PA
Debut of The Persecuted Church set in booster draft
Garbage Sealed debuts as an unofficial event
Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 10:05:39 PM by ReyZen
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #5 on:
August 27, 2021, 06:50:04 PM »
August 4-6
Location: Middletown, OH (Crosspoint Church of Christ)
Host: Travis Brown
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (66) - Gabe Isbell, IA
Type 1 Multiplayer ( 8 ) - Jonathan Greeson, NY
Type 2 2Player (16) - Justin Alstad, MN
Type 2 Multiplayer ( 8 ) - Tyler Stevens, GA
Sealed Deck (42) - Nathan Levorson, MN
Booster Draft Multiplayer (79) - Josh Knitt, WI
Type A 2Player (4) - Jedidiah Wills, KY
Teams (12 teams) - John Earley, MN / Gabe Isbell, IA
Attendance: 101
Promo: Noah's Ark
Official Judges: Tim Maly, John Earley, Dayne Maust, Scott Bowen, Jordan Alstad
Emcee: Chris Bany
Unofficial Event Winners:
Iron Man/Seeker of Souls - Jay Chambers, AL
Cube Draft - Daniel Huisinga, TN
Garbage Sealed - Dario Villanova, NY
Cloud of Witnesses debuts (a specially-marked set of these cards was available at Nats2016)
Cube draft debuts as an unofficial event
August 3-5
Location: North Liberty, IA (Grace Community Church)
Host: Gabe Isbell
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (64) - JD Cunningham, TN
Type 1 Multiplayer (26) - Jeremy Chambers, AL
Type 2 2Player (24) - Josiah Beers, PA
Type 2 Multiplayer (16) - Justin Alstad, MN
Sealed Deck (28) - Daniel Huisinga, TN
Booster Draft Multiplayer (61) - Isaac Miller, IA
Type A 2Player ( 8 ) - Brett Ehler, IA
Teams (10 teams) - Josiah Beers, PA / Brian Jones, KY
Attendance: 101 players
Promo: The Tabernacle
Official Judges: Gabe Isbell, John Earley, Marcus Parker, Tim Maly, Roy Cruz, Jay Chambers
Emcee: Chris Bany
Unofficial Event Winners:
Iron Man/Seeker of Souls - Joshua Potratz, KS
Type Half - Jayden Alstad, MN
Revelation of John was released in May 2017 (a specially-marked set of these cards was available at Nats2017)
Type Half debuts as an unofficial event
Ron Sias (MI) attends his 20th consecutive National Tournament
August 2-4
Location: Tomball, TX (Spring Creek Church of Christ)
Host: Travis Brown, Roy Cruz, Terry Markoff
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (30) - John Earley, MN
Type 1 Multiplayer (12) - Noah Wagenknecht, WI
Type 2 2Player (12) - Tyler Stevens, GA
Type 2 Multiplayer ( 8 ) - Jayden Alstad, MN
Sealed Deck (21) - Joshua Potratz, KS
Booster Draft 2Player (38) - Jonathan Wagenknecht, WI
Type A 2Player (4) - Sean Murphy, IA
Teams (7 teams) - Gabe Isbell, IA / John Earley, MN
Attendance: 55
Promo: Whirlwind/Everlasting Ground
Official Judges: Gabe Isbell, Marcus Parker, Chris Fachman, Jay Chambers, Noah Wagenknecht
Emcee: Chris Bany
Unofficial Event Winners:
Iron Man/Seeker of Souls - Jay Chambers, AL
Cube Draft - Greg Miller, MN
Garbage Sealed - Dario Villanova, NY
Booster Draft debuts as a 2-player event
Fall of Man set debuts
Prophecies of Christ set announced for Nov 2018 release
First time that 1st, 2nd, 3rd in a tournament category (T1-Multi) were also 1st, 2nd, 3rd in RNRS
August 1-3
Location: Knoxville, TN (Meridian Baptist Church)
Host: Chris Fachman
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (45) - John Earley, MN
Type 1 Multiplayer (14) - Steve Kamke, SC
Type 2 2Player (22) - Josiah Beers, PA
Type 2 Multiplayer (6) - Jayden Alstad, MN
Sealed Deck (28) - JD Cunningham, TN
Booster Draft 2Player (32) - Brian Jones, KY
Type A 2Player ( 8 ) - Derek Frank, PA
Teams (7 Teams) - Justin Alstad/Jayden Alstad, MN
*T2 2player spreadsheet not available*
Attendance: 65
Promo: Son of God/New Jerusalem combo
Official Judges: Gabe Isbell, John Earley, Roy Cruz, Travis Brown, Marcus Parker, Isaac Miller, Derek Tirado
Emcee: Chris Bany
Unofficial Event Winner:
Cube Draft - Jeremy Chambers, AL
PoGoMan - Gabe Isbell, IA
Trivia: Prophecies of Christ set debuts
August 13-15
Location: Finksburg, MD (DiMaggio Residence Fellowship Hall)
Host: Ginger DiMaggio & Josiah Beers
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (20) - Nic Marshall, KY
Type 1 Multiplayer (6) - Brandon Frank, PA
Type 2 2Player (6) - Tyler Stevens, GA
Type 2 Multiplayer (4) - Jayden Alstad, MN
Sealed Deck (10) - Robin Dermo, PA
Booster Draft 2Player (24) - Charles Loria, CT
Type A 2Player (2) - Brayden Babij, FL
Teams (7 teams) - Josiah Beers, PA / John Earley, MN
Attendance: 43
Promo: Mayhem
Official Judges: John Earley, Chris Fachman, Joe Schafer, Marcus Parker, Derek Tirado, Roy Cruz
Emcee: Chris Bany
Unofficial Event Winner:
LoC Constructed - Tyler Stevens, GA
PoGoMan - Ryan Deller, NY
Trivia: Lineage of Christ set debuts
Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 07:16:02 PM by ReyZen
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #6 on:
August 27, 2021, 06:50:31 PM »
August 12-14
Location: Canyon Lake, TX (Canyon Lake Cabins & Cottages)
Host: Roy Cruz
Official Event Winners:
Type 1 2Player (23) - Joshua Potratz, KS
Type 1 Multiplayer (5) Jeremy Chambers, AL
Type 2 2Player ( 8 ) - Jayden Alstad, MN
Type 2 Multiplayer (6) - Jayden Alstad, MN
Sealed Deck (19) - Dario Villanova, NY
Booster Draft (20) - Derek Tirado, FL
Type A 2Player (2) - Emily Swedowski, TX
Teams (6 teams) - John Earley/Jayden Alstad, MN
Attendance: 52 (42 players + 10 non-playing participants ie. judges, emcee, etc.)
Promo: Humble Seeker
Official Judges: John Earley, Tyler Stevens, Marcus Parker, Chris Fachman, Joe Schaefer
Emcee: Chris Bany
Unofficial Event Winners:
Garbage Sealed - Travis Matthews, TX
R.A.I.D. - John Hendricks, AL
-R.A.I.D. (a type half variant) debuts as an unofficial event *thanks to Royal Rangers Commander Royce A
-Because of a 3-way-tie for 3rd place in Type 1 Multiplayer, all 5 participants actually got RNRS points for playing
-Nats Trivia contest debuts c/o Chris B
Last Edit: July 30, 2023, 12:19:36 PM by MrMiYoda
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #7 on:
August 27, 2021, 07:24:34 PM »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #8 on:
August 27, 2021, 07:24:52 PM »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #9 on:
August 27, 2021, 07:25:09 PM »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #10 on:
August 27, 2021, 07:25:33 PM »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #11 on:
August 27, 2021, 07:25:51 PM »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #12 on:
August 27, 2021, 07:26:42 PM »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #13 on:
August 27, 2021, 07:26:57 PM »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #14 on:
August 27, 2021, 07:27:10 PM »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #15 on:
August 27, 2021, 07:27:29 PM »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #16 on:
August 27, 2021, 07:27:47 PM »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #17 on:
August 27, 2021, 07:28:02 PM »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #18 on:
August 27, 2021, 07:28:16 PM »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #19 on:
August 27, 2021, 07:28:31 PM »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #20 on:
August 27, 2021, 07:28:44 PM »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: Redemption® CCG Official National Tournament and RNRS Stats History
Reply #21 on:
August 27, 2021, 07:28:59 PM »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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