Author Topic: NE Regionals Tournament Report  (Read 2742 times)

Offline Professoralstad

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NE Regionals Tournament Report
« on: June 10, 2013, 05:31:59 PM »
Admittedly I didn't get a lot of sleep over the weekend, and I didn't take any notes aside from mental notes, so a few details may be missing or incorrect here. I will do my best to be accurate, but if anyone notices an error, please let me know.

Firstly, thanks to hosts Dayne and Blake Maust, and to Dayne's wife Amanda for their hospitality and hosting of the tournament. I had a great time, and it was made better by the fact that I had a ride to and from the airport, as well as a place to stay for free every night.

Friday Morning/Afternoon: T2-MP
I will try to post a deck list later, but for now, I will just describe the essence of my deck. The offense was mostly Discples, with Simeon x 2 and Anna splashed in. Simeon is an awesome T2-MP Hero as he can be capture protected via Caves, and he can both CBN band to Peter or John and is CBN protected from discard. Anna was mostly there as a female Prophet, but she wasn't nearly as critical to the deck (I think I only used her once or twice). The defense was straight Sadducees with a couple of Scribes as my only non-Sadducee characters. The central goal of the deck was to put all my Disciples in their Boat, activate Hidden Treasures, RA Simeon, play Sword of the Lord, and play Wrath of Stan in the ensuing side battle. My disciples are safe in set-aside area, and Simeon has his own protection. It never worked out exactly like that, but I did get a few Wraths off at ideal times for me. Other goodies in my defense were Stone of Thebez, Carcasses (I had a few Captain of the Temple Guard to make my Wraths and Stones CBN), Just a Hireling, and High Priests Plot (which came in handy a couple of times).

Round 1: vs. Brad Coverdale, John Michalafkadjshen, and Shawn Capron
This game got off to a good start for me, as I got an early Simeon and John that no one could defeat effectively. The problem was that Brad (and later on Shawn) got their Seraphs, which allowed them to band to my guys, which helped them win battles, as well as put my guys at risk. My defense was also doing well, as a got several early blocks that made people hesitate to attack me. I got three pretty early souls without too much effort, but then John M gets the cards he needs to nuke about half of my offense. The game started to even up a bit after that, and once Shawn drew some heroes (which took awhile) he was rescuing souls very effectively. I did pull off one Wrath when I was attacked by a Simeon+Captain band, when I had Carcasses up. The game was winding down to the last round before time, with Shawn and I  at 6, Brad and John at 5, and if I recall correctly, only Shawn had played SoG/NJ. Things were getting pretty tense, and I was trying to figure out anyway I could draw to try to get my SoG. I Lavered from my Herod's Temple, no luck. Then I activated Hidden Treasures, RA with Simeon, play Sword of the Lord, and choose Brad's Archer with Horses to face one of Shawn's guys. I draw off of Horses and the top card is SoG, so I decline to play next and play SoG for the win. 7-6-5-5.

Round 2: vs. Dayne Maust, Shawn Capron, and Matt Sinclair
This game got off to a much worse start for me. I didn't draw any Heroes on my first turn, and defenses on the table were brutal. Someone (I think it was Shawn?) had a Decree up early, so I couldn't put my Disciples in Boat to draw extra. Matt had a great defensive draw, but his offense was pretty slow in coming. The worst feeling was when everyone else got GoYS within the first few turns, and before anyone had used Falling Away, so I didn't like my odds. Fortunately, no one drew them, and I never got one played on me. Between Matt's two Great Images and one of my Wraths, there weren't a lot of Heroes on the table for much of the game. Since Matt's defense was the most used early on, everyone else kept focusing attacks on him, and eventually he had depleted most of his options. Shawn was the primary beneficiary as he was the player before Matt, so after Matt was able to stop Dayne and I, Shawn was able to walk in a few times. That eventually ended up giving Shawn the win, 7-5-5-3, with Dayne and I tied at 5.

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Re: NE Regionals Tournament Report
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2013, 05:32:47 PM »
Round 3: vs. Matt Sinclair and Brad Coverdale

Since there were only 7 people in the category, I was put at the three player table for the last round. The only people with tournament points were Shawn (with 4, a 2nd and a 1st), Myself (with 3.5, a tie for 2nd and a first), Dayne (with 3.5, a tie for 2nd and a first), and Jerome Beers (with 3 for his win in the previous round). So in order to win I needed a win, and for Shawn and Dayne to not get a full win (if Dayne won his game we would have tied). My game ended up being crazy. Matt got his offense rolling quickly, and got off to an early lead. Eventually things evened up, and the game remained pretty even most of the round. I was able to pull off a Wrath that didn't affect me at all, as my Heroes were getting discarded and captured left and right. It did help to balance things up quite a bit, as it slowed down Matt's offense. I had gotten my SoG/NJ early, which is nice, but it also left Simeon vulnerable. By the end of the game I was getting a bit mentally exhausted, so I don't remember exactly how it went down, but I do remember that I was able to come out on top the turn before Matt likely would have won. I believe the score was 7-6-5, but I don't remember exactly. Jerome helped me out at the other table by winning that game, and giving me 1st for the category.

Record: 2-1, with a tie for second, 1st Place.

Friday Afternoon/Evening: T2-2P

My deck was a deck I had been experimenting with a bit previous to the tournament, with mixed results. I made a few modifications, and decided to try it out. Basically it was a new version of an old classic, with an offense consisting primarily of low ability Purple Heroes (Widow, Mephibosheth, Esther, Bartimaues, etc.), a few prophets (Zeke, Sam and Micah), and 4x Provisions and 4x AoCP. The defense was a Hybrid Babylonian/Magician defense. I used 3x Iron Pan to negate anything that would protect against AoCP. Enhancements were the usual suspects for a Magician D (DoU, Divination, Forgotten History, Invoking Terror, etc.).

Round 1: vs. Alex Olijar

Alex was using one of Justin's decks that I brought to the tournament for him to borrow. Despite bringing it to him, I didn't actually know what it was (I never looked). I soon found out it was a MP deck Justin had used on occasion, and I thought I had a good chance, as I figured his Pharisee defense wouldn't hold up vs. Iron Pan, and his royalty/Isaiah offense would struggle vs. my Magicians, with Pan negating Throne of David. As it turned out, my offense worked beautifully, when it had souls to rescue. Unfortunately, the souls seemed to stay in the bottom half of Alex's deck, and on my last rescue attempt I rescued the fourth and final LS Alex drew until his last turn (and Alex had buried one). Alex wisely trashed his Temple to get rid of my first pan, and was able to rattle off a few rescues until I got another one. On my last turn, I had DoU, but no ECs, so I was forced to turn down Pan and Laver a few EEs to try to get an EC. I got Damsel, so I was hoping to have a block, but with Pan not active, Alex's Throne was in good working order. He attacked, I blocked, and he played Unified Kingdom to band in all of his Heroes. As a primarily T1 player, he didn't know Abigail's second ability very well, but he did band her in (for the drawing) after a few moments of hesitation (which I was hopeful meant he didn't want to band her in for some reason). I told him good game after I explained why my DoU (which he assumed I had) wouldn't work. T1 players are so adorable...Anyway, he did happen to draw three LSs on that turn so I was able to use my SoG/NJ, but still lost 7-5.

Round 2: vs. Charlie Johnson

There are few things worse for my defense to face than an offense with good initiative, which is why I was very nervous when Charlie drew a first turn Joseph. He got out to an early 2-0 lead before I could block with my Astrologers, as I wanted to limit his access to LSs (thus wanting to avoid JBP). When I did get initative, I was able to get a few blocks. My offense was weak, but his defense was weaker. Once I got rid of a Dreaming Pharaoh with AotL, he didn't draw any EC's for awhile, and I was able to walk in. I drew a couple of Provisions to get some easy rescues later on, and my Charms and Invoking Terrors were keeping the Joseph problem at bay. He finally drew some blockers after I got my fifth, but it was only a matter of time before I drew my big two. The craziest thing was that I never used nor drew an AoCP that whole game. Final score, 7-3.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 06:12:22 PM by Professoralstad »
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Re: NE Regionals Tournament Report
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2013, 05:33:19 PM »

Round 3: vs. Dayne Maust

In a 3-round 8 person tournament, it's essentially single elimination to get first, and ironically I needed to catch up in soul differential since I didn't get the chance to face the reigning T2-2P National Champion Josiah Beers (who was trying a very experimental deck: needless to say, as he will tell you, the experiment failed). I had only played Dayne once before at Nats last year, and his defense was incredibly annoying then, as it was now. I did jump out to a significant lead, and I thought I had the win 7-3 when my Provisioned Hero forced him to block with one of my Magicians. What I didn't acoount for was a card that I rarely see in T2 because of the prevalence of Nazareth: Kir. I didn't use Nazareth because Pan stops it so it would be wasted space, but it goes in nearly every other T2 deck I build so I was caught off guard. He pulls off that block, and my defense is wearing thin. He uses SoG/NJ to get to 5, then goes in for his sixth, and I have no blockers. The game is now tied, and I have used up all of my AoCs (and have probably wiped out at least 12 ECs with them). Sure enough, he has one more blocker and is able to pull off a block, and I still hadn't drawn any blockers, so he comes in for the 7-6 win.

Record: 1-2, 7th place (out of 8).

Saturday Morning: T1-2P

I really only play T1-2P when I have to, and I try not to take it too seriously, but my poor showing in my preferred category made me want to try to be a bit competitive. However, my penchant for defense-heavy decks could not be completely overcome, thus I threw together my Herods-Sadducees Heroless deck in addition to an anti-meta/meta deck very similar to that of Tim Maly (who had won NC Regionals a couple weeks back). I will try to post decklists later.

Round 1: vs Alex Olijar

Seems fate just decided that Alex and I would be paired up in the first round that tournament (as our teams also faced off in the first round later that day). He was using his Nats deck (which was an iteration of The Deck) and I had chosen Heroless for the first round. I didn't draw my defense well at all early on, and he jumped to a 3-0 lead and was blazing thorugh his deck to get the big two. By that time, my defense had caught up somewhat, and I did make a couple of blocks, but figured it was only a matter of time. In an effort to draw more, he attacked with AutO to draw, but didn't exchange. I blocked with Salome, discarded his top card...New Jerusalem. Revitalized, I thought I might actually be able to pull this off. I fended off his next attack, but he still had a lot of power, and I had to Laver a few nice cards to try to get a more sure block. Eventually I was able to have Go Into Captivity and Unholy Writ up (in HPP), but I didn't have any Gold EEs or Black ECs, and he had attacked with Seraph to Danny to Mike. I was able to block with a Herod (Philip was the only one I had of course, the least useful in that particular situation) and I captured everyone but Seraph. He did have Striking Herod left, and even though Danny's ability negated it, I didn't have an EEs to play on Herod. Final score: 0-5.

Round 2: vs. Jon Masters

I decided to switch decks up as Heroless had failed me, and that was both good and bad. Good, because JM had a deck that can be problematic for Heroless. Bad, because my deck was designed to face more streamlined meta decks, and was largely unprepared for what JM had. However, I was able to sneak a few nice rescues in, and on my last attack, I still had AoCP. JM had forgotten to get one of his battle winners from Storehouse in his haste to attack the previous turn, and thus all he had was a big banding chain that I was able to discard. He would have walked in on the next turn, but I squeaked out the win 5-4.

« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 06:45:48 PM by Professoralstad »
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Re: NE Regionals Tournament Report
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2013, 05:33:38 PM »
Round 3: vs. Steve Braun

Steve was playing his Red Raiders (I think that was the name--it was some cool alliteration for an all-red offense and Babylonian defense). I had again chosen my secondary deck. Steve got a few early rescues, but my early Falling Away kept him from getting to 3. My offense was doing well against his defense, and because my deck is rather eclectic, he didn't see the TGT coming until I had one of the ladies, when I put it in play and attacked. He only had one Crimson guy, so I got the freebie. On my next attack, He is Risen took out 2 of the blockers he had put down, and my Holy Grail took out another, so I again was able to get the TGT freebie. I never drew SoG/NJ, but I was able to get to 5, all the while my Herods were giving his banding chains problems. Final score: 5-2.

Round 4: vs. Robert Braun

This game turned out to be rather non-descript, as neither of us had good defense early on. I was able to get stabilized first however, and He is Risen and AoCP was able to clear the way for my victory in not much time. I honestly don't remember a ton of what happened exactly, except that I know Robert was drawing like crazy with his defense. It didn't help his offense enough to punch through, and I won 5-3.

Round 5: vs. Gretel Coverdale

For my last round, I decided to go back to Heroless, as I could only place up to third, and that was if I got a huge differential, and I wanted to give my trusty old deck another chance. Well, my defense was stifling. Aside from an early LS that I was able to use Falling Away on, Gretel couldn't get through. I use High Priest's Plot to take out her SoG. With about 5-6 minutes left and the score at 0-0, I knew I had to work quickly, so I was Lavering like crazy to get my Saul/Paul. That was when I realized that, after thinking back to when I built the deck, I forgot to include him. Adding insult to injury, Gretel used the deck discard LS to knock off my AoCP. I knew at that point that I wouldn't get the full win. She had a fully-functional Babylonian defense, and all I had was Edict and Trumpet Blast, and a bunch of Herods/Sadducees I could convert. She discarded my first Hero with Holy Grail (and I couldn't use HT because the only matching brigade card I had in hand was Edict, which I needed to try to win at least one battle). My second converted Hero faced 2 bouts of Bel's Banquet (the first was with Nergal and Horses, the second with Belshazzar). What Gretel didn't realize was that her active Iron Pan negated Banquet the second time, so I did get one rescued LS as time ran out, and another with SoG to win 2-0.

Record: 4-1 (1 TO Win, 5th? place)
« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 07:07:51 PM by Professoralstad »
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Re: NE Regionals Tournament Report
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2013, 07:08:53 PM »
Saturday Afternoon: TEAMS

jmhartz and I had been conspiring to TEAM up for the tournament, and so I put together a 154 card Angels/Demons deck, and he had a 50 card Isaiassyrian deck with the support cards that could help me out. As it turned out there were only 4 TEAMS in the category (and 1 dropped out after the first round), so the tournament would be Round Robin.

Round 1: vs. Alex Olijar and Matt Stupienski

I was able to draw Laver, Gates of Hell, and 6 demons on my opening hand, which got me setup really quickly in the intro prep phase. Unfortunately, I never really drew a lot of offense, so the game turned out to be really slow. Alex and Matt couldn't break through my defense, and thier defense took a bit of time coming, but after their Falling Away, the score remained 1-0 for quite awhile. On one of Matt's final attacks, Josh made a slight math error and ended the battle with Forgotten History with his toughness equal to the attackers' strength. We had to surrender half a 3-Liner, and Matt had SoG/NJ that he used on his next turn before I could use my Suicidal Swine Stampede. On Josh's last turn, he is able to activate Gifts and attack with TGW, and in the ensuing 6 cards he drew, he got NJ to pair up with his SoG, so the score was tied 3-3 as time expired.

Round 2: vs. Daniel Mele and Roberto Villanova

The team that had lost to Daniel and Roberto had dropped out leaving Alex and Matt to get a bye for this round. So if Josh and I won, it would depend on the result of the next game how we placed. It was a very close game. The first thing Daniel put down for his intro-prep was Nazareth, whch is killer to my deck (as I use tons of searching to get setup). I had Zachaeus in my opening hand and I was going first, which made it all the more painful. Daniel drew Zebulun really quickly, and after walking in for a couple of rescues, things weren't looking good. My deck was slow as molasses, and I was barely able to muster an offense; what made it worse was that Daniel had Prince of Persia, who was immune to the offense I did have. Our only saving grace was soul drought, as for several turns the only LS we had was NT only. I made a good sacrifice block by banding PoP in with my The Bear, andmy offense got a couple of rescues. The most critical play was when Roberto attacked with Zebulun with 8 cards in hand. Josh blocked with Assyrian Archer, shot Daniel's Zebulun, and Martyred the one in battle. That gave us enough time to get Falling Away, and a bit of cushion, but we still weren't drawing well. On my final attack, I wnet in with AutOn and d2, but I had no support, and Roberto had a Herod/Salome band in territory. Fortunately Daniel tried to block with Wandering Spirit and use Sinning Hand, and Josh was able to discard half his hand to negate it. That ended up being the deciding factor, as we went on to win 5-2.

Daniel and Roberto ended up defeating Alex and Matt while Josh and I got a bye, so we ended up taking first.

Record: 2-0-1 (1 Bye), 1st place.

Overall, it was a great tournament, and I'm glad I was able to go. Thanks again to all of the people out east for their hospitality, it was great seeing you. I will try to post decklists later, if anyone is interested.
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Re: NE Regionals Tournament Report
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2013, 08:45:25 PM »
Record: 4-1 (1 TO Win, 5th? place)

Confirmed that your 11 points put you in 5th.  Had you had a full win and at least a 4 differential in the last game, you would have had the points to place and may have caused a messy situation due to different tie-breakers ;)

In a 3-round 8 person tournament, it's essentially single elimination to get first, and ironically I needed to catch up in soul differential since I didn't get the chance to face the reigning T2-2P National Champion Josiah Beers (who was trying a very experimental deck: needless to say, as he will tell you, the experiment failed). I had only played Dayne once before at Nats last year, and his defense was incredibly annoying then, as it was now. I did jump out to a significant lead, and I thought I had the win 7-3 when my Provisioned Hero forced him to block with one of my Magicians. What I didn't acoount for was a card that I rarely see in T2 because of the prevalence of Nazareth: Kir. I didn't use Nazareth because Pan stops it so it would be wasted space, but it goes in nearly every other T2 deck I build so I was caught off guard. He pulls off that block, and my defense is wearing thin. He uses SoG/NJ to get to 5, then goes in for his sixth, and I have no blockers. The game is now tied, and I have used up all of my AoCs (and have probably wiped out at least 12 ECs with them). Sure enough, he has one more blocker and is able to pull off a block, and I still hadn't drawn any blockers, so he comes in for the 7-6 win.

This game was fun after I got over only drawing 1 character in the first 4 turns (ending up going down 4-0), because I figured I lost and eventually just gave in to that outcome.  Kir went into that deck because it had no other real way to deal with CTB, which knocked me out of placing at last year's Regionals.  The fact that this lesson learned actually saved me a game at this year's Regionals was amusing.  Especially when it was a surprise attack :D

Also of note: You killed every single EC in my deck.  So that was something :P And you just needed that one more turn to beat me with my lack of block capability.

And as far as annoying defense...I don't know WHAT you are talking about  ::)

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Re: NE Regionals Tournament Report
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2013, 12:03:45 PM »

an anti-meta/meta deck very similar to that of Tim Maly (who had won NC Regionals a couple weeks back).

What does "anti-meta/meta deck" mean?

From the descriptions of your games I think you're thinking of the deck I used at the district tournament last month which is not the deck I used at Regionals.


Tim "Sir Nobody" Maly

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Re: NE Regionals Tournament Report
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2013, 12:10:12 PM »
As a primarily T1 player, he didn't know Abigail's second ability very well, but he did band her in (for the drawing) after a few moments of hesitation (which I was hopeful meant he didn't want to band her in for some reason). I told him good game after I explained why my DoU (which he assumed I had) wouldn't work. T1 players are so adorable...

+ 1 for this comment.  Abigail is the final key to making the "multiple Purple kings in battle with Isaiah" combo work, since she stops virtually all chumpblocking.
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Re: NE Regionals Tournament Report
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2013, 01:04:19 PM »

an anti-meta/meta deck very similar to that of Tim Maly (who had won NC Regionals a couple weeks back).

What does "anti-meta/meta deck" mean?

From the descriptions of your games I think you're thinking of the deck I used at the district tournament last month which is not the deck I used at Regionals.


Tim "Sir Nobody" Maly

Yes, it was the district deck, I guess I assumed you had played it at Regionals, but I didn't know for sure.

As for what anti-meta/meta deck means, it's how I tried to describe a deck with a mixed-meta offense, with a defense designed to stop iterations of The Deck. I didn't really know what to call it otherwise.
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Re: NE Regionals Tournament Report
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2013, 02:05:58 PM »
Was your type 2 2p deck the same deck you played me with at the May District tournament? Congrats on your Teams and Type 2 Multi wins.

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Re: NE Regionals Tournament Report
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2013, 02:13:58 PM »
Was your type 2 2p deck the same deck you played me with at the May District tournament?

Same offense, but I changed the defense from straight Babs to Babs/Magicians.

Congrats on your Teams and Type 2 Multi wins.

Thanks, it was nice to bring back some respect to MN... ;)
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Re: NE Regionals Tournament Report
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2013, 02:22:53 PM »
I haven't had much success with my version of your T2 2p deck, Jordan. I abandoned it at least a month and a half ago after it went 1-5 or 2-4 - I don't recall which.

Friends don't let friends play T1 multi.

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Re: NE Regionals Tournament Report
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2013, 04:39:58 PM »
I haven't had much success with my version of your T2 2p deck, Jordan. I abandoned it at least a month and a half ago after it went 1-5 or 2-4 - I don't recall which.


Yeah, I haven't been too fortunate with it either (as my 7th out of 8 placing shows). I might try some more tweaks after the new cards come out (i.e. add in an extra James, an Andrew, and probably 2-3 Fishers of Men), but I'm not sure if I'd recommend it for tournament play.
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