Author Topic: Origins 2013 (Columbus, Ohio) June 14th-16th? Need ideas for Advertising Button  (Read 1176 times)

Offline TechnoEthicist

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Hey all,

Gretel and I are going to be at Origins in Columbus, OH in a little less than two weeks. So if anyone wants to come see us, that'd be awesome! Already planning on seeing Schaef and Doug Gray there, so the more the merrier...

In the meantime, this would be the perfect opportunity to advertise the new starters. I hope to get a couple to Ohio by then so we can demo throughout the weekend. However, we wanted to design a button/pin that would catch people's eye and hopefully get them to ask more about the game.

Here's what we are thinking, what are your thoughts?

Green 3 inch button with Redemption Logo and 4th Edition, with a phrase underneath:

"New Design, New Abilities, Same Mission"

Those of you who are blessed with Art Skills, please feel free to design this. Thanks!


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