Is anyone from the NE region planning on attending this, and is NOT flying (or if you are flying, flying out of one of the PA/MD airports)? Bill, I sent you a PM.Ditto. I'd love to attend another Wild Bill special.
Is anyone from the NE region planning on attending this, and is NOT flying (or if you are flying, flying out of one of the PA/MD airports)? Bill, I sent you a PM.Ditto. I'd love to attend another Wild Bill special.
I'm gonna be there! I will probably need to sleep over at the church.
I might put David in charge of them like last year because I might still have basketball at that time.I'm gonna be there! I will probably need to sleep over at the church.Mike, you are in charge of the mattresses.
I brought all the mattresses up last year and am not doing that again! And I should be there.I might put David in charge of them like last year because I might still have basketball at that time.I'm gonna be there! I will probably need to sleep over at the church.Mike, you are in charge of the mattresses.
Glad for all the intrest from the NE. Two years ago Brad flew in and last year Alex joined us. The Canadians and Georgia boys have been threatening to join us and I know we will have some Wisconsinits for the first time ever. Could be the biggest yet.I'm gonna be there! I will probably need to sleep over at the church.
Mike, you are incharge of the mattresses.
TN is going to try its best to make an appearance. Any GA guys going?
This is during my spring break, and I should be there and should be sleeping over.
Nathan, you should message me the video.PM sent.
Two of the people in my car had to drop out, so I have seats. If you're from the NE region and want to carpool from PA to MN, please let me know asap.
Hope everyone has a safe and fun time!I can guarantee one of those things...
5) The two team members then divvy up the remaining cards in any amounts or manner they desire.**
Wait, I'm confused. Both players on a team are sharing one deck that's split in half?Yuppers. Question is, do you go for broken combo, or simple Zebulun stuff.
I think T2 Teams should have the same format as T1 Teams: Both players in a team build decks that match the regular T2 deck building rules, including all Lost Souls (with a shared LoB).But that's so boring! The whole fun of the T2 only is ridiculous things that wouldn't happen anywhere else. Like Sauce, MJB, and CountFount at the same table of T2 Multiplayer. ;D
I also vie for half-splitting of decks. A doms + Zebulun deck could break the game. I might even suggest a rule that all good cards must go in one team member's deck and all evil cards must go in the other's (although that might not be as fun, since you would basically have to do the same decks every game, whereas the current rules could allow the teams to switch things up every game).
One question: What happens when a DoU is played? Can Lost Souls redistribute? Should each player just keep his own Lost Souls in his territory to be safe?
Remember this is experimental. We didn't limit sites in type 2 sealed so Alex could beat Gabe.Unfortunately, that caused the legendary Save Que T-Shirt to fall into the hand of one of our greatest opponent's.
Can Lost Souls redistribute?No. During a game Lost Souls would not re-distribute. Players could sleeve their shard of the deck differently if they would like.
I think T2 Teams should have the same format as T1 Teams: Both players in a team build decks that match the regular T2 deck building rules, including all Lost Souls (with a shared LoB).Given that tables of four regularly timeout at 1 1/2 hours in T2-MP how long do you think a game like this would take, Chronic? Four hours? Longer? I just do not believe this is feasible.
This rule, imo, just screams break me. I think everyone remembers the lack of site cap last year. ;) I think an equal distribution of cards would be best.Low blow, Hobbit. ;) The only way site lock would work was if some player traded his sites to his opponent. Since this was T2, I assumed no n00bs would be playing. My bad.
I was totally going to build that Zeb deck... And probably just dominate with it.And I was expecting you to build that Zeb deck--simply because it is a completely obvious strategy--so my deck would have multiple copies of Watchful Servant and ways to get him out. You deck out in turn one with seven lost souls available, and either me or my partner (depending who is sitting on your right) are coming in for a free rescue every time.
If this is Teams then my teammate will simply block for me...... Thus why the Zeb deck works.....
9) For SA (and Identifiers) that activate before a blocker is presented, the word "opponent" and "opponent's" refer to the player against whom the initial rescue attempt is being made. This identification remains in effect until a blocker is presented.
I think T2 Teams should have the same format as T1 Teams: Both players in a team build decks that match the regular T2 deck building rules, including all Lost Souls (with a shared LoB).Given that tables of four regularly timeout at 1 1/2 hours in T2-MP how long do you think a game like this would take, Chronic? Four hours? Longer? I just do not believe this is feasible.
If this is Teams then my teammate will simply block for me...... Thus why the Zeb deck works.....
Not unless your teammate has a supply of defenders with a toughness of 0 or less... Believe it or not, I am not so addlepated that I didn't recognize the obvious*...9) For SA (and Identifiers) that activate before a blocker is presented, the word "opponent" and "opponent's" refer to the player against whom the initial rescue attempt is being made. This identification remains in effect until a blocker is presented.
Actually, the idea that your "opponent" does not change when the opposing TEAM passes the block until an actual blocker is presented is one that would improve regular TEAMS as well. That is, however, another discussion for another day.
*Don't get me wrong. I recognize that I am addlepated**--I am just saying that I am not *that* addlepated.
**I always assumed the first use of the word "addlepated" on these boards would be in a post talking about CountFount.
Teams and multiplayer are entirely different beasts, and a lot of T1 Teams games end up being shorter than regular T12P games depending on the circumstances. T2 Teams would almost certainly be shorter than T2MP would be.
Teams and multiplayer are entirely different beasts, and a lot of T1 Teams games end up being shorter than regular T12P games depending on the circumstances. T2 Teams would almost certainly be shorter than T2MP would be.
Not in MN. ;)
Type 1 and Type 2 are entirely different beasts. After playing type 2 sealed and type 2 booster draft, the overwhelming belief of the best type 2 players in the world was that teams would be unworkable because of time.
Addlepated- from the Greek- syn. Back stabber.
1) A term used for a team mate that bails out to protect oneself from defeat or to inflict defeat on his once best buddy who always had his back.
i.e. Matt "addlepated" Craig at Nats for a "prior appointment".
Addlepated- from the Greek- syn. Back stabber.
1) A term used for a team mate that bails out to protect oneself from defeat or to inflict defeat on his once best buddy who always had his back.
i.e. Matt "addlepated" Craig at Nats for a "prior appointment".
And we sure showed him and taught him a lesson by losing three straight games after he addlepated.
Looking at the round-by-round results from the last Nationals TEAMS games timed out twice as often as T1-2P and T1-MP (23.3%/all six rounds vs. 12.5%/first six rounds vs. 14.5%/all six rounds). Although there were some TEAMS games (especially the ones I played in :P) that were quicker that T1-2P and T1-MP, on average they were way slower.I think T2 Teams should have the same format as T1 Teams: Both players in a team build decks that match the regular T2 deck building rules, including all Lost Souls (with a shared LoB).Given that tables of four regularly timeout at 1 1/2 hours in T2-MP how long do you think a game like this would take, Chronic? Four hours? Longer? I just do not believe this is feasible.
Teams and multiplayer are entirely different beasts, and a lot of T1 Teams games end up being shorter than regular T12P games depending on the circumstances.
T2 Teams would almost certainly be shorter than T2MP would be.Why?
What about replacing #9 with a rule that says when a player decks out he may no longer make a rescue attempt?Having thought about it, this is pretty weak sauce. RDT would probably just include a couple of copies of Abe's Kid in his Zebulun deck and discard one. On subsequent turns he would use Abe's Kid to search his discard pile for the other copy of Abe's Kid and place it under his deck. Grrrrrrrrrrr...
I've so moved on, I've got much better ideas for wrecking people.-and-
I think I may have just broke Type 2 TEAMS. Carry on ;)
I would have so used the kissy emoticon if it were still available,Don't worry, we still love you :-*
Would captured characters of your opponent's move with you, seeing as it's in your LoB?I was thinking that would be a yes (and the same for any characters exchanged with 7WS or Stalks of Flax). If someone then played I am Redemption (or whatever) you could then return them to their rightful owners. Cross-game combos ftw.
I'm a big fan of T2Swap instead of T2Teams.
I don't have everything hashed out yet - But the basic idea is that everybody builds a deck, then randomly gets paired with a different deck. Somehow we would need to eliminate the want to simply build a terrible deck, but besides that, it could be fun.
I would be a fan of progressive and type 2 split. For progressive I am confused how LoR lost souls follow you around though... Still like it.My thought was that you would just carry your LoR with you and each TEAM could just record whom each LS was won from. At the end of the game (i.e., after all of the periods have been played), each team would be responsible for returning the rescued lost souls to their original owners.
Same for cards stolen to hand?Would captured characters of your opponent's move with you, seeing as it's in your LoB?I was thinking that would be a yes (and the same for any characters exchanged with 7WS or Stalks of Flax). If someone then played I am Redemption (or whatever) you could then return them to their rightful owners. Cross-game combos ftw.
You'd have to institute a rule so that the decks are actually goodAnd how do you plan on that? It'd be almost impossible to define it objectively, and if compared to anything I build, everyone would be banned if you determine it subjectively.
Also, it kind of discriminates against those of us that are just going to use a a starter deck shoved together with some filler for the whole tournament.
It's going to be really disappointing for you when I end up in like 7th place, but I stall you out in the final round so you get 2nd instead of 1st.I'm honored to know you think I can take first. 8)
lol oh im gonna out troll you both cause im taking first so there
Matt is probably having his chin wiped or his bed pan changed. As soon as he that is done and he takes his meds he will let you know.
Hey Bill Can you call over to the house and have some one push his chair over to the computer!
What? I never said you can take 1st. I said that you can take 2nd. Taking 2nd isn't too hard if you get an easy run like I did last year. Didn't play Nathan, didn't play Jordan. Lol.
And I promise to remember to bring my camera this year :-*
This year its all about NT Blue. Here comes Timon ftw.
Pm me if you want professoralstads deck list.Wow, how did you get your hands on that?
Pm me if you want professoralstads deck list.Wow, how did you get your hands on that?
When can we know which variation we are playing?How about right now?
I'll be at church by about 4:00pm Friday. Anybody coming from out of town for the first time, PM me so I can give you my cell phone #. Just in case you get lost.