Author Topic: TX States + South Central Regionals 13/14 & 27/28 Nov 2020  (Read 3634 times)

Offline MrMiYoda

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TX States + South Central Regionals 13/14 & 27/28 Nov 2020
« on: November 03, 2020, 12:58:21 PM »
State Tourney Venue Special Policies:
a. Face covering all the time.
b. No outside food or drinks (snack machines in store; lots of food places in the shopping complex)

Regionals Venue COVID Special Policies:
a. Face covering all the time (unless otherwise made an option by the church).
b. Food/drinks will be sold at the venue. Please support in-venue purchases to also help with the church's Royal Rangers outpost's Redemption gaming fund.

*** NO DOOR FEE! Invite friends and family to learn the game at no charge. ***

*** Badged DEMO TEAM members who teach the game to NEW players will receive a Helper Promo. ***

T1/T2 Players:
Make sure ALL Deck Lists all filled up before the tournament for deck check. Printable forms below:

San Antonio, TX–November 13 & 14, 2020 -- DONE!
TX State Tournament
Venue: Heroes & Fantasies
4923 Northwest Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78229
$5.00 Door Fee then Type: Type 1 - 2 Player (free), Type 2 - 2 Player (free), Type 1 - Multi-player (free), Type 2 - Multi-player (free), Closed Deck - 2 Player ($10.00) and LoC Regular Booster Draft - 2 player ($20.00).
Friday starts 4:00pm. Saturday starts 10:00am.

Houston, TX–November 27 & 28, 2020
South Central Regional Tournament
Faith Church
7755 Fairbanks N. Houston Rd
Houston, Texas 77040
NO Door Fee then Type: Type 1 - 2 Player (free), Type 2 - 2 Player (free), Type 1 - Multi-player (free), Type 2 - Multi-player (free), Closed Deck - 2 Player ($10.00) and LoC Super Booster Draft - 2 player ($20.00).  Friday starts 4:00pm. Saturday starts 10:00am.
Explanation for Tournament Categories Here:

STATE Tourney Fee Notes:
To support and thank H&F please pay one-time door fee to gaming cash register. Pay closed category fees directly to Roy (to cover cost of materials and product)

Super LoC Booster Draft Options: $20 for 5 packs, $30 for 6 packs. Super Booster max is 9 5-pack players. We only have 48 super and 96 regular LoC packs. We may have to combine both types if more players want to do Booster Draft.

Nearby Lodging Options for Regionals in Houston TX (map pin shows TOURNEY venue):
Below is where some players will stay (about 8 miles from tournament venue):
Nearby Lodging for States in San Antonio TX:
Quality Inn (same side of highway as H&F):
Home Suites (other side of highway from H&F - another player fav lodging):
« Last Edit: November 26, 2020, 11:20:08 AM by ReyZen »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi

Offline MrMiYoda

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South Central Regionals VENUE CHANGE! 27/28 Nov 2020
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2020, 07:02:04 PM »
Apologies for any inconvenience!

Venue for South Central Regionals has been changed to:
Faith Church
7755 Fairbanks North Houston Rd
Houston, TX 77040

*** NO DOOR FEE! Invite friends and family to learn the game at no charge. ***

See updated OP for Regionals hotel options.

NO church venue lodging. Sorry.

Many thanks to Commander Royce for the church venue- long live our Royal Rangers!
« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 10:26:15 AM by ReyZen »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi


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