Author Topic: Part of my nationals report  (Read 1490 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Part of my nationals report
« on: August 04, 2009, 09:01:15 PM »
Well here goes what I remember.
Just in case you didn't see or hear, I played type 2. Ok now that we got that out of the way...
Tuesday night/Wednesday morning:
Right before going onto the interstate to get to Mr. Largent's crib, I stopped by my friends to give him a check which I owed him. This was literally right in front of the interstate*keep that in mind*. I parked my car gave him the goods and went back into my car. I put it in reverse and nothing happened. Put it in drive, nothing happened. My car broke down right before I left for the interstate, thank the Lord! Always lok at the cup half full. So my friend, although he had work at 4 am the next morning he gave me a ride to Eric's place, what a great friend. So I get to Eric's and he is of course playing World of Warcraft...loser. (Long live Pigpen!)-only lawfuldog and Eric will understand that. Anyway once he is done failing, just kidding he did good, we proceeded to make his deck, even though he still was not yet packed. So much for the responsible older one. So we finished his deck, I fell asleep, he woke me up and we played a game or two. I fell asleep again and he tried to play another game but I was knocked out. So he tested out his decks against each other and then did not pack and went to sleep. We woke up, ate cold hawain*Sp?* style pizza for breakfast and Eric packed. We then got our ride to the airport and were very early. We played some games at the airport and boarded.
Wednesday after flight:
We meet up with Kevin Shride, Gabe Isbell, John Earley, and some other Iowa guys. We get bombarded by a cameraman and eventually meet up with Mike Wolfe. We get our ride with Mrs. Wolfe and saw Malibu and the very nice parts of Cali. We get to the hotel and go out to eat with the Bany's. Chili's was good.
Thursday morning:
Ok the good stuff. First round, sorry this was the very first thing of the tournament. I forgot the name, deck, opponent, everything. I won 7-1. Second game, uhm forgot that too, I won 7-3? Ok third round, dun dun dun, John Earley aka Red Dragon Thorn, aka mean site deck. Brown site deck Genesis offense. I attacked early with TSA and got a dungeoned. No fun. I had to reset the game due to my main man being a lost soul. After I Hidden Treasured ( I made that into a verb) his deck and got his Taking Naboth's Vineyard, which he showed me another in his hand, that hurt him later on, and his Haman's Plot I think I reset the game. He drew no lost soul so I activated Hidden Treasures and went with a prophet I think and went to take out his Taking Naboth's, which he showed me the last one was in his hand. So once he drew lost souls I started attacking without using sites. Eventually he got his sites and I used my New Jerusalem once. I knew he had an evil king in his hand so I aotl'ed once he blocked with it. Then next turn I attacked and let him block with an evil king. He took my New Jerusalem with his last Naboth's but didn't think I would still keep my access. I won the lost soul and pretty much won the game because of it. 7-6. He Reuben Torn Clothes a good bit and converted me as well. I blocked him a few times which was crucial and it won me the game. Also my ANB resetting him hurt him alot. I am sure he knows more about this game then me, so he can fill in any details.


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