Someone left what appears to be an entire Redemption collection. If yours is missing, please PM me to describe this massive amount of cards and make arrangements to get it back to you. CLAIMED! 
2) We found a Reyzen deck pouch. It had one card in the outside pocket in 2 in the inside pocket. No deck was inside. Please PM me if this is yours.3)
A Nokia cell phone charger (??) was found in "Mission Central" (the wooden booth by the T2 area). Please PM me if this is yours. CLAIMED! 
Now on to the event!!!
With the assistance of Kevin Shride and many others I hosted my first Regional tournament on Memorial Day. The attendance was well beyond anything I would have expected, 80 people! More people = more fun

! In attendance we have folks from KS, NE, MO, IA, MN and WI. Many seasoned veterans and new players alike. A few who were playing some of their first games of Redemption ever!
I'm sure there are some folks who are interested in results so I thought I'd share them as well as a little insight.
Sealed1st - Josh Knitt
2nd - Ryan Ertner
3rd - Brandon Steele
Booster1st - Stephen Nesfeder
2nd - Gabe Isbell & Jeremy Kemp (tie)
T1-2P1st - Gabe Isbell, IA
2nd - Stephen Nesfeder, MO
3rd - Kris the Koala, MN & Tim Maly, NE (tie)
Top offenses were Disciples, TGT, FBTBb and of all things Red! Top defenses were a lot of multi-color, best of brigade combo and stand alone stuff.
T1-MP1st - John Nesfeder, KS & David Carlson, MN (tie)
3rd - Tim Maly, NE
Top offenses were Disciples, TGT, FBTNb and Priests. I apologize but I didn't see enough to comment on the defenses.
TEAMS1st - Nathan Voigt, MN & John Nesfeder, KS
2nd - Ryan Ertmer, WI & Josh Knitt, WI & Mitch Stewart, IA & Jeff Stewart, IA (tie)
I didn't see enough of the teams deck to know much. FBTNb and TGT were among the top offenses. Some stand alone and magicians were among the defenses.
T2-2P1st - Jordan Alstad, MN
2nd - Nathan Voigt, MN
3rd - Matt Brinkman, MN
I didn't see enough of this to know much. I know Disciples did well for offense and some defenses were Brown Site tricks and Heretics.
T2-MP1st - Jordan Alstad, MN
2nd - Gabe Isbell, IA
3rd - Mitch Stewart, IA
Top offenses were Prophets, Gold/Silver Judges, Disciples and TGT. Top defenses were Pharisees, Demons, Magicians and Philistines.
Hosting highlights:
- It's always a joy to work along side a guy like Kevin Shride. He brings fun with him wherever he goes!
- My five younger siblings who were instrumental in the setup and tear down for the event. Prepping for and cleaning up after 80 people is no small task!
- Seeing so many friends again and meeting many new ones for the first time!
- The amount of people who showed up. When I registered for this event I was only expecting attendance between 40-50. I was truly blessed by the number of people who wanted to spend Memorial Day with us playing Redemption!
I'll post a players tournament report sometime later.