Author Topic: Another take on NE Regionals  (Read 1297 times)

Offline soul seeker

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Another take on NE Regionals
« on: May 31, 2011, 12:35:20 PM »
This was an exciting tournament for me because it was my son's 2nd tournament ever (he's 8 years old).  I had "trained" rigorously with him the week leading up to the tourney (he only started playing approx. a week before NY States).  We were one of the first to arrive and so we grabbed dinner.  I was pleasantly surprised at the affordability of this tournament and much of my appreciation is sent Korunks way. 

Friday Night:
   It was a no-brainer to what I was going to play: Type 2 Multi considering the other categories.
   My wife graciously teamed with my son, so that I could get an extra Goliath Promo.  The decks were solid and worked together well through cross-banding on O & D.  I advised the best I could, but I had to let my family fly.
             Only Korunks knows their final standings of the 9 teams, but from what I could tell it was around 6th place.

  My standing would turn out better.  I had a tough opening match-up that went to the wire.  I had Brad Coverdale and Alex O. as my opponents.  Alex was accurate in his description of what happened in this game.  There were similar Os and Ds and ultimately it became a race to SoG/NJ in which I won.  (Alex would win this same race the next day in Type 1 Multi).  I believe I won 7- 5 (Alex) - 4 (Brad)
    The second game pairing put me with Al (ORS on the boards) and Matt Sinclair (Christiangamer).  I knew both of these decks well.  Matt's was built by me in roughly 5 minutes with the help of Alex, so that we didn't have a single 5-player Multi game (I abhor 5 player Multis more than normal multi).  Matt navigated the deck well, and it made some nice blocks and attacks.  Al's deck was the same from NY State.  For whatever reason, in this game I was rarely attacked, and they picked on each other.  Ultimately, my offense proved too much and I won 7 - 3 (Matt) - 2 (Al)*
    *I may be off by a lost soul on Al's score.
These 2 wins solidified my first place.  Interestingly, I don't remember too many Doms being played.  It seems the larger decks of T2 limit the abuse of them.   :P
« Last Edit: May 31, 2011, 01:37:00 PM by soul seeker »
noob with a medal

Offline soul seeker

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Another take on NE Regionals
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2011, 12:59:43 PM »
Saturday Morning:
I don't like T1 and T2 2 Player going against each other.  With my distaste of Multi, these are my favorite 2 categories.  This would be my toughest choice all tourney.  Knowing Midwest Regionals is around the corner, I played the statistics based on my opinions and attendance.  I decided to go with T2 2 Player, but I did keep track of my son in T1 2P who was extremely excited to play.

Soul Seeker:  T2 2P:
   Rd 1: I faced Ginger, who I had never met before.  She had made an earlier comment that she didn't think she would do well.  I assured her that anything was possible.  Well, the game started out looking that way.  My deck drew out poorly on D, and she was off to a fast start while I was praying for a Hero.  She jumped out to a quick 2-0  lead before my characters started revealing themselves.  Once my deck got rolling, she was effectively locked out.  Soon my offense started falling into place.*  Her last rescue was a SoG towards the end of the game to offset the score.
I won 7-3.     *I do not want to get too specific because there is an off chance that I may make Nats after talking with John Michaliszyn.

   Rd 2:  I faced John Michaliszyn.  This was a rematch of the championship game from a Regionals 2 years prior.  John is also tied with me atop the RNRS boards (once NY States post), so I will admit that I was nervous.  Plus, like 2 years ago...Matt Stupenski (R.Cuz) had a big hand in helping with John's deck again.  My deck drew out average, but John got some good key cards early* while drawing his ultimate defense (no lost souls) for multiple turns.  Once he drew lost souls, we go back and forth, and it was a pretty intense game.  Time is now the enemy for both of us.  My D was set up and he couldn't get in any more.  However, I had one more shot with good support cards with the game tied 5-5.  I sentimentally (and foolishly might I add) attack with one of my 2 custom cards** that I made the Nats prior.  I couldn't avoid the ironic twist despite leaving myself open for a soul-crushing Christian Martyr.  He didn't have CM, and I blocked his attempt to tie me on his next attack.  I won in a time out 6-5.
   * I don't like revealing other people's decks either before Nats.
   ** Only one custom card is in the deck, but I am trying to protect deck identity as much as possible.   :police:

  Rd. 3:  Technically, I was in the driver seat going in to the final round, but it was anybody's tournament.  I had to face Brad again and again I was nervous.  He knew my deck, and I knew his.  I had told Brad that it would come down to the draw.  Turns out, I was right.  I had a strong opening draw, and I continued to get cards that I needed at the right time to counter him.  It became a frustrating game for him as he realized that luck* was on my side.  I won 7-3 to clinch the title.  Brad handled this unbalanced game with a lot of grace and poise.
   * If you don't believe in luck, then that is fine but its hard to find a better term for everything going right for one person and hardly anything going right for another person.

Through this whole category....I was keeping track of what was happening with my 8 year old, Jason.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2011, 01:37:26 PM by soul seeker »
noob with a medal

Offline soul seeker

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Another take on NE Regionals
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2011, 01:18:51 PM »
Little Seeker's Sat. morning.  Jason had a solid deck that I can't quite reveal because he is likely heading to Midwest Regionals with me.
   Rd. 1:  Jason's first game was against a former Nats champ: Justin Santagillo (JDS on boards).
I will not know much details of the game though Jason played his deck well.  I taught Jason a wily veteran move which he pulled on Justin that about won him the game.  Justin mentioned that Jason played real well and a few more turns would have given Jason the win.  It is likely that Justin's experience won the day.  Justin (who eventually placed 2nd) won 5-3.
   Rd. 2:  Jason played a person that I never got the name of...he was one of the triplets.  It was a battle, but from what I could tell Jason made a misstep with Charms.  I was told he had it activated for a while, but the game finished in a time-out tie:  4-4.  At the end of the game, Jason was walking in for free lost souls.  I wonder if he could have used Charms to prevent one of his opponents lost souls.  I will never know I guess.  Both players had decked out.
   Rd. 3:  Jason had played another person that I didn't get the name of.  This game was played during the 2nd half of John and I's game, so I'm hazy on the details.  All I know is that Jason won big.  It was either a 5-0 or 5-1 win in his favor.
   Rd. 4:  Jason was matched with another familiar and strong player: Roy Cruz.  We were entering lunch break, so I saw more of this game.  From what I could tell, Jason was making good, solid decisions.  Jason had the added help of Roy not drawing the right color Hero for the first 6 turns.  The combo of these two facts help Jason pull out a time-out win: 4-1.  Roy was very complimentary and made a special note of how my oldest son is just like me.  Roy felt that Jason had a bright future.
   Rd. 5:  This was Jason's highest ranking of the day: 14th.  Things had to fall right, but winning the next 2 games gave him the outside chance of 3rd, but almost a definite top 5 finish in a field of 38.  The competition continued to be tough, he faced Gretal Coverdale.  I was in my championship game so I knew little beyond score, dejected look, and Gretel's explanation.  He was beat 5-1.  Gretal felt that he played well, but she noted that fatigue was setting in.  The long weekend was taking its toll, and Jason needed all the focus he could muster to hang with quality competition.  Despite giving Gretal a hard time, she was very gracious with Jason and he took the bad loss well.
   Rd. 6:  Jason had dropped 6 spots from that bad loss and faced someone I didn't know.  Jason fought tough, but ultimately loss 5-3.  He was ready to go to the church playground to burn some energy by the time the game was over.  He still was in good spirits but tired of Redemption.  My guess is that he finished around 27/28 of 38 with an aprox score of 6.5 & a LS Diff of -1.  Right now, only Korunks has the official list.

As much as Jason likes Redemption, he was done for the weekend and elected to not play T1 Multi.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2011, 01:37:41 PM by soul seeker »
noob with a medal

Offline soul seeker

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Another take on NE Regionals
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2011, 01:36:30 PM »
Sat. Evening: T1 Multi
   I played this category because of saving money and if I had to play multi then play a multi where luck wasn't as much an issue.

Game 1:  Ginger, her son, Sam Nurge, and myself
   This game embodies Multi-player in my mind.  This game ran slow, and my deck didn't draw right.  I got a good hero in the start, but I was forced to go after Nurge, who knew it was a key hero for me, for LS #1.  He blocked not because he didn't want me to have the lost soul, but because he didn't want that hero to get on a roll.  Needless to say, I returned the favor on his turn.  Sam and I didn't pick on each other, but we let the mother and son's lost souls get away from us.  My deck continued to struggle as did Nurge's but we all make it to 4-4-4-3 (I had 3 but half of a two liner).  I NEEDED son of God because everyone else played theirs defensively.  It was not meant to be...I made a push to draw it, but it was too deep in my deck.  Typical.  On reflection, I can't complain too much because the night before I had won by outdrawing opponents to the big 2.

Game 2:  Jayden, I forget opponent's name to my left: Jason maybe, and myself
    My deck hates me.  It had another slow draw.  I debated on ripping a plot to just do it out of frustration of that tourney, but friends talked me out of it (I made it public knowledge to the 17 playing Multi that I had it).  I gave up the Lost soul and began wishing I had played booster.  Eventually, my deck decided to be kinder and I squeaked out a 5-4-3 win.  (I had played FA on the person with 3 so it was at one point 4-4-4).

Game 3:  Alex O., Chris (Chronic Apathy), and a guy that I don't remember his name, and myself.
    My deck continues to hate me.  With my struggles to get SoG, I thought about switching decks.  I felt that my deck was due a good draw.  I was right, but Alex received a 1st turn Mayhem and I was relegated to another mediocre to bad hand.  The game was an epic back and forth between 3 players.  Revealers did a lot of damage to people but Chronic Apathy took the most punishment of anyone.  I felt a little bad, but self-preservation gave an overwhelming feeling of better him than me. Ultimately, Alex outdraws all of us to his big 2.  Realizing what was going to happen.  I played SoG on the lost soul Apathy was going for to give me sole 2nd place...however, in a surprising twist he got FA as well so it was never an issue.  Final score Alex 5, Me 4, Unknown player 2, Apathy 2.

I think I finished around 6th, but after Round 3 I had to begin quickly packing up for the long drive home.  We left shortly after the awards ceremony.
noob with a medal


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