Author Topic: my first nationals tournament experience  (Read 1751 times)

Offline New Raven BR

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my first nationals tournament experience
« on: August 13, 2012, 02:33:53 PM »
i arrived in knoxville on wednesday afternoon and my anticipation for a game was overwhelming but i knew i had to wait another day before i could begin play,
i was excited for what was to come.

Nats day 1: i hardly got any sleep that night previously but i was ready for Booster Draft,
i drafted cards such as; burial shout, philistine garrison, mayhem, three nails, and i was even one of the lucky ones to pull a falling away from a booster pack. i lost a few games due to a bad draw and i won at least one game. and earlier in the day i was able to perticipate in the Ironman event that took place within the 3 day nats ratios but sadly hardly had the time to get games in cept 1

Nats day 2: now to me this day was very important due to the category i chose to play and i mainly play is type 1 2 player. i built a TGT deck during the night with some new cards i got the previous day thanks to my dad and i believe it was ring wraith who built my genegyptain deck that did not do that well but i had a fun time playing it but i mainly used my new self built deck The Garden Tomb/Persias pleague deck. it was a deck i have never used but couldn't believe my eyes as to how well it did, it lost round 2 5-0 against a kid with the boards name Rocky, i had lost the first round with my genegyptains 5-0 also so a very nasty start for me with a 0-2 start and round 3, i received a bye which was exactly what i needed to turn the tide of my nats record. i was able to go to a place to have quiet time with God to ask him for help, healing and telling him my thoughts and subjects that bothered me and were getting in my way, after i prayed round 4 began and i started things off with my TGT deck winning the game and again 2 more consecutive times and bringing my record up to 3-2 or 4-2 including a bye and then i faced profunderwood, i didn't use my tgt deck for this game and i should have used it cause it was a mirror match between genegyptain decks, i lost snapping my winning streak and now 4-3 i grabbed my tgt deck again only to face the creator himself, Rob Anderson, it was a very fun game, my hands were shaking but i kept my cool and once AGAIN my TGT deck pulled through and with a 5-2 score in the round, my TGT deck was on a roll through the day and i was amazed by the end of the tournament as it lost against Red and my final record in the day was 6-4 or 5-4 without the bye. i prefer with the bye though :)

day 3: now this day was a hectic day for me; i woke up late, made it to the tournament with a few minutes to spare but realized i left my tgt deck at the hotel WITH my player's card in it, when i realized this my heart sank, i informed my dad, i got it replaced and was relieved afterwards, but i still had to use genegyptians which was fine cause i was planning on playing it anyway, so i found a partner earlier on in the tournament, a guy named Wyatt, who seemed to be the very player i needed to team with to make my genegyptaisn effective, he used angels/philistines which did wonders with my genegyptains, he proved to be the stonewall of the team and made some rescues and i did some blocking but mainly took the offense and went in to rescue souls, we didn't do too bad with 2-3 but mainly this was thanks to a combination of bad draws, better opponents, and not enough time to finish at least 1 or 2 games. one game in particular that i didn't enjoy was the final round in teams but that's a bit off topic of why i went to nationals.

i went, had fun, met some nice people, i perchased a deck pouch from reyzen (i really recommend these to any player who plays more then one deck) with a few 20 sided dice (thanks again roy i appritiate it :) ). and i found on day two that im a better player then i thought i was which encourages me cause i've always felt like i wasnt really good enough to win any games but i knew i could win games, just never really had a good draw or didn't play my cards at the right time. but other then that i had a blast, it resparked a fire in my heart for the game and finally was able to meet online friends in person, and i really do hope i get to go to nationals again next year, wherever it maybe :)
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Re: my first nationals tournament experience
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2012, 02:38:56 PM »
Thanks For sharing Raven! I glad you could make it to nationals, have a great time, and play well. It is important to remember to include God in every day - even at nationals as you did.

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Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: my first nationals tournament experience
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2012, 05:24:20 PM »
i was able to go to a place to have quiet time with God to ask him for help, healing and telling him my thoughts and subjects that bothered me and were getting in my way
I'm so glad that God gave you this opportunity to do this, and I'm proud of you for taking the opportunity and spending it in the right way.

i faced profunderwood
It was a pleasure to meet you (and your dad) in person, and cool to even end up getting to play each other in such a great tournament :)

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Re: my first nationals tournament experience
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2012, 10:25:45 PM »
It was a blessing to meet you and your dad! Look forward to next time.

Offline Knoxyouthpastor

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Re: my first nationals tournament experience
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2012, 01:29:51 AM »
Glad u came to visit us in Knoxville. It was a great turnout, 110 total players. We thoroughly enjoyed hosting this year. Chris (Crashfach) did a great job and it was a blessing to help him out. As a newer player, I expected to get toasted in my games, but finished over .500, not bad I say. We hope to see u again soon. Blessings!
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