Author Topic: Nationals 2011 experiences  (Read 2946 times)

Offline Prof Underwood

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Nationals 2011 experiences
« on: November 06, 2011, 03:46:31 PM »
I was about to write up my experiences at the Redemption for Micah event this past weekend, and remembered that I never got around to posting about my Nats experience this past summer.  Therefore, I decided to do that first.

I was excited to get to attend Nats after a 2 year hiatus, and to be bringing with me: my daughter for the first time as well as a couple guys from my playgroup.  We drove up to Cincinnati, and joined the big church bus full of the OH playgroup, and some guys from NY, TN, and GA, who were also vanpooling with them.

This made for a really fun way to spend the extremely long amount of time that it takes to DRIVE to MN, and really it didn't seem like that long at all being with all these great guys.  We even had a bit of adventure along the way as the church van broke down about an hour short of our destination and we had to depend on the extreme generosity of Jordan Alstad and Kory Lentine to come pick all of us up and get us to the tournament.

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Re: Nationals 2011 experiences
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2011, 03:53:46 PM »
Once we got to the church, I was honored to finally get to meet, in person, the famous "Wild" Bill Voight who was the host of the National Tournament.  I want to just say right off the bat that his reputation for being one of the best hosts in the game is well deserved, and the biggest tournament of the year by far was extremely well organized and therefore ran very smoothly.

After getting my guys settled in at the church, my daughter and I actually had the privilege of staying with the "other Professor", Jordan Alstad, and his lovely wife.  It was also a privilege to get to meet him in person for the first time, and I really wish that we lived closer together as I think we would really enjoy hanging out together a lot more often.

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Re: Nationals 2011 experiences
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2011, 04:14:53 PM »
On Thursday I decided to try Booster Draft for the first time at Nats.  I was pretty disappointed at the time to get the Genesis/Egyptians tin as I'd really been hoping for the new Red cards.  I also was disappointed that I really didn't draft anything that is worth noting on offense.  I did get some more Egyptian stuff that made for a really good defense (for a Booster deck), but overall my deck was pretty poor.

My first round was against Sam Nurge (yeah the National Champion in Booster one), Bryce Nelson, and Roy Cruz (yeah the Hall of Famer, Heart of Redemption one).  Needless to say, I was happy to escape that game with a tie for 2nd and 4 LSs.

My second round was against Pat Chaverri, Kory Lentine (yeah the guy who drove 2 hours to get me to the tournament), Jacob Fountain.  I don't remember much from that game, but I was blessed to get the win, so that was good :)

My third round was against Travis Brown (yeah I came all the way to MN and play the guy from my own extended playgroup), Jeremiah Thiessen, Ken Locklin (yeah the 3 Lions Games guy).  Unfortunately I again don't remember this game much, although with the guys in it, I'm sure we had a fun one.  Thankfully I was blessed with another win.

After this really good start, I had earned my way up to the top table and so my fourth round was against Josh Knitt, Jason Chandler, and Andrew Wester.  As we started playing and I started seeing characters like TSA, and CotH, and PotW etc.  I realized how out of my league my deck was, and how amazing it was that I was even up this high in the tournament.  Again I was happy to just end up with points by tying for 2nd again with 3 LSs.

For the final round, I had hopes that if I could just win it that I'd have a chance to place.  However, my opponents turned out to be Jeremy Volk (Bubbleboy), Gabe Isbell (yeah the Hall of Famer), and James Roepke (who always seems to be near the top at Nats).  Well I didn't win, but I did tie for 2nd again with 3 LSs, so I was proud that I got at least some points in every game with a really sub-par deck, and against top level opponents.

I was also proud of my daughter Alecia.  She started off by not taking a single LS in her first two games, and therefore dropping to very last place (88th).  But she didn't give up or get frustrated, and ended up rising to 75th in her first event ever at a National tournament.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 04:18:52 PM by Prof Underwood »

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Nationals 2011 experiences
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2011, 04:19:23 PM »
On Friday, I decided to try to do the impossible and be the first person to win Nats with a defense-heavy deck.  I had relatively high hopes due to earlier success in winning a State level, and placing at a Regional tournament.  However I knew that the time limits are a HUGE problem for defense-heavy decks, and so I took a backup deck in case things didn't work out.

My first round was against Greg Miller, and things went according to plan.  He only took LSs with SoG/NJ (my Altar of Ahaz wasn't out yet), and I was able to pull off the complete win.

The next round was against Josh Brinkman (JSB), and didn't go as well.  As I recall, he was running Judges or something that I'm really unfamiliar with, and so he pulled off a couple surprises before I locked him down at 4LSs.  However, that game timed out before I was able to come back for the win, so I only got points for a timeout loss.

The third round was the last that I would play my defense heavy deck.  It was against Reyzen, who is a friend and someone I have huge respect for.  He also has beaten me the only 2 times that we have every played together (both being at Nats).  I had him locked down completely about halfway through the game, and would've soon been able to start going in for the win.  But then he played A New Beginning and suddenly it was as if we were starting the game over from scratch.  He was able to break through once (before my defense could set up), and played SoG/NJ to get to 3.  I never even redrew my NJ, and ended up with another timeout loss 1-3.

My fourth round opponent was Kevin McIlrath, and it was at this point that the tournament made a complete 180° turn for me.  After the frustration of the last match, I had decided to switch from my well-thought-out deck that fit my playstyle.  Instead I was going to run a speed deck that completely depended on the draw and just see what God had in store for me.  The effect was immediate as I won this game quickly 5-0.

I unknowingly helped my fifth round opponent, Chris Carlson, build his deck the night before when I noticed Gabe giving him some pointers and decided to also chime in on some card ideas.  It was another quick game though and ended up with me on top 5-2.

At this point, I'd worked my way back up high enough to be playing people who I recognized, and my 6th round was against Eric Wolfe.  Eric is a great player, and actually beat me for the championship of the Live Online Alternative Nationals in 2010.  But this game, I was blessed with everything I needed to get the quick 5-0 victory.

Round 7 was against the Hall of Famer, Tim Maly.  It was this game that broke the unbeaten streak with the speed deck as Tim played great and gave me a 2-5 loss.

Round 8 was against my own student, Brian Jones.  He had been up as high as 2nd place earlier in the tournament, but had faded a bit to drop down to my level.  He had beaten my deck before, but this time it was my turn for victory.  God blessed my draw again to get the win 5-2.

Amazingly my round 9 opponent was ALSO a student of mine named Isaiah Johnson.  He has also beaten my deck before, but again the draw was in my favor and I ended up with the win 5-2.

My last round was against Ryan Ertmer.  I don't remember much about the game other than the fact that I won 5-3.  It was enough to lift me 4th place out of 98 and actually with a better LS differential than 3rd place (but 1 victory point behind).  It is the best finish that I've ever had at a National tournament, and felt extremely blessed to be up there.

I was also proud of my students in this event.  Isaiah finished in 11th place, and Brian ended up in 26th.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2015, 09:25:16 PM by ReyZen »

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Nationals 2011 experiences
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2011, 04:19:43 PM »
Saturday was the even that I had the highest hopes for victory.  John Earley and I had steamrolled through MW Regionals with a deck design that seemed unbeatable.  He had a deck that was designed to draw an amazing amount of cards to get all of our dominants out extremely quickly and also to be able to attack unblock-ably from very early in the game.  I had a SUPER strong defense designed to shut down anything our opponent's could possibly throw at us.  The one change that we made between Regionals and Nats was to take out the Pharisees that I had in my defense (just to speed it up) and replace them with Egyptians (to take out our opponent's decks).  This seemed like a good idea since my real blocks were coming from Herods and thus I could actually use the Egyptians to block if I needed to, while the Pharisees were really pretty useless for blocking purposes.  However, in the end, this decision proved to be our downfall.

Our first opponents were Mitch Stewart and Brandon Stewart.  We won the game 5-2, but it seemed like things weren't clicking as well as they had at Regionals.

Our second game was against Cory Breitenfeldt and Evan Byrne.  I remember that we were really concerned that game was going to timeout as things progressed sooooo slowly for us.  And they broke through me defense once to make the final score 5-3.

It was at this point that we were set to play at the top table against the clown princes of Redemption TEAMS, Matt Brinkman and Craig Fountain.  They had just defeated the 2010 TEAMS champions 5-0, and they made similar work of us, defeating us 1-5.  I remember it being a really funny game, and that my defense just wasn't strong enough to withstand both of them making strong attacks every turn.

Our fourth round was with Isaiah Huberty and Levi Petersen.  They were a couple young guys, and we're real quick with making decisions.  This led to a slow game, and although they never took a LS (other than SoG/NJ), the game didn't last long enough for us to get higher than 2 LS either, so we ended up with a tie 2-2.

The final round was against the 2010 (and 2009 for that matter) champions themselves, Gabe Isbell and Kevin Shride.  I was really looking forward to a good time, but Murphy's law that anything that can go wrong will, seemed to apply to this game.  There were some mistakes made playing some cards, there were some emotions that came out, and I again was not able to stop 2 opponents (who got amazing draws) making strong attacks every turn.  I will just leave it at that, and say that we lost 0-5.

We ended up in 15th place, and back to the old drawing board for deck design.  It was still fun teaming up with John Earley though and I'll always remember some of our coded messages, like "The doctor is in the house!" :)
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 05:33:15 PM by Prof Underwood »

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Nationals 2011 experiences
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2011, 04:19:57 PM »
Overall, I found the tournament to be a great example of the wisdom of man being foolishness to God.  I came into the tournament feeling pretty confident in myself in Booster and discovered that I really couldn't do that well without the grace of God being generous in what cards were available in the packs that came to me.  I also felt pretty confident in the brilliant strategy of my defense-heavy deck in T1-2p, but really didn't start succeeding until I swallowed my pride and played the rest of the way with an outdated deck that would lose to a starter deck if it had a bad draw.  It was only when I depended on God, that victories started to pile up.  Finally I felt pretty confident that our TEAMS strategy was also unstoppable, yet it was stopped multiple times, and the "improvements" that I thought seemed so great ended up not working out.

Speaking of humbling, I found it to be God's sense of humor that after coming into the National tournament in striking range of the RNRS titles for several events, that the only one that I ended up placing in was the one that I didn't even play at Nats (T1-mp).

Another lasting memory of Nats is that my daughter was introduced to the Angel Wars movies, and absolutely fell in love with them.  All these months later, she still talks about them OFTEN, still daydreams about them, still organizes her cards based on whether they have pictures that come from those movies, etc.  Now I know what to get her for Christmas :)

And as always I really enjoyed just getting to hang out with people who I haven't seen in years (since the last Nats I attended).  I'm sure I'll forget some people, but other than the people already mentioned in my posts above, it was great to talk again with Rob Anderson (thanks again for creating the game that brings all of us together), Bryon Hake (I wish CA was closer to KY), Chris Bany (thanks again for keeping the tourney running smoothly the whole time and doing it with humor), the Delarosa twins (who I'd never met in person before, and who really have a heart to expand the ministry of this game), Tyler Stevens (who has great plans with Chris Fachman to bring Nats to TN next summer), and so many others.

I feel so blessed to have been able to attend, and I highly encourage all of you out there to really make an effort to come to a Nats yourselves as soon as you can :)
« Last Edit: November 07, 2011, 10:51:52 AM by Prof Underwood »

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Re: Nationals 2011 experiences
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2011, 10:48:43 AM »
Great report!  I loved being able to pick your brain on the ride up.  It's amazing what God can teach you through a card game.
Mind not the ignorant fool on the other side of the screen!-BubbleBoy
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Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Nationals 2011 experiences
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2011, 10:53:36 AM »
Great report!  I loved being able to pick your brain on the ride up.  It's amazing what God can teach you through a card game.
Thanks, and I totally agree.  You are another person who I really enjoyed meeting in person for the first time on that trip.

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Re: Nationals 2011 experiences
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2011, 11:57:43 AM »
I usually don't read these things when I don't attend.

But it definitely made my day to hear about Roy playing ANB at Nats!!  Even FTW!!  And in Type 1!!  Wow...huge props!!  :)
Final ANB errata: Return player to game.

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Re: Nationals 2011 experiences
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2011, 12:24:47 AM »
We ended up in 15th place, and back to the old drawing board for deck design.  It was still fun teaming up with John Earley though and I'll always remember some of our coded messages, like "The doctor is in the house!" :)
One of my favorite moments in the tournament was in the game Craig and I played against you and John.

Quote from: RDT and the Prof
Is the doctor in the house?

Well, the doctor could be in the house if children's protective services don't show up.

Whadyathink is it maybe time for some sweet chin music?

I'm not sure. I could sure use a helping of sweet baby Ray's world famous ribs, though.

Are you sure you want the ribs and not the brisket?

Snort the banana--devil bunnies, devil bunnies.

<three or four minutes more of similar exchanges>

Quote from: Count Fount
You like your hand?

Quote from: Me
Not really.

Quote from: Count Fount

Aaaah,  Good times. Good times.

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Nationals 2011 experiences
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2011, 02:24:09 PM »
One of my favorite moments in the tournament was in the game Craig and I played against you and John.
Thanks.  I'm glad that you enjoyed that game as much as we did.  You guys really added a lot to that event, and I hope that we'll meet again at a future Nats for another one together :)


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