Author Topic: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event  (Read 20386 times)

Offline galadgawyn

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Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« on: July 21, 2011, 10:24:52 PM »
For those who don't already know, one of our members (Matt Archibald, boardname - crustpope) has a 1&1/2 yr old son named Micah who has recently been diagnosed with muscular distrophy.  The diagnosis means Micah might not live past 20 and could be in a wheelchair by 12.  This presents their family with various needs including above normal physical and financial burdens.  As friends, members of Matt's community, and most importantly brothers and sisters in Christ, we would like to support his family.  Our first and greatest support is praying for them because our hope and theirs is in the power and love of Christ Jesus.  Faith also takes action.  So we want to host a Redemption tournament where all the proceeds will go to support Matt's family.  Considering the nature and longevity of the condition, I think it would be great if this becomes an annual event.  Matt lives in Trenton, OH so this will be hosted nearby.  The details of the tournament are:

Fri. Nov. 9th 2012,  8:00 P.M.   and   Sat. Nov. 10th starting at 9:00 A.M. to when we finish.   

The same events as last year:  Sealed Teams 8:00 P.M. Fri.,  Type 1 Multi 9:00 A.M. Sat.,  and Teams Sat. afternoon.     other stuff as there is interest. 

$10 for 1st category and additional categories are whatever amount you want (or can) put in

There will be some snacks and refreshments available.  I anticipate that people will have dinner on their own Fri. before we start.  We will probably order pizzas on Sat. for lunch.

The location is Matt Archibald's church in Trenton OH:

220 N Miami St. Trenton, OH 45067

My number is 937-479-1421.

There will be lodging available Fri. night at the church.  If other needs are presented like special lodging needs or pickup at an airport, I will do my best to coordinate help with those. 

*** Edit from ReyZen -- I have sticky'd this post for as long as Redemption-for-Micah events are run.   Let us try our very best to make the trek to OH for this cause.  Peace and blessings! ***
1.  Ohio (*pilot event) 05 November 2011
2.  New York, 11-12 November 2011
3.  Maryland, 19 November 2011
« Last Edit: November 08, 2012, 06:45:09 PM by galadgawyn »

Offline galadgawyn

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2011, 10:25:10 PM »
I will be putting in the application soon.  After that, I'll use this for pre-registering and keeping track of people coming, etc.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 03:59:49 PM by galadgawyn »

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2011, 10:29:56 PM »
If I am able, I would support this event with my attendence.

Offline Red Dragon Thorn

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2011, 10:36:30 PM »
That's awesome. Please let me know dates and such once more planning has been done, I'm very interested in attending.

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2011, 11:12:54 PM »
I'm also interested in attending/helping with this.  I actually really like the idea of focusing it on something like the T2-only tournament that Bill runs each year.  Since he's already got dibs on T2, I would suggest TEAMS or SUPER BOOSTER (ie. Unlimited, Prophets, Womens, Warriors, Apostles, Patriarchs, Kings, Angel Wars, Priests, FooF, RoA, TxP, Disciples).

If you did TEAMS, then there would be virtually no upfront costs, and therefore more profit to help out Matt and his family.

If you did SUPER BOOSTER, then you'd have to spend a lot to get all the supplies, but you could also charge a LOT for a draft of that magnitude.  The packs alone would be worth over $50, and people might be willing to pay $50 since it would be going to a good cause.  And if you could get Ken at 3LG to donate the Warriors and/or Womens packs, then this could also make a good profit for Matt and his family.

One thing to consider though is that my guess is that Bill loses money every year on the T2-only tournament.  I know that he helps some people with travel expenses (who come from long distances), plus all the food that he has available, and I vaguely think there might have been extra prizes as well.  The point is that he does that tournament because he is a generous guy and loves the game.  And that generosity has helped establish that tourney as the nation's premier tournament outside of Nats.  But it doesn't raise money.

If a tournament is focused on raising money, then it will by necessity be less generous.  But unfortunately, that will also probably limit its ability to really become as big a thing as the T2-only.  This is just something to keep in mind as you are doing your planning.

Another thing to consider is that most of the top T2 players go to the T2-only because it is the best tune-up for Nats all year.  But Booster at Nats would NOT be like SUPER BOOSTER, so this wouldn't really be a tune-up.  On the other hand, if this tournament focused on TEAMS, then it could turn into the nation's best tune-up for that event at Nats.


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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2011, 11:47:55 PM »
I wonder if a redemption tournament would be the most efficient way. If we did something at the type 2 only, for example, the people coming from out of town would have to pay a lot of money for travel expenses, probably more than they would be able to give. Just seems like wasted money. Perhaps there could be multiple tournament locally would be better or at nationals too, that is centralized.

At nationals I don't know what we could make money on... $5 for people sleeping at the church? Although that would undermine the advertized free stay at the church... I guess I am just spit balling.  :)

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2011, 12:04:21 AM »
My input is that only Prophets (Micah!) can be the offense and reenlist old school ANB rules(Matt's favorite combo deck) for mass abuse. 

I would be curious what Matt's thoughts on tournament style.
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Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2011, 10:30:31 AM »
Another possibility would be to do a live online tournament.  That way it would not only be free for the host, but it would also eliminate travel expenses for all the players.  Perhaps everyone who played could pay a $10 entry fee (by PayPal or similar alternative), and all the funds raised could go to help Matt & Family.

We did a live online tourney last summer, and it was really fun.  Of course that one was free (and part of ROOT), but it showed that it can be done.  And this would open it up to the whole country to participate.

Guesstimates regarding money raised:
TEAMS Extravaganza = $10 entry fee * 30 people attending = $300 -$0 expenses = $300 profit

SUPER BOOSTER = $50 entry fee * 30 people attending = $1500 - ? (depending on donations) = $?

T1-2p Live Online Tournament = $10 entry fee * ? people = $?

It seems likely that the maximum number of people who would actually attend a tournament there in Cincy would be about 30 (I think that the T2-only tourney draws about that many).  That maxes out the first option at $300.  The second option would max out at $1500, but could actually end up being less than $300 if you weren't able to get a lot of the packs donated.  The Live Online Tournament would have basically no maximum since a virtually unlimited number of people could play (but it would take at least 150 people playing (unlikely) to make the same amount as the SUPER BOOSTER (assuming you can get all the packs donated).

So IF you can get all the packs donated, then the SUPER BOOSTER is probably the best way to go.  But if you can't, then the T1-2p Live Online Tournament is probably the best way to go.

Offline crustpope

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2011, 02:36:46 PM »
My input is that only Prophets (Micah!) can be the offense and reenlist old school ANB rules(Matt's favorite combo deck) for mass abuse. 

I would be curious what Matt's thoughts on tournament style.

This post brought a tear of joy to my eye ;)

First of all, I like this idea and I think it is so awesome that the redemption community is willing to help out like this.  I also want people to know that we are not in desperate financial straights right now.  Currenlty Micah has few additional expenses.  We will have to go to several more dr's appointments and specialist fees will eat into the budget, but currently Micah does not require any expensive equipment or treatments.  That will change with time, but I am just saying this doesn't have to raise all the $$ in one tournament, there are several ways we can probably try to raise money.

As for SS asking for my input.  I dont know.  They all sound good.  Super booster sounds good but it wont raise $1500 after you pay for stock and I dont want people going broke paying to play.

An online tournament is nice, but I like the idea of meeting and fellowshiping with people but I also understand that people might want to save on travel expenses. 

I dont know, but having a type 2 multi table with 4 ANB decks sounds like fun!  Also we are Banning Nazareth and Cesaraea Philipi!
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Offline galadgawyn

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2011, 06:33:32 PM »
I also want people to know that we are not in desperate financial straights right now.  Currenlty Micah has few additional expenses.  We will have to go to several more dr's appointments and specialist fees will eat into the budget, but currently Micah does not require any expensive equipment or treatments.  That will change with time,

The thinking here is long term.  Because most of us are not wealthy, it is better to start now and raise some each year than wait 10+ years until the need is great and then not be able to do much.  Not judging others, but my conscience would say "since you knew about the need way in advance, why did you wait until the last minute?" 

I wonder if a redemption tournament would be the most efficient way.
I'd say it definitely isn't.  It would be way more efficient for people to just mail money to Matt.  If anyone wants to bless his family that way then glory to God.  Why do a tournament then?  As Matt mentioned it is also a chance for fellowship.  My guess is that it may be difficult for him to travel to Nats and other tournaments in the future.  This may give him another chance to come and play.  There are also people that may only be able to contribute $10 dollars and would feel awkward giving that to Matt but are open to contributing to the community effort.  There are other people who might not give anything but an opportunity like this encourages them to join in.  It would probably be difficult to get a resturaunt to just give his family money but we might find one willing to donate food to a fundraising event. 

Regarding the idea of multiple local tournaments or doing something at Nats or doing an online tournament, they all sound good. 
Regardless we feel led as his fellow Ohioans to do a local here.  If God builds that up into a huge event then glory to God.  I won't say if people should try other venues because I think they should follow God's leading on that.  If all those other ideas are tried and it takes away from our local fundraiser but ends up with more total support for Micah then the goal is achieved and glory to God.  We encourage people to come join our local event or start their own, either way it is an opportunity to serve Christ by serving His children. 

For our local, I wasn't going to do booster because I wanted 100% of the proceeds to be given and since we couldn't afford the supplies we'd have to use some of the donations to cover that.  If somehow the packs could be covered then I'll definitely reconsider that.  If we were going to do a super booster, what about splitting the packs and drafting more than once?  I was also thinking this was going to be an official tournament so it would conform to the standards but if their is more interest in alternative play, then we're open to that too.  Or we could do both. 

I thought it might be good to focus on one category like teams and have 6 rounds but that might not draw some people (including in our local playgroup).  Would it be better to be focused or to have 2-4 categories to draw more people and have them register in more events? 

I figure October or April might be the best time of year for it, thoughts?

I appreciate the interest and feedback and look forward to seeing any and all of you come join us.

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2011, 08:25:35 PM »
It would probably be difficult to get a resturaunt to just give his family money but we might find one willing to donate food to a fundraising event. 
This is a GREAT idea.  It would be a way for you to have a lot of food for people without any costs to cut into the fundraising, and also a chance for the restaurant to participate in being a blessing.

Regardless we feel led as his fellow Ohioans to do a local here.
If that is the case, then just be aware that the biggest local tournaments only draw in about 30 people.  That's still a good number though and $300 a year for 10 years is still $3000 or more if it's invested until Matt's family needs it.

I won't say if people should try other venues because I think they should follow God's leading on that.
Since I'm currently running ROOT, and have experience with hosting a live online tourney, I might end up doing that myself.  We'll have to see.

For our local, I wasn't going to do booster because I wanted 100% of the proceeds to be given and since we couldn't afford the supplies we'd have to use some of the donations to cover that.  If somehow the packs could be covered then I'll definitely reconsider that.
That makes sense.  There's not many people who have the number of packs that would be needed to donate.  You could try Ken at 3LG, TechnoEthicist, and even Rob himself.  Perhaps you could get Ken to do 30 packs of Womens and Warriors, and TE to do 30 packs of Apostles and Patriarchs and Kings, and Rob to do 30 packs of Angel Wars and Priests and TxP.  I might be able to do 30 packs of Original and Prophets.  Then you'd just need some other forum people to chip in to do the FooF, RoA, and Di.  Hopefully 3 more people would step up to the plate and each take 1 of those.

I thought it might be good to focus on one category like teams and have 6 rounds but that might not draw some people (including in our local playgroup).  Would it be better to be focused or to have 2-4 categories to draw more people and have them register in more events?   I figure October or April might be the best time of year for it, thoughts?
The T2-only has really succeeded by focusing on one thing.  I think that is probably the pattern to follow.  As for time of year, I think October is probably a good time.  April is when people are already traveling to State tournaments, so you'd have more competition for people's time and money.  October has traditionally been pretty dead time as far as tournaments go, so it could use something like this to spice it up :)

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2011, 08:40:22 PM »
This is a great idea! I can't say whether or not we'd be able to make it since that would depend on a lot of things, but I would be glad to support it. :)

However, I want to make it clear that I would not be able to donate Warrior packs since I don't even have that many left. If you want to do regular booster draft, I may be able to help with typical packs (Unlimited, Prophets, Apostles, Patriarchs for sure). I'll let you decide what you'd like to do, and I'll see what I'm able to do at that time to help. I just wanted to make sure you weren't counting on me for something I can't do.

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2011, 11:55:09 PM »
I want to make it clear that I would not be able to donate Warrior packs since I don't even have that many left.
Thanks for letting us know Ken.  I of course wasn't volunteering you for those, but you were the only person I could think of who was likely to even have 30 Warriors or 30 Womens packs.  Since you don't, I'm guessing no one else does either, which makes the whole idea of SUPER BOOSTER pretty impossible.

So then my suggestion if you want to have a local there in Cincy would be to focus on TEAMS.  You could make it THE tournament of the year for the best TEAMS around the country to test their stuff with all the new cards that will still be pretty novel in October.  As a sideline you could also have a 2nd event which could be a T2-mp event where every deck is required to have at least 1 copy of ANB (just for Matt) :)

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2011, 08:46:00 AM »
I think that this is a spectacular idea that God has laid on JP's heart. I know that God loves when we come together and do something for his glory like this. Why not do both an online tournament and a live tournament at the same time and then have the online winner play the live player FTW? That would certainly be different.

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2011, 03:18:59 PM »
Thanks for letting us know Ken.  I of course wasn't volunteering you for those, but you were the only person I could think of who was likely to even have 30 Warriors or 30 Womens packs.  Since you don't, I'm guessing no one else does either, which makes the whole idea of SUPER BOOSTER pretty impossible.

you can try contacting rubberbandwarrior here on the forums, i know for a fact he still has sealed womens and warriors boxes. he donated packs of womens for a super draft at mo state.

concerning donations, if someone doesnt have actual money to donate but still feels the need to donate, redemption cards would still be a good donation. given you'd have to resell them, but they are still worth money and every little bit adds up.
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Offline galadgawyn

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2011, 04:17:30 PM »
I've updated some details in the first post. 

We had some good feedback for this at Nationals; several people have expressed interest in coming and/or helping out.  I know Matt and his family also appreciate the prayer for them.

To Master KChief (my current computer won't let me copy/paste  >:()

I realized that even if we could get the packs for super booster one year, it would be very difficult to continue that every year.  Since the category is also one that Matt doesn't really like, we will choose other options.  However, getting packs or cards as donations is still a great idea. 

We could sell them as suggested and/or use them as additional prize support so it is on the Regional level instead of local.  We have gotten a couple donations already and if it works out, one that will be really cool. 

If anyone wants to do this, they can contact and mail it to me or uthminister (Travis Brown).  We will acknowledge help unless you want to keep it anonymous.  If anyone would want documentation for tax purposes, Travis has said that we can get that through his church.

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2011, 04:31:02 PM »
Because both of the categories are multi, we want some unofficial options for 2-player plus we don't want the people coming in on Fri. night to be bored!   suggestions so far:

memorizing Leviticus, basketball competition,  elimination style type1 2 player category,  regular ironman,  anything ironman (the same except you can challenge with any category of play), sealed teams?, by the book (ask Travis), Redemption RPG (if I can get enough worked out by then), Bible pictionary, heathen board games, Bible improv, etc.

any feedback/suggestions/requests from anyone that is coming?

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2011, 04:55:08 PM »
John M.'s crew will be stopping at Roberts Wesleyan college (my place) for some FooFerRAH drafting Friday night.  If anyone else would like to attend, we can provide free lodging and food.
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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2011, 05:01:03 PM »
By the Book is a broken category... Travis even had the ideal deck already built but didn't know it ;)

I like the idea of a 1-1 single or double elim basketball tourney though.

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2011, 05:48:46 PM »
By the Book is a broken category... Travis even had the ideal deck already built but didn't know it ;)

I like the idea of a 1-1 single or double elim basketball tourney though.
John, you already avoid me in Redemption.  You do NOT want to see the mad skills of this old man in basketball.  As a team, you can hide from saying the phrase, "I was beat by old man Greeson."   ;)  :-*

I have the date, and I am going to talk to my wife about it.  I'm highly confident that I will be there.
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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2011, 11:17:30 PM »
I realized that even if we could get the packs for super booster one year, it would be very difficult to continue that every year.  However, getting packs or cards as donations is still a great idea.  We could sell them as suggested and/or use them as additional prize support so it is on the Regional level instead of local.
I like this idea.  I remember the first time I introduced TEAMS on a large scale at Columbus Nats we had prizes for both of the members of the winning TEAM be 1 of every pack released up to that point.  I think people were pretty excited about it, and it would make a great prize again for this tournament.  If you could get enough donated the first year to do a Super Booster, then that would be enough to use as prizes instead for a decade of tournaments.

Because both of the categories are multi, we want some unofficial options for 2-player... basketball competition,  ...sealed teams?
Type Ban seems to have gained a bit of traction here on the boards, and might make an interesting unofficial category.  If it's a TEAMS tournament, it would be interesting to have a basketball tourney that was 2-on-2 where your Redemption teammate had to be your basketball teammate.  I also really liked the idea of "Sealed TEAMS" when Travis talked to me about it.  It would really equalize the differences between the 2 starter decks since both TEAMS would have both decks, and each TEAM would have 6 packs to power-up their decks.  This sounds way cooler than regular Sealed to me, and I'd like to see that as an unofficial category sometime.

3 rounds of type 1 multi and teams
I'm hoping that 3 rounds won't be enough.  That would only be able to handle 8 TEAMS worth of people.  I would suggest planning on 4 rounds of both events.

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2011, 11:41:32 PM »
I also fully endorse the basketball tournament 2-2 or 3-3.  but more importantly MICAH fully endorses the basketball tournament!  ;)

Sealed Teams seems to be a really facinating event.  Perhaps we can arrange that for an unofficial Friday Night event?  I have 8 pre-sleaved g/h decks already so if we can build on this, maybe we can do some "playtesting on this and see what happens?
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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2011, 01:21:58 AM »
How many of us actually need the packs we win? I mean honestly, if I win a tournament, every pack I pull I have the cards. I would encourage some of the top players to set aside some of their winnings (perhaps a percentage of them) for this event, or following events for this purpose. Just a thought.  :)
As a national champion, I support ReyZen deck pouches.

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2011, 01:56:24 AM »
booster teams sounds even more fun...
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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2011, 02:21:41 AM »
booster teams sounds even more fun...
I agree that Booster TEAMS sounds fun.  But Booster is fun already.  The beauty of Sealed TEAMS is that it has the potential to take one of the least fun events and actually make it worth playing :)


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