Author Topic: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event  (Read 20413 times)

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #100 on: October 26, 2012, 10:07:20 PM »
we are planning on waiting for your group to play Sealed Teams.  When you suggested 8:00, did you mean that you would be ready to play at 8 or just arriving at 8?...How many are coming with you, Mark?
I think we should be ready to play by 8, as I suspect we'll arrive between 7-8.  As for numbers, that is still a bit up in the air.  We had 19 at our last local tournament here, and although I doubt seriously that all of them will make it, I think that we'll have a big group.  My best guess at this point is that we'll have about 10 players coming.

I'll try to summarize chances of coming below:
99% - Myself and my 2 daughters (Alecia and Katrina)
80% - Andy Wills, Drew Wills, Brian Jones, Kayleb Matthews
70% - Ian Kratzer, Stevie Stedman, Caleb Stanley, Wyatt Marcum
60% - Tirzah, John, Biruk
40% - Jed, Hannah
30% - Kyle, Samuel, Hunter, Tabitha, Kyla

edit: Players in red ended up making it.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 05:04:32 PM by Prof Underwood »

Offline galadgawyn

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #101 on: November 08, 2012, 05:00:14 AM »
I really apologize for not being around more for updates but this has been a pretty busy time for me and my family.  I am really looking forward to the weekend!  I did update the OP with some info. 

Also, is there anyone who could carpool/ pick up a guy from the Cedarville, OH area?  He learned how to play at Creation Fest and when he came to our store last week for Yugioh, he saw our Redemption cards and that led to his interest in going to the tournament this weekend.  His name is Max Schoch.   If anyone can, then please give me a call to arrange that:  937-479-1421.

Mark, any chance we could do some playtesting when you are here? 


Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #102 on: November 09, 2012, 01:15:27 PM »
I've now confirmed that I'll be bringing 11 players with me to the tournament.  See you guys this evening :)

Offline galadgawyn

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #103 on: November 09, 2012, 04:45:57 PM »
Awesome!  Lord, please protect them for their journey. 

See you soon. 

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #104 on: November 12, 2012, 04:47:29 PM »
It was a GREAT tournament!  We were glad to bring our largest ever traveling group to this tournament, and everyone had a really good time.  It is always a pleasure to get to reconnect with our OH Redemption friends, and this was no exception.  So many of my players benefited from the generous prizes (of the host and sponsors), the trading (of uthminister), and the food (delicious) that we almost couldn't fit back into the van to return home to KY.

Sealed Teams:
None of us from KY had ever played this event before.  However after giving it a try, I think it really might be the future of Sealed.  It certainly was a LOT more fun that regular Sealed.  I teamed up with my 7yr old daughter Katrina, and we had a good time working together.  Each team started with the G+H decks and either 10 regular packs or 6 box packs.  We thought about going with 6 disciples packs and hoping to supersize the purple offense of the starter deck, but ended up choosing to go with 10 priests packs hoping to add a complete teal offense to the mix.

Unfortunately we ended up getting absolutely nothing out of any of the 10 packs.  No KoT, no PotW, no Phineas or Joshua or Zeal or Holy Unto the Lord or Lampstand or ANYTHING.  We also got very few cards matching any of our brigades and none of them were good either.  It was about the worst pull from packs that I've gotten ever, and others were pulling stuff like Falling Away, and double Captain of the Hosts.  I was sure we would lose terribly in the event.  Amazingly we won our first 2 games and ended up playing against Allen and Rebeccah Collins in the championship game.  Considering that Rebeccah is a former National Champion in Sealed Deck, I knew we were in for a tough game.

At the end, both teams were tied with 4 LSs rescued each.  My daughter has SoG in her hand, but our opponents did not have any LSs in their LoB.  We had LSs available, but they couldn't seem to break through our defense.  So it all came down to whether they drew a LS or their SoG first.  As it turned out SoG showed up first and they won the game.  We dropped to 3rd place overall in the standings, and really were still quite happy to have finished that highly.

Late night gaming:
The event finished after midnight, so my wife and kids went to bed.  Meanwhile my teammate for TEAMS the next day and I got in a practice game to get a bit more ready.  We had some significant problems, so I was glad to get them out of the way when it didn't count.  After that the rest of us also went to sleep looking forward to the day ahead :)

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #105 on: November 12, 2012, 04:48:41 PM »
I was the defending champion of this event from last year, and hoped to be able to repeat this year.  However I was using quite a different deck this year, and things didn't quite break my way.  In my first round, I randomly was assigned to the table with only 3 players which ended up being the difference in the tournament.  I rescued 4 LSs, but because there were only 3 players, there were no VPs for 2nd place.  I won my second game, which let me slip into the championship table for the final round.  My only way to win the tournament was to win that game and keep Brian Jones (the current leader with 2 wins) from getting any VPs at all.

It was clear early that stopping Brian wasn't going to happen as he played SoG+NJ to jump out to an early lead of 3-1-1-1 with GoYS protecting his lead.  Soon it was 4-2-2-1 and Brian was guaranteed VPs of at least a shared 2nd place finish.  So then I was playing for 2nd place, and then things got crazy....

The only LSs on the table were Brian's (heavily defended and including a fresh 3-liner) and a fresh 3-liner in Player 4's LoB as well as another fresh 3-liner in my territory.  I felt good about that because I figured that no one would attack yet and that would mean that we had basically 2 automatic stops to use against Brian.  But then Pequinot attacked me when I had no defense causing me to have to give him half of my 3-liner (one stop down the drain).  At this point I felt like I had to also attack Player 4 to keep up and figured if I just took half of his 3-liner then there would be nothing left for Brian to attack at all.

Player 4 then did something very unexpected.  He blocked me with TAS which created a LS in my LoB that would be difficult for me to defend against Brian.  He then got out someone from his deck giving me initiative which I used to win the battle, unfortunately creating a LS in his LoB.  Rather than give me that LS leaving the fresh 3-liner to use as a block on Brian, he instead chose to give me half the 3-liner despite having no defense left to block Brian (who was going next).  When Brian came in he was about to give away the LS, and a discussion happened about how giving the game to someone was cheating.  Thankfully, Pequinot had SoG+NJ and took away that LS as well as the 2nd half of my 3-liner he had rescued previously.  Score 4-4-2-1.

Another time around the table saw Pequinot take half of Brian's 3-liner, and me take the 2nd half of Player 4's 3-liner, and Brian getting stopped again.  Player 4 took a couple LSs from me during that time as well so that the score was 4-4-4-3.  At that point Brian played Falling Away on Pequinot's rescued 3-liner effectively ending his chances to win, and I finally drew SoG to get the win.

Despite Brian and I both having 2 wins and a 4LS 2nd place finish in games, he ended up in 1st place (since my 2nd was in a 3-player game).  I took 2nd place and Caleb Stanley took 3rd.  I was pleased and proud that Oakdale took all 3 top spots in a tightly contested event like that.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 05:28:05 PM by Prof Underwood »

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #106 on: November 12, 2012, 05:03:08 PM »
Last year, I teamed up with Brian Jones and went undefeated on the way to winning 1st.  We continued to team up for large tournaments winning at State and Regional levels, and placing 5th at Nats.  This year we decided to split up rather than try to defend our titles.  I teamed up with another student named Kayleb Matthews and Brian teamed up with Travis Brown (uthminister).  Brian and Travis went with a combination of a 154 behemoth deck in the hands of Travis (focusing on defense, but also able to make some nice attacks along the way) and a speedy small deck in the hands of Brian (focusing on offense).  They won their first game and had timeout win in their second round.

Meanwhile, Kayleb and I went with 2 decks that were almost identical that benefited a lot from banding to each other's characters.  Our first 2 rounds seemed to be a lot harder to get through as we were barely able to get timeout wins in both of them.  But our draws seemed to really not work well as some key cards failed to show up both games.  Wall of Protection didn't come out forcing us to fight through our own defense many times, which slowed us down considerably.  We also lacked GoYS at a critical part of one game, and in another game we both had the same key card of our offense as the bottom card of our decks.  We hoped the odds were in our favor for a better draw in the last round.

So after 2 rounds, we slid into the championship game, and there were actually 4 teams at the time who all had the chance to win the tournament depending on how things turned out.  The championship against Brian/Travis was really fun.  One of the key battles that I remember was coming in with Sam and getting blocked with KoT.  I naturally played Sam's Edict to send him away, but Travis wasn't worried at all.  He simply Gates'd until he had pulled out both a demon to block and a 3-liner LS, and then discarded Gates to add his new blocker.  He would have had init, and I suspected Worshipping Demons to end the battle, so we played AotL on the demon, right after first playing Burial on that 3-liner.  It was hard fought battle, but ended up with a LS for the good guys.  A turn or two later, Kayleb drew SoG to go with his NJ, and we were able to win the game and the tournament.

Wyatt Marcum and Drew Wills ended up placing 2nd in TEAMS.  Matt Archibald and Jonathan Pequinot placed 3rd.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 09:50:32 PM by Prof Underwood »

Offline crustpope

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Re: Redemption for Micah Fundraiser Event
« Reply #107 on: November 19, 2012, 08:22:26 AM »
Thanks so much to all of the people who came, participated and helped host and maintain the event.  The event raised $392.25.  I had a great time and even Micah had a great time for the brief moment he was able to come.

Thanks to all who participated!
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