Author Topic: Planning to do tournaments in ALASKA!  (Read 2515 times)

Offline Blisstake

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Planning to do tournaments in ALASKA!
« on: January 22, 2014, 01:55:22 PM »
I am planning to start tournaments in Homer, Alaska area. I want to know a few tips, but first, you should get info of the area:

Many churches
Tourist town
your a drug addict or bible person

I'm pretty sure i got 2 areas as a possibility (school gym and downstairs of church), haven't filled out the fourm, and will try to get an idea of how many people will come (all i have to do is get an idea of how many people, and there are so many churches to contact for youth groups to be notified.)

Of course, since what i noticed about this game is that the groups tend to be small (not trying to offend) unless your in some area. I don't even have a deck and still want to run a tournament.

My idea for getting everyone (getting new people, and very unlikely 1 person has their own deck) is doing a closed deck tournament. I will be able to be over in Tri-cities in Washington for running games over there, but i just want an idea of how many people will be attending.

I can do this as a church event, so players can even bring their own food as a potluck if needed. I would get posters in as many churches i can (i bet theres over 50), and i just don't know how many people will be attending. My idea is to have the players pay the admission before the tournament, and will not be refunded at the tournament or if you missed the tournament. The reason for this is so i can buy the decks in advance, and then once everyone has a deck, i will run another closed deck tournament so at most, people have 2 decks, and at least some people have 1 deck. Then i will run a mobile shop to sell card packs to players, then run an open deck tournament (can't remember what type needs 100 cards). If no one chooses to buy cards from me, they can go ahead and order online and get cards that way. Then this will spark games over in homer, then i can possibly move them over into Anchorage (no one sells these cards in alaska, so it will either spark guys in Achorage to sell them, or i start selling them) then i can run a district tournament in either Kenai peninsula, Mat-su, or Anchorage, then start Alaska's first State tournament. And this could even be done at the state fair.

But first. i need an estimate of how many people will attend, second, if i do closed deck, will i be sent the starter decks? third, what should i charge for entry? im thinking 12 dollars, but 15 seems a bit better so i can get more money to supply the people. fourth, should i use the potluck idea? and last, should i just get the UN and whatever was above it deal for sale? (minus decks)

Offline TechnoEthicist

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Re: Planning to do tournaments in ALASKA!
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2014, 02:25:33 PM »
It's fantastic that you are wanting to start tournaments in Alaska! But if I can make a word of advice, start small. Do you have any friends that like to play? Are there people that want to learn? It sounds great that you have a lot of churches to advertise to, but you have to get people interested in the game before they will pay for any form of tournament. Are there any retailers that sell Redemption near you, or would you have to buy the supplies from others? I missed in your post if you had a starter deck already. If not, I could hook you up with a few used decks from our 10th anniversary set for the cost of shipping. Others may be able to hook you up with used copies of the newest starter (4th edition) though.

In terms of booster packs, I would play a few games with others with the new starters before upgrading your decks with new cards. Find out what color (theme) you most like to play with and then we can recommend packs to pursue. Let me know when you are ready to pursue that and we can work out some form of supply package.

Let me know here or via PM if you have any questions. Welcome to the game!

Offline Blisstake

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Re: Planning to do tournaments in ALASKA!
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2014, 02:50:21 PM »
Heres the idea: i looked at my church, and i dont see anyone interested currently. I just need to look by going to other youth groups (im under 18) and ask them. I got the person running the youth group i go to to look at them. What i checked so far, NO ONE sells these cards in alaska. I checked Bosco's (Biggest card seller in Alaska) and they said last time they had them was 1997. I completely understand the new rules already, I had even went into complex levels of another CCG (never played in a tournament, but my deck looked like it was the best i could get, i also had 2 other decks before i sold the cards). I don't know of anyone who was played, or even heard of Redemption. I feel advanced enough (even though i haven't played) to modify the deck just slightly (just adding 6 cards that would work). for some reason, the new starter decks feel more powerful, and would perfer to start with one of those. Gold seems like the best option to basic out (philosophy seems like a good card just to throw right away in the starter deck) and i had also read that the UN packs are best to start out, but i want to go ahead and get one of the Grab Bags to get a good amount of cards to start out with modifying my deck when i see what path i want to go. For me, im looking for cards that are just offensive, but stand good. (10/10 looks like a good area to stick around). I also want to use a semi-mill deck to get rid of a few cards so i have more cards if the opponent runs out. I had played about 6 other CCG's and got the idea of it. Also, to get an idea of it, how many decks do you have that you are willing to give? Also, if i do a local tournament, what card should i give out? I was thinking philosophy as its very universal and good for advancing a small step.

Offline TechnoEthicist

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Re: Planning to do tournaments in ALASKA!
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2014, 03:05:31 PM »
Judges are definitely a solid theme, as are the Disciples from the other decks. The grab bags are a nice addition to a new collection, but their only drawback is that they don't contain cards from the last 10 years which is where you will find the more powerful cards, especially for Judges or disciples. I would recommend that you purchase a couple Rock of Ages or Faith of Our Fathers tins instead if you want to stick with Judges or Disciples packs to get the new Disciples cards. You'll see very quickly that having high numbered characters is not always the best strategy :). Also, when you host a tournament, you get to choose one of 6 local promos, and Philosophy is not one of them. I'd recommend starting with Angel at Shur promo personally, but others may suggest something else.

I have enough used starters to create at least 8 decks, 4 of the G deck, and 4 of the H deck so that would give you a good start

Offline Blisstake

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Re: Planning to do tournaments in ALASKA!
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2014, 03:36:38 PM »
Ok, so i might as well order from the website (except for those who are willing to donate) This is what i got as an idea:

1 4th edition starter deck

1 of each tin

2 disciples boxes (small box)

Would this be good for me once i get it?

Also, it says on the main website shipping is free for above 40$, does this apply to alaska? Also, what tin numbers would you recomend? I feel that the newest would be best for some reason.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 04:53:00 PM by Blisstake »

Offline TechnoEthicist

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Re: Planning to do tournaments in ALASKA!
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2014, 04:12:05 PM »
Sending you a private message, check your inbox  ;D

Offline Blisstake

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Re: Planning to do tournaments in ALASKA!
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2014, 04:38:39 PM »
Ok problem: my stepmom does not want me to play this game, so that is easily assumable that i won't be able to do a tourney without help. I tried getting it through via my church, but my stepmom is in the worship group (and has a good level of power for the church). She doesn't want me to play this game as "CCG's are bad". I feel that this is one thing i can use to spread christianity. How could this destroy me? If your thirsty, you fill your cup with water, not alcohol. This i would say would be the "water" of CCG's, and many others are "Alcoholic drinks". I feel i can bring this game to Alaska, and possibly hawaii. This game needs to be spread, and i do not know why it isn't. This game needs popularity, and so far, there are weaker ones that are more popular (ex: spongebob CCG, who would play that? MLP as well, its stupid). This is a game that can run strong, and i feel we can do it. If you know people in Alaska, or hawaii, tell them about this game and tell them to run tournaments. This is one way of spreading christ for my age group. I do not see why im having this "brick wall". I need friends as well, and this is one way of making friends, "brick wall"'d there too. What do i do?

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Re: Planning to do tournaments in ALASKA!
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2014, 08:34:36 PM »
Ok problem: my stepmom does not want me to play this game
My first thought is that if your stepmom doesn't want you to play Redemption then you shouldn't play it.  I would recommend that you tell her that you WILL NOT play without her permission out of respect for her as your parent.  AFTER that, I would ask her if it is alright for you to show her the game to give her more information to make her decision.  Then I would show her how the cards all have Bible verses on them, and introduce her to some of the characters in the new starter decks (Peter, John, Ruth, etc.).  Talk about how the whole purpose of the game is to save "lost souls".  After all of this, if she still tells you not to play, then unfortunately you shouldn't play.  Be willing to accept that outcome, and know that God has a different good plan for you instead.  On the other hand, if she decides that the game is good, then you'll be able to play and honor her at the same time.

I need friends as well, and this is one way of making friends, "brick wall"'d there too. What do i do?
The best way to make friends is to be friendly.  When you meet new people, say "hi" and introduce yourself.  I think you've actually done a good job of doing that here on the forum.  Just do the same thing in real life.  And when you are talking to people, make sure to do a lot of listening.  Find out what they are interested in and talk to them about those things.  Find out something that you both enjoy doing, and start doing it together on a regular basis.

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Re: Planning to do tournaments in ALASKA!
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2014, 09:23:39 PM »
I agree with Prof U i would show her all the great christian attributes of the game but if she says no i would not play the Bible says honor your father and mother in Exodus. :) On a side note i agree with your water and alcohol analogy i have witnessed one of the players in my playgroup accept Jesus Christ as there Lord and Savior through
this great game i also agree with Techno my playgroup started with 4 people and grew into hosting 2 Northeast Regional tournaments so i would teach your friends how to play and see where it goes from there i to wish this great game would get more popularity instead of other secular games i hope this helps. :)

in Christ AJ
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Offline Blisstake

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Re: Planning to do tournaments in ALASKA!
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2014, 10:37:45 PM »
I do realize this, but i feel as if (if she says no), i would play this when im in adulthood. What i noticed is the "freetime" goes to 2 things:

1: schooling

2: relationships (girlfriend, and then kids and such)

I have these great ideas, and i don't feel that they should be caged. I feel i can deal with schooling, as many people do, and still make great jobs. What i view CCG's as a different form of chess, its more unique, and constantly evolves and as well, you evolve.

Also, on a side note, you can still honor your parents even when your not around your parents. You respect the rules, but they usually drop most of these rules once your not with them (and use your own). My stepmom just feels different about CCG's, and i feel that they are good, its an activity that can advance. Its a great way of strategy. Should i just get people to help me persuade her? or just have her look at the CCG herself?


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Re: Planning to do tournaments in ALASKA!
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2014, 10:52:53 PM »
If you like the game make a good case (to your step mom) for why it is a beneficial game for you to be playing. Better yet play her a game with a starter deck and let her win. You have brought up good reasons as to why this game is beneficial already, like evangelism and making friends. Explain that to her. Whatever you do you ought to wait on the whole tournament thing for a while. Get used to the game, bring friends into the game, be nice to your step mom and the church, and get used to tournament format. She might be receptive to an argument you give for the game but will be less receptive when you are proposing something additional like tournament hosting. Tournament hosting=huge time commitment. Hopefully she will let you play and you will be able to bring your friends into the game. After a while, as your step mom becomes more and more receptive to the game, you could try and host tournaments. This is a long way of saying that is probably best to take things slow so and wait to host tournaments because A) that gives your step mom time to adapt to the game and B) that gives yourself time to bring people into the game.  :2cents:


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