Welcome to the Official Redemption® Message Board!
If plane tickets are not outrageous and I have a spot to sleep I'll try to be there.
Westy just might win his first National Championship since he has home field advantage.
My excel is not able to support the spread sheet for running tournaments because it is not up to date. If someone has a PC with a spreadsheet that works and would be willing to bring it Tomorrow night that would be great!
How do we really know which one played what category?
Type A - 2-player First: Arianna Turnidge
Quote from: everytribe on July 20, 2014, 12:27:37 AMType A - 2-player First: Arianna TurnidgeThat name...the next Belle Reuter? Has Jordan really come over to the dark side of T1? I mean, the metagame is way more healthy than T2, but still...
I mean, the metagame is way more healthy than T2, but still...