New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Yes that is the current schedule I will change the first post. The anti Martin cards are working, Martin is 1-5 in pick up games at Mini Camp.
Type 2 Multi1st Jordan Alstad (nice sweep bro)Tie for 2nd Justin Alstad and Andrew Wester
I don't think we've ever pretending to know anything about Type 2 I doubt either of us has anything to add.
I caught your ghost edit Gabe yuh I know, sub-par year for me in type 2. I went 2-2 lost to a quirky weakness in my deck 7-5 and then got run over by the champ. On a more positive note I am 3-0 in type 1 with plus (13) soul differential. Jordan (9), me, and Tim (10) are the only undefeated. I play Tim next round and Jordan has to play a person with one loss so we will have to see what happens. Tim's using his normal stuff I assume, Jordan's using turtle (lucky guess based on soul diff) and I am running something fast.
Type 1 two player Results1st Nathan Voigt 6-0 (24 sd)Tie for second Jordan and Tim Maly 5-1 (8sd)