Author Topic: NC Regionals Report  (Read 1224 times)

Offline The M

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    • North Central Region
NC Regionals Report
« on: May 31, 2011, 09:05:22 PM »
Thanks to everyone for making this the funnest tournament I have ever been to!
Gabe and Kevin were awesome as Host/Judge, Jordan Alstad was a great chaffeur, and the Perkins Ride was amazing

T2 Multi

Round 1:
Opponents: Mitch something, Jeremy Volk, and Jason Chandler
Scores: 7-4-4-1 <-- Jeremy got 1 haha.
This game was the sigh of the tournament. Everyone was neck and neck picking on Jeremy, who ended up drawing almost 2 LS per turn for a while, which was hilarious. I got a tie for the lead with 4 midway through with Angel, FA, and SoG in my hand. I went out against Jeremy with Garden Girls (which didn't work at all because they all played the same brigade xp) and he blocked with Alexander. I absent-mindedly gave him initiative and he played High Priest's Plot on me. Naturally I RAEGed at him and played Angel. He laughed and gave me the fifth soul. The next turn Mitch who had 4 went out, got the LS, and grinned, playing SoG + NJ. (I really don't know why I didn't play FA on him... I was still RAEGing.)

Round 2:
Opponents: Bill Voigt, Matt Brinkman, some RLK.
Score: 7-5?-4-3
This game was so pathetic I don't want to talk. Matt and I both played mostly Orange and the RLK left Nails up the entire game, allowing the rest of us to attack Matt endlessly. Bill won, but this game should have taken more time and effort than: "I go out. Oh wait. You can't block. No I don't even have TGT out. LOL."

Round 3:
Opponents: Gabe Isbell and Scott Reuter
Score 7-4?-1
I was outclassed by both these two and lost quickly. I ended up rescuing 3? souls but Gabe FA'ed my 3-liner.

I took 2nd to last but I believe that I could have placed had I won the first game.

Midnight to about 3 AM
Perkins and driving around FTW.

T1 2P

Note: I lost the notes I took from these so if I don't remember who it was after 2 days and 2 hours of sleep don't kill me.

Round 1: Tim Maly 0-5
I remember this game but I don't want to talk about it that much. I will say I drew Reach, Words, First Fruits, and Pentecost in the first 3 turns after he drew Pigs.

Round 2: Britta Alstad 5-0
Her Egyptian Discard Deck never discarded a card from my deck and Salome + TGT ran wild.

Round 3: I have noooooo clue. 3-5
We played similar decks that were really matched but he drew SoG + NJ on turn one and I made a bad decision by letting keep a LS for my TGT when I had FA in my hand. He drew Guardian on turn 3 and it was over soon after.

Round 4: Isabelle Reuter 5-1
I had a great draw and it was over pretty soon. I used Magic Charms on her Susanna and King David which was a great move. She had good cards but I had what I needed to combat them and I eventually wore down on her defense and walked straight in.

Round 5: Josh whotoldmehislastnametwiceandicantremember 3-5
Disciples were the name of the game and he decked out in about 6 turns. Thad ran rampant and I blocked 2? times the entire game. My enhancements weren't there for the offense but early souls helped.

Round 6: Once again no clue... 5-4
This was lame. I was up 4-0 in the first 3 turns with Guardian. I then drew crap, had my Salome, MMoJ, and ET discarded, and proceeded to watch helplessly for 20 turns as I had nothing. I won after he pestered me with Z-temple a bunch.

Why would I write about booster? All I will say is that I am hatin' on Achan's Sin.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2011, 09:52:49 PM by The M »


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