Author Topic: NC Regional Report 2  (Read 1277 times)

Offline Nameless

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NC Regional Report 2
« on: July 25, 2012, 08:58:40 PM »
Friday night: Sealed Deck

I had never played sealed before and did not know what quite to expect. I got the G deck and chose 3 Kings packs.

First Round Evan B
I got nothing very good in my pack and did not trade for anything. This game was somewhat boring since he could to nothing against Red Dragon and drew no defence.
5-2? Me

Second Round Tang L sp
We both were playing with G decks. This game was probably the most fun game since we both drew souls and were able to block. It was a close game with a final score of 5-4 Me

Third Round Caleb L
In his first game he had beaten John so I was a bit scared. We both drew souls at the beginning, but after that he had a 5 turn soul drought which made me lose. 2-5  Caleb

Forth Round John H
John had just learned to play at minicamp the week before. This was another boring game where my opponent could to nothing and I walked in.
5-2 Me

Fifth Round Amy H
She had also learned to play at minicamp. At first we both drew souls and I rescued two, but then the unthinkable happened. She had a 8 turn soul drought. Finally on the 9th turn she drew a soul and I played SoG on it for a lose. 3-5 Amy

This put me in a tie for 4th.

Saturday morning: T1 2P

First Round Simon M
He was playing his normal Red/Phillies. It was pretty much a walk through game, except for the time he went out with Amasai the Raider and found out the I drew my 1 evil enhancement, and I was able to block.
5-3 Me

Second Round Andrew W
We were playing identical decks, so when we each drew a equal number of lost souls we flipped a coin to see who went first and to see who would win. I won the flip. He got an amazingly speedy draw, whereas a drew 2 cards with SAs the entire game. Neither of us were able to block, and I drew SoG and NJ , but he did not draw either. This allowed me to win in a game in which I thought there was no hope.
5-3 Me

Third Round Brandon S
I was scared that I was going to get a scary person, but I was lucky. He was playing a poorly built Geniption and always put all his enhancements in Store house allowing me to walk in. By the time he drew Zeb I had almost won allowing him to only get 1 souls with him, and playing SoG for the other.
5-2 Me

Forth Round Tim M
By this time there where only 3 undefeated people left, Me, Martin, and Josh. I had the lowest lost soul dif so I got to play someone else. Either Tim got a bad draw or he could do nothing to stop my rescue attemps, because I continued to walk in and he didn't go out. Finally I drew my Sog and won.
5-1 Me

Fifth Round Martin M
I was dreading this game since he had been beating me all year, but I had beat him at minicamp which gave me some confidence. He must of got a terrible draw since he didn't go out for the first half of the game. He was only ably to block me 2 times(Disobedience and Plot) and so I won.
5-2? Me

Sixth Round James R
Now I was the only undefeated person and certain of placing. James was playing a earlier version of my deck, or I was playing a latter one of his. He put up a few early blocks. He used Seraph to band to my offense so I am pretty sure that my Daniel rescued all the souls for both players. I ended up losing with never seeing SoG or NJ.
2-5 James

This put me at 15 point and 11 dif so I place 2nd or 3rd depending on what this thread decides.

I will post Teams tomorrow.

Offline Nameless

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Re: NC Regional Report 2
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2012, 08:59:05 PM »
Reserved for Teams.


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