Hey all,
I have been appointed by the very old and very wise Bill Voigt, cohost of the 2011 National Tournament, as Transportation Czar. As such, I will be compiling a list of people who are flying into MSP Airport, to arrange for rides between the airport and tournament site. As such, anyone who is flying in and needs a ride should pm or email (preferred) me with the following:
Contact name
Number in Group
Arrival Date
Airline and Flight Number
Arriving From (departure airport)
Contact Phone Number
Other information you find may be helpful
I will be putting together a spreadsheet to coordinate rides, so the sooner you can get me this information, the better. If you are not flying in, but will still need some sort of ride to the tournament location (i.e. you're taking Greyhound, Megabus, etc.) you can let me know that as well as all the pertinent information. I hope to be able to let everyone know how you'll get from point A to point B by the end of this month.
My email is jsalstad@gmail.com, as I said, you can PM or email me. Post here with any questions.
Also, if a mod could sticky this thread, I would appreciate that as well.
(Addendum from Reyzen)
I've placed the link below and un-sticky'ed it in deference to a more official thread by Prof A. --- please continue to place other travel-plan-related posts as usual.
Thanks and Godbless!
Click below:
Nats 2011 Annual Travel-Related Think Tank