New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
I'm guessing Caleb Arsdale [MN] is the same person as Caleb Aardahl [MN]? Which name is correct?Which is correct, Dennis Huberly [MN] or Dennis Huberty [MN]?
David Eom, listed as being from Seoul Korea, is now listed as Kentucky. Is that correct?Which spelling is correct Chris Leuter or Chris Lewter? (he's from Kentucky)
Did Joshua Harmon move from Connecticut to Florida?
Which is correct: Joshua Harfield [FL] or Joshua Hatfield [FL]?
Are Alex Joy [NY] and Alec Joy [NY] different people? If not, which one is correct?
Just thought I'd bump this to see if the lifetime RNRS spreadsheet had been posted somewhere.Thanks!
In T2-2P, Tyler Stevens is listed with 5 district points and 5 state points for a total of 5 points. What should that be? Is it actually two second place district finishes? Should the state points be a six instead of a 5?