Author Topic: Nationals report  (Read 2776 times)

Offline The Guardian

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Nationals report
« on: August 14, 2011, 02:44:04 AM »
Just gonna keep it simple...

Thursday--T2 MP

Round 1 vs. Chris Egley, Tyler Stevens, Connor Magras
Honestly don't remember a ton from this game...Chris and Connor were both new to T2 MP, but both played very well and Chris came very close to winning. I do remember forgetting to put Uzzah in The Darkness twice, which would have allowed someone else to block late in the game. However, I was fortunate enough to get the win.

Round 2 vs. David Carlson, Matt Brinkman, Jordan Alstad
Crazy close game...but no one could break through before time ran out and Matt, Jordan and I all tied with 6.

Round 3 vs. David Carlson, Britta Alstad, Allen Collins
This game was frustrating...turns were taking way too long and we ended up timing out. Britta and I both had 6 at the end. I went at least 3 turns without having a Hero when freebie Lost Souls were being given out.

Round 4 vs. Craig Fountain, Chris Fachman, Nick Jaeger
This game was a good one, but again we ran out of time. The end was a bit frustrating however. In the final round, I was sitting at 5 LS with SoG in hand (I had "played" NJ earlier in order to win a LS when the Speed Bump was out and I had 11 in hand...ugh). Craig had 3 (SoG/NJ not played), Chris had 4 (SoG/NJ not played) and Nick had 3 (SoG not played, NJ discarded off top of deck). I went for an attack against Craig but Nick played Burial. On Nick's turn, he failed to make a successful rescue. However, he decided to use Falling Away on me bringing me even with Chris. On the final turn, Chris failed to make a successful rescue but dropped SoG/NJ to get to 6. I played SoG to get back to 5 but that still only got me a time-out 2nd. This ended up costing me 3rd place for the tournament as I finished in 4th...
Fortress Alstad
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Offline The Guardian

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Re: Nationals report
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2011, 03:27:18 AM »
Friday--T1 2P (Yes, that's right I played T1 instead of T2...there were a few reasons, but I'm just gonna stick to game reports.)

Round 1 vs. Ken Locklin
Kind of a frustrating game. Ken was using a 154 card deck. In the first few turns (when big decks are typically vulnerable to early rescues), he drew 2 of his Burial Shrouds. This gave him enough time to set up some defense before I could attack. The deciding battle occurred when I attacked with a 2 Hero band. He blocked low for initiative. I had AotL in hand, but I also had an interrupt so I hoped to make him waste an enhancement. However, he played Pagan Sacrifices. At that point, I was worried about what else he might place before I would get initiative so I then used AotL to get a LS. However, the damage was done...on my very next turn Pagan Sacrifices top deck discarded SoG. At that point, I knew there was no way I was getting 4 successful rescue attempts against his massive defense, so I just hoped to get a time out win. However, he drew SoG and used it and neither of us made a successful rescue for the rest of the game. Final score 1-1.

Round 2 vs. Ezra Lentine
This was a fortunate game for me. It appeared he was using a defense-lite Site deck and I drew my access pretty quick. He did get SoG/NJ for 2. Final score 5-2.

Round 3 vs. Sam Gilbaugh
I had seen Sam time-out tie with Tim Maly in Round 2 so I knew this would be a tough match. Indeed it was a very close game. I was very disappointed that Sam was able to draw and use both Falling Away and Burial before I drew Lampstand, and that ended up being the difference as I was only able to get to 4. Fortunately my defense held off his offense and we timed out. I believe we figured out after the game that if I had one more turn, I could have gotten to 5. Final score 4-3.

Round 4 vs. John Nesfeder
The opponents weren't getting any easier at this point... This game was another close one but this time I was on the short end. I made an early mistake by not activating Lampstand after rescuing my first LS and of course John had Falling Away next turn. We ended up timing out with him ahead, but again we examined what cards were left after the game, and it's very possible I could have gotten through in another 2 turns (as well as stalling him for the turn in between). Final score 3-4.

Round 5 vs. Jonathan De La Rosa
I had a very favorable draw in this game as I seemed to have all the right cards on defense for his attacks. His sites stalled me a bit early in the game, but I eventually broke through. I am pretty sure he did not draw SoG otherwise it would have been much closer. Final score 5-2.

Round 6 vs. Tim Maly
This was one of those "Looks really bad on paper, but was actually extremely close" games. Due to some unfortunate timing with the Exchanger and Negate LS, Tim ended up with 2 copies of Lost Souls on his side. I held  him off, and even forced him to play SoG/NJ defensively. His Falling Away beat my Lampstand so I lost one there, and I never drew my Golgotha to stop him from ignoring. 2 of his successful rescue attempts were ignore freebies and the other was a block I didn't want to make but was forced to because the ECs I wanted to use were ignored. All that being said, had I still had my copy of Lost Souls that would have been the one turn I needed to stall. As it turned out, I ended the game with 2 copies of Lost Souls half-rescued, NJ in hand and SoG in my next draw. Final score 1-5.

Round 7 vs. Chris Carlson
I decided at this point to change to my back-up deck just to have some fun. Unfortunately the offense is a little bit slower and again losing the Lampstand/Falling Away race ended up being the difference. At one point I had Lost Souls rescued, going for a 3rd LS with SoG/NJ in hand. He stopped me though, used Falling Away on Lost Souls and then I was forced to use SoG/NJ to get Lost Souls back before he used Burial or Shuffler. I had enough defense to stall him though and we tied. Final score 3-3.

Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline The Guardian

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Re: Nationals report
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2011, 03:53:33 AM »
Round 8 vs. Nathan Wagenknecht
This game I got one of those draws you can only dream about. Opening hand I draw Seraph/Simeon/Anna and he draws several Lost Souls. I walked in for 3 freebies, played Birth Foretold to grab SoG, and played SoG/NJ. He actually drew his SoG/NJ pretty fast too (without using any drawing) so he got 2, but I couldn't really be upset about that considering the awesome draw I had. The game was over after the 3rd round. Final score 5-2.

Round 9 vs. Chris Egley
I decided to switch back to my main deck, and I ended up making a very nice comeback in this game. Chris got up 4-0 with his speedy Disciples (using SoG/NJ), but then he made a mistake that probably cost him the game. For several turns I had 3 LS, 2 of which were in Sites he had no access to (not having drawn Boat) and the 3rd was the female (which he had none of). However, one of the LS in my Site was the Negate LS so the Female Only was actually negated. Those few turns he did not attack allowed me to stockpile some defense, and I slowly built up enough offense to break through while stalling a few turns until I got to 3 and was able to SoG/NJ. Final score 5-4.

Round 10 vs. Scott Bowen
This was a very defense-oriented game. Neither of us could break through the other's defense, (which was ironic because we were using almost identical defenses). Scott made one mistake that allowed me to stay one ahead of him and the game ended due to time. Final score 3-2.

Final Ranking: 15 (20 points, players 8th thru 14th all had 21 points).
Final thoughts...

Overall I had a good time playing T1. I had not played T1 2P in a tournament higher than district since 2003 MN State. Definitely took a few things away from the experience though.
1. People are still using Falling Away despite Lampstand's popularity--not including GoyS was definitely a mistake. In both games I lost, my 4-3 time-out win vs Sam and my 3-3 tie with Chris all included getting Falling Away played on me. An extra point against Sam and an extra half-point against Chris and I take 8th.
2. I was a bit frustrated with timing out 5 games in T1 opponents were not excessively slow, but there were a couple times I felt things could have moved along a bit faster and we maybe would have gotten another round or two in. To be fair, there are times I take some extra time to make a decision, but I do make every effort to play at a reasonable pace. Even against Ken (when I knew we were going to time-out and it was a matter of him maybe getting 1 more LS if he drew the right cards in time), I still took very short turns at the end when I was locked out against his defense.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 03:57:08 AM by The Guardian »
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: Nationals report
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2011, 11:37:16 AM »
Maybe in the future we can print a card that punishes a player for taking too long of a turn...:)
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

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Re: Nationals report
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2011, 02:30:12 PM »
Round 2 vs. David Carlson, Matt Brinkman, Jordan Alstad
Crazy close game...but no one could break through before time ran out and Matt, Jordan and I all tied with 6.
The top four finishers in the event met at this one table in round 2. Crazy close was a very good description as I saw little to no separation in play/deck quality betwixt David and the Alstads. In the end the random computer draw afterwards that decided where Justin, I, and Jordan would go in round 3 went a long way in determining the final standings.

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Re: Nationals report
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2011, 07:44:48 PM »
Would the poster of this article mind if I add this article to the August Issue of The Redeemer webzine?
Visit for deck analyses, even for other games

Offline The Guardian

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Re: Nationals report
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2011, 02:13:07 AM »
Would the poster of this article mind if I add this article to the August Issue of The Redeemer webzine?

That would be fine...I am also planning to write a short summary of T1 MP which I also played, but was too tired to write about last night.
Fortress Alstad
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Re: Nationals report
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2011, 09:57:17 AM »
Round 2 vs. David Carlson, Matt Brinkman, Jordan Alstad
Crazy close game...but no one could break through before time ran out and Matt, Jordan and I all tied with 6.
The top four finishers in the event met at this one table in round 2. Crazy close was a very good description as I saw little to no separation in play/deck quality betwixt David and the Alstads. In the end the random computer draw afterwards that decided where Justin, I, and Jordan would go in round 3 went a long way in determining the final standings.
That game was fun for 1 reason, I got to play Search. Next time around no one could search,draw,play an enhancement when no evil character was in battle or do evil banding.

Offline SomeKittens

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Re: Nationals report
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2011, 09:52:08 PM »
One slight correction, both 6th and 7th place had 21 points.  (I may be remembering that wrong, lack of sleep'll do that)
Mind not the ignorant fool on the other side of the screen!-BubbleBoy
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