Author Topic: North Carolina State Tournament  (Read 7789 times)

Offline CactusRob

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North Carolina State Tournament
« on: May 08, 2009, 03:36:14 PM »
The NC State Tournament is shaping up to be a nice event.  Some strong players may be coming up from Atlanta and the Kamke family will be coming up from South Carolina.  Here are some details

May 29th and 30th at the offices/warehouse of Cactus Game Design

Here is a link to some area accommodations:
The nearest inexpensive hotel would be the Deerfield Inn. 
The nearest camp ground would be the Clay County Rec Park Camp Ground:
Schedule of Events:
Friday          6:00P.M. >> Registration & Type-2 Multi-Player Deck Check-In
                  6:15P.M. >> Sealed Deck 2-Player deck construction/Deck Check-In
                  6:30P.M. >> Sealed Deck 2-Player begins & Type-2 Multi-Player begins

Saturday     9:00A.M. >> Registration & Type-1 Multi-Player Deck Check-In
                  9:15A.M. >> Booster Draft Multi-Player deck construction/Deck Check-In
                  9:45A.M. >> Booster Draft begins & Type-1 Multi-Player begins

                12:45P.M. >> Type-1 2-Player & Type-2 2-Player Deck Check-In
                  1:00P.M. >> Type-1 2-Player & Type-2 2-Player Deck begins
                  6:00P.M. >> Awards Ceremony & Close of Tournament
I don't expect any event to be more than 3 rounds but, the list of people coming keeps growing.  So we will see.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 03:53:15 PM by The Schaef »
Rob Anderson
Cactus Game Design

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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2009, 04:55:54 PM »
bummer, I was hoping it wouldn't be the same weekend as my tournament so I had an excuse to go visit my parents like I did a few years back.  Family vacation & Redemption all rolled into one.  Oh well, maybe next year.
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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2009, 08:08:45 PM »
I was thinking that might be a cool day trip, but it's almost a 6-hour drive from Charleston... ouch.
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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2009, 08:25:57 PM »
Looks like I'll have to pay more attention to the tournament list for any tournaments that Rob has.  I'm only 2.5 hours away.  I don't have my cards down here and I'll be back home in MD on the 20th.
May you prosper greatly!
Daniel 4:1b

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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2009, 11:48:56 PM »
What t2 players are going?

Offline CactusRob

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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2009, 02:47:22 PM »
Can I get a roll call of who plans to attend?



Thank you,
Rob Anderson
Cactus Game Design

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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2009, 03:12:49 PM »
so far for georgia we got myself, eric and tyler
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!


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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2009, 10:39:57 PM »
I want to come, and maybe if I get on my hands and knees I can. :-*

Offline CactusRob

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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2009, 07:12:30 AM »
Both days?

I am trying to get a head count to see if we can play at my home instead of the office.

Any chance of Christian L. coming?  I am sure Paul (my son) would be delighted to see him again.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 07:15:47 AM by CactusRob »
Rob Anderson
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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2009, 03:32:32 PM »
well i think we will be leaving around noon or little later friday and it only takes a couple of hours but i can definatly see eric needing more time and us having to wait a little longer with school and all. I hope he takes a half day or something...hint hint:)
dont know bout christian though.
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!


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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2009, 10:30:40 PM »
Me, my 2 sons and Jonathan Slager will be there fri-sat  :)

Offline CactusRob

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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2009, 07:11:57 AM »
Great!  I am looking forward to seeing everyone again.

FYI, any Andersons that play will be playing CD-2P, T1-2P and Booster Draft or T1-MP.  Andersons won't be playing either T2 event. 

In what events do our friends from SC and GA plan to compete?
Rob Anderson
Cactus Game Design

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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2009, 10:44:05 AM »
type 2 of course and maybe booster
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!


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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2009, 01:11:20 PM »
Mosty t2 and the multiplayers-not sure what slager will play-he usually plays t1 events

Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2009, 07:44:49 PM »
well its in the books-
results to come...
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!


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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #15 on: May 31, 2009, 09:33:37 PM »
Here is my (Steve Kamke) tourney report for NC State….(I only had details to events I played in). Please forgive me in advance if I made mistakes in my accounting of events.

Me and my 2 sons (Christian and Peter) carpooled in Jonathan Slager’s new/old vehicle. We left Fri. afternoon from SC, and came into the mountains to a small picturesque town nestled in mountains called Hayesville, NC (about 4 ½ hour drive). After we arrived, Tyler, Clift, and Eric arrived from Georgia. I have never seen the office before, and Rob took us on a tour of the warehouse. It looked small from the outside, but is HUGE once you enter it. One half is cactus’ products (with basketball court and skate ramps) and the other half is mostly empty which Rob rents out to other businesses. There were some nice older sports cars in the back that space was rented out to a car dealer. I squashed a temptation to take a joyride. Rob and his family were kind enough to let us crash at their house, and we also had the tourney there.
His house is very close to the warehouse. His house looked normal sized when we pulled up, but it’s huge when you get in. It has a beautiful view of the mountains in the backyard, and a large stream great for trout fishing just feet away. They have added onto the home a lot and Mrs. Anderson took us on a tour. We met the 6 Anderson kids who are very nice. Rob and his family were so nice to us, and he used the tourney $ to buy us food!  :)

Fri nite-
Sealed-Battle of the Anderson’s –Mrs vs Mr….. Rob helped her with the deck then she beat him!
Type 2 multi-me, Christian, Peter, Slager, Tyler, Eric, Clift.
First round I played against Tyler and Clift. I was playing purple/white garden tomb with gray defense. Tyler had Green/blue/silver powerful offense with crimson/black defense. Clift had teal offense/pale defense.  It was a very close game and at one point Tyler pulled off a nasty defensive combo that takes out doms. Fortunately for me, my big 2 were still hidden in the deck. I barely pulled it off in the end, searching for the dynamic duo. I won, Tyler got 2nd.
Second round-Me, Eric and Peter. Eric was playing purple/gold, and peter had green/pale. I was worried about Peter’s New beginnings and Eric’s spreading mildew to my garden tomb. It was another close one and Peter attacked me a lot getting some easy souls but once I finally got a false peace I was able to search when Eric attacked and it was the dynamic duo after another unopposed garden tomb rescue.  I won, eric second.
3rd round-Me, Clift, Eric. This game I was able to pull away more, eventually ending it with the garden tombarama.
I was 1st, Tyler 2nd, Eric 3rd.
Afterwards, The guys were playing a neat game about Camelot, but I was wiped out so I crashed.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2009, 09:35:55 PM by slugfencer »


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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2009, 09:35:08 PM »
Next morning after breakfast, and waiting for Clift to build his deck (LOL), we had:
Booster-Andersons and Georgia crew. Clift won.
Type 1 multi-Slager, myself and my kids. Slager and I used speed decks and Christian had purple/white/crimson. Peter had green/pale.
1st round-Peter and Christian seemed to focus on stopping Slager and so I was able to slip in for some quick rescues, but Peter and I were tied with 4, then he played a new beginning, and got an easy rescue for his turn, game over.
Peter won, then me, Christian and slager.
2nd round-This was another close one, but the kids targeted slager again, and I was able to pull away again. I thought steam was coming outta slager’s ears and we were gonna walk home! Whenever I play the kids in multi they tag team on me, which can be stressful. This time I was able to sneak by for the victory.
I won, Peter 2nd, Christian 3rd
Slager vowed revenge in T1 2p!!!
Somewhere after this my kids were playing with bunnies. Or petting/feeding the dogs. Or looking at the bird. Or walking outside near the woods. My kids had a ball. :)
Next events—
T1 2p---3 Andersons (Mr., Mrs., and Danika), Christian, Peter, and a ticked off Slager.
I think they played 3 games and I know slager got his revenge against Christian, beating him  and winning the tourney. Rob and Christian tied for 2nd.
T2 2player---Me and the Georgia crew.
Round 1-me vs Tyler. I was playing purple/white/crimson. Tyler had purple/teal/gray. Early on before I saw his whole offense, I converted the card drawing emperor to ……TEAL! Big mistake but I only saw purple in the beginning. Needless to say there were many battle challenges with drawing and soon he had SOG/NJ. My sites and women only LS kept him back for awhile, and finally my offense started to breakthrough, enough for us to time out tied, 4-4.
Round 2-me vs Clift. Clift was playing purple/blue/crimson/pale combo deck. I got a small early lead and we kind of stalemated each other for awhile until he starts his massive combo—card drawing, side battles, sin in the camp all over my territory. Goodbye hand, goodbye doms. I slowly recovered for a few more rescues, and he almost decked out and the game was ending. He rescued another LS, and I was waiting for him to play SOG/NJ, but amazingly, he never drew them! I won in timeout, 4-2.
Round 3-me vs Eric. Eric was playing good gold/black/silver sites. We both got some early rescues until we locked each other out. My EC’s kept dying one by one but I finally was able to play set fire, which saved my bacon, burning his sites out. Then he got site access, and SOG/NJ and it was a race to the finish. I wound up winning a close one, with SOG ending it, 7-5. I never played SOG/NJ in any of the t2 2p games, and the only opponent who I expected to get the combo was Clift who almost decked out, but he did not draw it.
Ironically, Tyler and I also tied for 1st place just like our game. Eric got 2nd.

We went back to the warehouse to get our prizes, and off we went.
It was an absolute blast to be able to go to the creator of the game’s house/work and play our favorite game! The Andersons are truly a blessing to the family of the Lord and we are so thankful for their service to the King!!  :)


Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #17 on: May 31, 2009, 10:58:29 PM »
Booster-Andersons and Georgia crew. Clift won
Report was great like always, it was great seeing you and everyone. This though is incorrect. Me and Rob tied for 1st in this, Clift and Mrs. Anderson tied for third.

I will add on to the tournament. My defense for t2 multi was Crimson/Black. Archersx5, Gomerx2, 4x of Temple Guard/Capn of the Temple Guard, and one Judas Iscariot. I band a crimson to a sadduccee, they play something I play dream Arrogance. Then I do High Priest's Plotx2 usually, one for each opponent, and play Political Bribes. Then some Dreams and pass initiative. Next turn they can not attack or draw, whichever they choose, but since I play it after I take their hand it is a hard decision for them, but they usually do not attack giving me another turn to get ahead, and since I see both opponent's hand I know who to attack. Next turn if they attack I do the same thing but play Pride of Simon. I got it off every game a couple of times, ( I was only attacked a few times). So overall the defense was a blast. My offense was T Elder, Jacob, Captain, Angel at the Tomb, and green guys. Sword of the Lord, Provisions, RTC's, 1 ANB. Very powerful and since my defense drew a little and I had some provisions I always had every good combo in my deck. The game against Steve and Clift in round one was the deciding factor. I knew Steve had his False Peaces so I always did RTC/Capn band. Clift towards the end of the game attacked him and gave Steve initiative. He got his SoG or NJ or both and won by one point, (I was waiting for NJ  :-[ ). So I ended up getting second overall.
I will post t2 2 player later.


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Re: North Carolina State Tournament
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2009, 10:03:01 PM »
..oops-sorry I tripped on the booster draft....I guess it was because I was so worried one of my sons was going to meet their Maker after picking on Slager so much in multi!  :D
That was an awesome defensive combo in t2 multi you pulled off! I was lucky to win. Great seeing everybody again and keep us updated for regionals!


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