Author Topic: My Nationals Report, part 1.  (Read 1556 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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My Nationals Report, part 1.
« on: August 15, 2010, 12:48:38 PM »
Wednesday- Day 1
Well I was flying solo this year. Eric Largent, Clift and Crysel were both busy so I had to represent for Georgia. Plane ride was great, coming in was fine, I called John Mich and he told me to get on the Logan Express for Anderson Station. Me being a shuttle noob got on the first Logan Express I saw and drove out to Framingham, a good 30-45 mins out of the way only to realize this is 4 different routes for Logan Express, and I was on the wrong one. So they turned me around and brought me back to the airport, then I got on the right shuttle and met up with 2 fellow Redemption players, 3liner and a bag of chips, and the other board name I can't remember right now. Anyway we got on a shuttle to Hampton Inn where I met up with Chris Bany, Kevin Shride, Ron Sias, and a couple others. Soon as I got there Kevin and Chris were going to the church so I went with them. Saw everyone and hungout for a while, then got a ride back to my hotel.
Thursday- Day 2 Type 2 2 Player
I was coming off a very strong year in type 2 2 player. With a different version of my deck I swept TN state, and EC regionals, I also swept SE regionals, so I was feeling pretty confident. I also figured everyone would be playing Crimson or Philly lockout and I know I can defeat those defenses easily. I modified my deck for orange and figured I would do very well. I will post my deck lated btw, but I will give a brief analysis of it. Philly lockout, Abom, Water Jars, Israelite Archers, hurt your territory and make you draw, and TGT with 2 Salome and 2 Mary Mother of James. The one thing I was worried about was Jacob/RTC.
Round 1- Scott ? from Craig Fountain's playgroup
I didn't have too much set up early and he RA with Ira and plays 3 enhs to kill my EC, so it's 1-0. By turn 4 I had Abomb in his territory but no heroes as of yet. He RA I drop SoG/NJ for the block, 1-2. I now have an entire hand of defense with Abomb in his territory but no way of making him draw. He RA Jacob plays Obediance and gives me a panic demon. 2-2. I still have no heroes so I drop Mayhem to make him discard High Priest's Palace with 30 Pieces in it and fix my hand a bit, it didn't work. I got nothing good out of it. I temporarily locked him out with my silver sites so I got to sit and wait. I finally get Martha and start with the Abomb-ing. I Meeting the Messiah an Assyrian, and d/c another EC, then go out with 2 Archer's and d/c his 2 Assyrian Archers. He Unknown Nation's Uzzah for a block. I rescue next turn and d/c something else. Next turn he SoG/NJ so 3-4 him. A few more Meeting the Messiah's and killing off his other guys was game. My TGT ladies walked in for the next 4 straight. 7-4 win. He was playing blue/PG splash orange.
Round 2- Alex Olijar
I drew no lost souls opening hand through turn 6 so I got to set up my defense perfectly, which is a bad bad thing for my opponent. He also did not draw many lost souls so I Woman at the Well him. He plays SoG/NJ for 2-0, RA and does AotL, 3-0. He didn't have much of a hand so I kept Generous Widow-ing him and that really hurt him. I locked him out and he eventually activated Temple Veil but he was playing Teal/ Tribal Elders/Prophets, and had no N.T. heroes. So that was a deck error on his part so I locked him out. I Judge's Seat/Abombed the rest and TGT walked in pretty much. 7-4 me. Don't remember his defense.
Round 3- Craig Fountain
He seemed to be playing ANB reset with Jacob RTC and gray false peace defense to set him up again. Great idea but Phillie's rock ANB reset. He got tons of lost souls from Jacob/RTC. He jumps out early 3-0 I believe, but I almost lock him out, so he ANB reset when he could, and that was about it from his offense. He drops SoG/NJ for 5 but I had him locked out. He RA with Benaiah once against my 12FG with a counter and played ANB for numbers, but it was one too short.  :D It was funny b/c Craig is a good guy and can joke about himself, which he did plenty after that play. I played my deck out for the most part, and would attack with TGT out but with a gold guy with initiative and play Ambush the City, then walk in with TGT. I Meeting the Messiahed and pretty much walked in. I got FA and never saw SoG/NJ but it didn't matter. 7-5 win me, close good game.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: My Nationals Report, part 1.
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2010, 12:49:47 PM »
Round 4- James Roepke
Didn't write too much down on this one, b/c it was a close game. He was using straight Prophets with Brown and a splash of orange. The highlight play was him putting the d/c top card lost soul on top and getting my SoG... and I had NJ in hand at the time I'm pretty sure, or got it closely after. He also Falling Away'ed me. So pretty much I am at a -3 handicap. I lock him out for a few turns and he keeps Hidden Treasures all my EC's. I keep blocking and killing his Prophets, but he took out all my negates, and both A-bombs. I activate SWJar and get his SoG, Aotl and Burial, which is a fair trade off I think.  ;) Well I kill all his human guys in his territory but can't go out with TGT b/c he has demons in his territory. I only have a small stack left for a deck with 2 Three Nails left in my draw pile, so I knew if I could get that out that I could still win. I also have yet to draw DoN. He activates Priestly Crown and keeps attacking, I fend off a few times but without my negates I can't do much against Prophets/Shuffle. He has access due to his artifact and eventually starts getting through. I draw 3 Nails, but still no DoN. I activate 3 Nails and start walking in with TGT. Now it's just a race. He decks out so he gets his SoG/NJ, Aotl, and burial. I lost the race lol. He Aotl for another, SoG/NJ, and buried one of my attacks. He played great, and Hidden Treasures killed me. 7-4 him
Round 5 Nathan Voigt.
He was using Zebulun with different color sites and Phillies with some stand alone stuff I think. I got a not normal draw at all, but eventually got Abomb in his territory. Next turn he I Am Grace'd it.  :( Throughout most of the game I had no heroes, with 4 Meeting the Messiah's, 2 Repentance and Restitution, 2 Bringing Fear... not a nice hand without heroes. I held him off for a while and we Land Disputed back and forth and he never attacked. He started to get Jacob/RTC and kept walking in. What really won him the game was his Kir (gold site) with an immune lost soul in it the entire time. I Land Disputed one, he took it back and had another. I knew I had to get rid of both in order to win. It hurt me so bad b/c I make you draw with my offense before I attack while Abomb is in your territory to d/c your heroes that hurt me. Well with the immune lost soul in gold, I couldn't do that, let alone just hurt him so I could walk in. At one point in the game I had not too many cards left and needed 1 of the following, Danites Attack for his Kir, Land Dispute for his Kir, Vengeance of Eternal Fire for his Kir, an Abomb, or and Ambush the City b/c I couldn't get around a Garrison in battle. Never got one out, and he eventually Jacob/RTC me. Good job on his part, but I don't think I gave him a good run for his money on mine, deck wanted to play hide and seek I guess. 7-1 loss.
Last round was against CJsports I think
N.T. white/Prophets/ Romans
Wrote down nothing b/c I was bummed about my last 2 games. I payed Solitaire on my Ipod the whole game and my deck did what it does. Don't even remember the score but I won.
Fnished 9th. I'll do part 2 tomorrow, which is type 1 2 player, yeah I know you read it right, I played type 1 2 player.

Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: My Nationals Report, part 1.
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2010, 02:46:30 PM »
I was really rooting for ya! Man what a bummer. I was wondering why you wasnt calling as much after round 4. Wish i could have been there.
Throughout most of the game I had no heroes, with 4 Meeting the Messiah's, 2 Repentance and Restitution, 2 Bringing Fear... not a nice hand without heroes.
Sounds like a rough shuffle. Maybe you should have played Jacob+RTC like everyone else. :) Oh well, Im sure youll show em at Wild Bills Type Two tourney this Feb.
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

Offline Lawfuldog

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Re: My Nationals Report, part 1.
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2010, 05:34:49 PM »
Type-1 2 player? Really man? I feel so betrayed.  ;)
Booster Draft king once upon a time.

Offline XeroSplash

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Re: My Nationals Report, part 1.
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2010, 11:10:39 PM »
Betrayal is not giving him Pigpin back...

Eric "LOL" Largent
Specializing in Type 2 since 2002

Eric "math teacher" Largent

Offline Lawfuldog

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Re: My Nationals Report, part 1.
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2010, 01:31:16 PM »
Hahaha, "Pigpin" is no more, now it's Wonshot and I got my warrior transfered over to the account as well.
Booster Draft king once upon a time.

Offline XeroSplash

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Re: My Nationals Report, part 1.
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2010, 09:18:33 PM »
Wonshot is the name of our top hunter in our guild (maybe server too). He's a baller.

Eric "Lifeanddeath 4eva" Largent
Specializing in Type 2 since 2002

Eric "math teacher" Largent


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