Author Topic: Orlando Tournament Cancelled!  (Read 1396 times)

Offline YourMathTeacher

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Orlando Tournament Cancelled!
« on: June 01, 2012, 05:17:34 PM »
I am going to have to cancel the local tournament for tomorrow. Becky, Miriam, and Gabriel have been sick all week. I was hoping they would improve before the weekend, but my wife has gotten worse. Now I am starting to show their symptoms, so I fear I will be even worse in the morning. Right now it appears that the whole house is contagious, so it's not a good time for visitors.

I might try to reschedule for next week (June 9th), but I also have one on the 16th already scheduled. We'll see, but any feedback would be appreciated.

I apologize for the inconvenience for anyone who was planning on travelling to attend.
My wife is a hottie.


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