Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
Here I am...I am still trying to get some more to come that weekend! So do you still want me to bring product like you asked before, or is Schaef doing that now? Either way, I don't care.
I may get down to the SW corner...but it's so's like near Indiana or something
Hey J-dowg,Had a blow out blast this weekend. I didn't realize the special ability on that lost soul read that way...honey! Trap'in(yoh-guy played,uthmin. didnt say this^)
for Regional tournaments.
Speaking of tournaments in ohio..There is a distirct this weekend. Many of you have posted on my other thread and that is fine. But I havent seen Jesse post there so this message is mainly for him...and anyone else that wants to come down from Bellefontaine.