Author Topic: New Cards ship date and Tournament Legal When?  (Read 1277 times)

Offline CactusRob

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New Cards ship date and Tournament Legal When?
« on: May 22, 2013, 08:34:42 AM »
This week I approved the remaining proofs on the new card set.  The cards are scheduled to arrive here in NC around June 12th.  I have decided to allow the new starter deck cards to be legal for tournament play in Sealed Deck only starting with this tournament:

Madison, WI--June 21-22, 2013
WI State Tournament. Host: Kirk Dennison (assuming Kirk or Ken want to get new starter decks for that event).

The new starter decks will be legal in Sealed Deck only for tournaments scheduled through July 3rd.  The starter decks and the new cards in Tin # 26 will be legal for all categories of play beginning on July 4th.  As of today the only official tournament scheduled after July 4th is Nationals.  Even so, several people have let me know they plan to schedule a tournament in July.  So, plan accordingly. I hope you enjoy the new cards.
Rob Anderson
Cactus Game Design


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Re: New Cards ship date and Tournament Legal When?
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2013, 08:47:53 AM »
Okay, I don't care what else might be that day, I'm making it to WI States for Sealed Deck!

Thanks for the update Rob. :D


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