Author Topic: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap  (Read 11942 times)

Offline EmJayBee83

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Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« on: March 08, 2009, 01:32:07 AM »
Hey All, I just got home from the Minnesota Type II only tournament and I thought a comment or two might be in order. I'm not going to let out the names of the winners, as that honor belongs to Bill Voigt.

First, we ended up with 22 players in T2-2P from Nebraska, Kansas City, and Iowa in addition to multiple Minnesota play groups,. Although this number feel short of my goal of 33 players--which would have forced a sixth round to be played--I believe the count exceeds any other Type II tournament outside of Nats. One name sadly missing from the roles was that of the Guardian--who had a prior commitment fro this day, but did manage to send a welcoming letter.

Second, looking beyond the numbers, the quality of play was uniformly high even with the absence of the Guardian. When you have Gil and BrianGabe dueling it out in the final round of T2-2P, you know things are pretty good.

Third (and most importantly), the quality of the fellowship was at an even higher level than that of the play. I was able to spend time with some old friends including the Fountain gang from KC, BrianGabe, SirNobody and the Westers of Austin. There was even an appearance--in a playing role--by the Princess of Fortress Alstad. In addition to catching up with old friends, I also got a chance to meet up-and-comers like Franta012 and Rawrlolsauce!

Fourth, I huge thank you goes out to everytribe (Bill Voigt) for being the most excellent tournament host ever. As a tournament host, I am always humbled when I attend one of Bill's tournaments and see how things should be done. Thanks, Mr. Bill.

I'll post some observations about the tournament itself in the near future.  Just one highlight---

Playing the first round of T2-MP, I pulled off three consecutive ANBs. Better yet, I had legitimate game-play reasons for each use. Best yet, it ended up winning me the game. I dare anyone to tell me that that isn't just schweet.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2009, 11:10:03 PM by EmJayBee83 »

Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2009, 10:09:16 AM »
I also got a chance to meet up-and-comers like Franta012 and Rawrlolsauce!
Really? I didn't know sauce was there....Was that the guy with red hair...or the guy with green hair? Perhaps I should have mingled more.
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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2009, 01:27:26 PM »
Sauce was the one that won the full set of RoA!

Offline Gabe

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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2009, 01:29:32 PM »
Sauce was the one that won the full set of RoA!

Franta012, which one were you?
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

Offline EmJayBee83

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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2009, 03:32:02 PM »
Franta012, which one were you?
He was the guy who looked like a young Art Garfunkel.   :D

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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2009, 04:52:38 PM »
Twas fun  ;D

Offline everytribe

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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2009, 06:59:48 PM »
Thanks to all in attendance. The quality of play was excellent. Type 2 defences seemed to be alot tougher. I don't remember so many multi player games timing out. We had at least one timed out game in every round of two player also.

Type 2-2 player, 22 participants- 5 rounds.

1-Gabe "Brian Gabe" Isbell     13.5 pts, 14 LSD     Southren MN
2-Tim "SirNobody" Maly         12 pts, 14 LSD        MN
3-Alan "Rawrlosauce" Rice     12 pts, 9 LSD          MN
4-Eric "Gil" Kimmons              11.5 pts, 10 LSD     Nebraska
5-Tim "?" Drown                   9 pts,  10 LSD        Kansas City
5-Jayden "?" Alstad              9 pts, 10 LSD         MN
7-Nathan "Hobbit13" Voigt     9pts, 9 LSD           MN
8-Kirkland "?" Wilson             9 pts, 3 LSD          MN

"Rawrlosauce" beat "SirNobody" 7-5 in the first round but "SirNobody" went undefeated the rest of the way to nip "Rawrlosauce" for 2nd place. "Brian Gabe" and "Gil" both went undefeated. They had a final round epic 3-3 tie to end the tournament. Both had tough defences. "Gil" also had two timed out wins. Both played a splash of orange. Enough orange to have the "Hobbit13" believe now that orange is really a color in Redemption. The Hobbit lost tough games to both "Gil" and "Brian Gabe" on the last turn as time ran out. Tim Drown last years 2nd place winner started out strong with 2 wins and then ran into "Brian Gabe" and "SirNobody". Jayden Alstad, the worlds youngest living male Alstad Redemption player upheld the Astad honor with 3 wins, losing 7-5 to "SirNobody" in the last round. If he would have won he would have placed 2nd. And newbi Kirkland Wilson beat his Dad in the last round to make the elite 8.

Type 2-multi player, 19 participants- 3 rounds.

1-Gabe "Brian Gabe" Isbell       8 pts, 20 LSR         Southren MN
2-Tim Drown                         5 pts, 16 LSR         Kansas City
3-Matt "EmJayBee" Brinkman    4.5 pts, 16 LSR       MN
4-Craig "CountFount" Fountain 4.33 pts, 17 LSR      Kansas City

Multi player was a little bit of a blur for me as I was getting food and cleaning up so maybe one of the players could report in. There were great national tournament quality games at the top table the last two rounds. One of the five tables timing out every round. And then there was "EmJayBee" playing three New Beginings in a row on his same turn helping him win the game. We had to tie him down after that so he could finish the tournament and hire a security guard to keep the other players from stoning him. And "CountFount" always kept everybody laughing.

Josh "JSB23" Brinkman and Jeremy "BubbleBoy" Volk tied for Ironman with 8 wins each.

Hats off to "Brian Gabe"  a type 2 newbi for sweeping both events. Talk about a Redemption marathon. Gabe left for the tournament at 4.00am, played till 9.30pm, then drove 5 hours home. He even won 6 Ironman games. A few more hours and we could have made a new episode for 24.

Since we had so much fun we will probably have to do it again next year.

Bill "Everytribe" Voigt

« Last Edit: March 08, 2009, 10:11:32 PM by everytribe »
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Offline franta012

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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2009, 11:29:49 PM »
Sauce was the one that won the full set of RoA!

Franta012, which one were you?

My first name is Gabe also.  I was the one getting mixed up every time someone was talking to you, haha ;D.

I played musicians and demons; my deck is on the t2 board.

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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2009, 11:41:14 PM »


I'm pretty sure Type 2 - 2 Player marked the first time that four national champions ever participated in the same event at a local tournament.

Multi player was a little bit of a blur for me as I was getting food and cleaning up so maybe one of the players could report in.

I'm pretty sure multi-player was a little bit of a blur for just about everyone.  All I remember was someone using angry mob twice and an entire table cheering when A New Beginning was played.  But most importantly not one of the 19 players in Type 2 multi had False Peace or Confusion in their deck.

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the residents of Minnesota.  I had a lapse in judgment, I acted foolishly, there is no excuse for what I did.  My failure to bring both the dinosaurs and the cowboy hat to the tournament was a grave error.  I am sorry.  And I promise that it will never happen again.

On a serious note, Bill, you are totally awesome.   You have created a truly amazing event and I greatly appreciate the organization it takes to put this together and your generosity which is what makes this event happen.  I also really appreciate all the out of town players (Craig and crew, Gabe, Pat) that came up to make the field as deep and challenging as it is.  This event is the highlight of my redemption year and I look forward to doing it again next year (364 days until next years MN Type 2 local!).

Now if you will all excuse me I should probably get some sleep...but I think I'll go make those improvements to my Type 2 deck instead.


Tim "Sir Nobody" Maly

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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2009, 12:06:36 AM »
I'm pretty sure Type 2 - 2 Player marked the first time that four national champions ever participated in the same event at a local tournament.

Guardian would have made 5 and if we get Keven to quit his mail route and come that would make 6 and if Eric came that would be 7.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2009, 10:57:28 AM by everytribe »
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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2009, 12:21:32 AM »
But most importantly not one of the 19 players in Type 2 multi had False Peace or Confusion in their deck.

Wow, just wow.

Friends don't let friends play T1 multi.

Offline Gabe

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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2009, 11:21:50 AM »
Anyone who hasn't had the chance to come to this annual event is really missing out.  It has more T2 players than any Regionals I've seen, making it more like a mini-Nationals.

This was the first time I was able to make it, but Lord willing I'll be back again every year.  "Wild Bill" does a great job encouraging an atmosphere of fun, fellowship and humility.  He made sure we were all well fed.  He was extremely generous with gas money for out of staters.  He provided some pretty nice prizes out of his own pocket too.  All I can say is thank you, Bill.  Thank you.

I enjoyed meeting a few people from the boards in person for the first time.  It was good to see the folks from Kansas City again (some for the first time).  I always enjoy seeing the Kimmons and that other guy from Nebraska.  Then of course there are all those wonderful folks from the Redemption Capitol of the world - Minnesota (minus Justin who was sorely missed).  I'm glad to be your neighbor.

My most enjoyable game of the day goes to T2-MP round 2 with Matt, Scott and Scott.  Matt even played ANB twice in a row and it wasn't as painful as I expected.  I think the only thing that could have made that game more fun is if we could have added Craig Fountain as a 5th player.  :D

My toughest game of the day goes to T1-2P round 2 with Nathan Voigt.  He's always thinking a turn (or more) ahead.  It's no wonder he's always placing at Nationals.  :thumbup:

My most one sided game of the day was in T1-Ironman with Josh Brinkman.  He won 5-0 in three turns.  It was even worse than the 3rd turn beating I took from Tim Maly at Regionals last year.  And I didn't think that was possible.  :'(

With all those great T2 players together in one room I feel like I learned quite a bit.  I'll share a few things with you:

*Kansas City guys have some pretty sweet tech to stop Jacob + RTC.  No, not Uzzah.  Everyone has that. ;)

*EmJayBee is a mad genius of Redemption strategy.  He's come up with a fairly simple way to borrow and destroy an opponent's banding chain despite their Wall of Protection. 8)

*Tim Maly does not look cute with a barrette in his hair. :-*

*A 14/14 Paladin the Fighter is not easy to stop. :P

*Gil is so good he can win consistently with a defense that uses like 20 cards I've never seen played before. :o

*Some people are so selfish that they'll play ANB again, and again, and again just so that nobody else gets a turn.  ;D

*Craig Fountain at your tournament = fun and laughs for everyone.  There's a reason he has Dark Helmet as his avatar. :laugh:

*It's a lot easier to get individual card rulings correct when you're sitting at your computer with access to the online REG. o_O

*Jacob + RTC isn't the only way to get a nice pre-block ignore going. ::)

But most importantly not one of the 19 players in Type 2 multi had False Peace or Confusion in their deck. :D

Wow, just wow.


Fixed.  Lack of a smiley makes Tim's sarcasm unclear if you weren't there.  In round 2 of T2-MP all 4 people at the top table had either Confusion or False Peace.  In the final round 3 out of 4 people were using one or the other.  Tim made the comment, "how much different would T2 be if we just banned Prophets?"  :scratch:

Talk about a Redemption marathon. Gabe left for the tournament at 4.00am, played till 9.30pm, then drove 5 hours home.  A few more hours and we could have made a new episode for 24.

I got up at 3:30am on Saturday and made it home at 3:30am on Sunday.  I lost an hour in there due to daylight savings time but it was basically a 24 hour day.  I'd do it all over again but man am I feeling it today. :doh:
« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 11:37:26 AM by BrianGabe »
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2009, 12:24:33 PM »
I appreciate the clarification.  I know Tim is sarcastic, but I didn't sense it in that statement, although I should have.  That would be the day if those cards failed to see the light of day in T2 multi...

Who wins the award for using the largest T2 2p deck?

And congrats on winning both categories!

Friends don't let friends play T1 multi.

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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2009, 06:58:39 PM »
And I think we clarified that Moses is a musician or something???  :D


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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2009, 08:52:19 PM »
And I think we clarified that Moses is a musician or something???  :D
Ring Wraith made a great argument that he isn't, but I guess at the end of the day Moses has more awesomeness than The Beatles.

Here are my comments...  ::)

1.) There was a huge amount of people for a local tournament. The depth and difference in each deck made it very interesting!
2.) I finally got to meet some of you pathetic noobs who lurk around the boards board members whom I highly respect  :P
3.) Beings those were the first type 2 games I've ever played, I learned tons about strategies, how they work, and the important differences between type 1 and 2!

Also, Bill was a great host :D. He made sure everything was cheap, if not free; all while controlling our millions of questions and giving awesome prizes!

Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2009, 08:55:39 PM »
Also, Bill was a great host :D. He made sure everything was cheap, if not free; all while controlling our millions of questions and giving awesome prizes!
Take it from the guy who won a complete RoA set! :o
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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2009, 08:59:14 PM »
Also, Bill was a great host :D. He made sure everything was cheap, if not free; all while controlling our millions of questions and giving awesome prizes!
Take it from the guy who won a complete RoA set! :o
It should only be half of a set, but Scott (the person who drew the name) didn't take me up on my offer (I said if he drew my name he could have half the cards.... :P)

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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2009, 10:17:49 PM »
Also, Bill was a great host :D. He made sure everything was cheap, if not free; all while controlling our millions of questions and giving awesome prizes!
Take it from the guy who won a complete RoA set! :o

And from me the guy who got a free half a SUBWAY (little tm sign) sub. And freee pop! Thanks bill  ;D

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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2009, 10:29:21 PM »
Yeah, that was awesome; I wish I could have done something to help out more. I just sat around like a sack of potatoes as you were cleaning up during the MP portion of the tourney. :P
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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2009, 11:46:21 PM »
I'm really sorry that I missed this event. I was totally planning on coming, but I had a prior engagement just like Justin.
Well, there's always next year.

Eric "sad day" Largent
Specializing in Type 2 since 2002

Eric "math teacher" Largent

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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #20 on: March 10, 2009, 02:05:36 AM »
*My favorite play of the day was when Franta012 made a battle challenge and I blocked with King Zed and played DoM three times to capture three important unique heroes. Muwahahahahaha.

*My least favorite moment of the day occurred when Franta012 decided that Sinning Hand should always be played in groups of three. Time to add Covenant of Eden.

*Garden Tomb races are not much fun.

*T2-2P is going to be exceedingly tough at the Minnesota State tournament this year.

My most enjoyable game of the day goes to T2-MP round 2 with Matt, Scott and Scott.  Matt even played ANB twice in a row and it wasn't as painful as I expected.
After the ANBs were played, poor Scott H. was put in the painful position of choosing which of his three False-Peace-wielding opponents to make an RA against. Although I'll never understand why anyone would choose to go after Gabe in that situation, I have to admit that that was one tough spot to be in.

I also forgot to thank Gabe for pointing out to me after the fourth turn that I had drawn a TSA in the beginning of the game. (I'm sitting looking at my cards--getting a little bit ticked--trying to figure out why I hadn't drawn a hero yet.) Thanks, Gabe.

He's [meaning me's] come up with a fairly simple way to borrow and destroy an opponent's banding chain despite their Wall of Protection. 8)
Shout out to Red'Rocks--this was my own contraption--I didn't give away your completely awesome way to do the same thing. I'm saving that until Regionals. ;)

*Some people are so selfish that they'll play ANB again, and again, and again just so that nobody else gets a turn.  ;D
We had people cheering and strewing flowers when ANB was played. Combine the cheering with the New Beginnings song, and you have a fiesta.

*Craig Fountain at your tournament = fun and laughs for everyone.
It's not as funny when Craig is busy making loud "smoochy" noises in the background when you're on your cell phone. I'd toss out a grrr, but it's hard to stay mad at the big galoot.

Guardian, we really missed you. You would have enjoyed (or something) the flower strewing.

Eric, I hope you can make it next year. You have to admit it would be cool to be the first player ever to fly to a local tournament.

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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #21 on: March 11, 2009, 12:31:58 AM »
But most importantly not one of the 19 players in Type 2 multi had False Peace or Confusion in their deck.

Wow, just wow.


Seriously...whats the fun in that?  FP is the way I play  ;)
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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #22 on: March 11, 2009, 01:23:27 AM »
After the ANBs were played, poor Scott H. was put in the painful position of choosing which of his three False-Peace-wielding opponents to make an RA against.

Yeah, that was probably the worst thing I could have done.  :P  Now, looking back (hindsight 20/20 and all), I should have gone after Scott who was the only person at the table (besides myself) with only 4 LSs.  :doh:  But it's all right, I still had a blast playing with you guys.  ;)

*Kansas City guys have some pretty sweet tech to stop Jacob + RTC.  No, not Uzzah.  Everyone has that. ;)

HAH!  That's because about a month ago I came out running with that and stomped everyone one of them about twice.  Then they all started throwing stuff in against it and had me stuck.   ::)  But I'm glad it provide some challenge to you Gabe.  ;)

We had people cheering and strewing flowers when ANB was played. Combine the cheering with the New Beginnings song, and you have a fiesta.

We going to do the New Beginning song at Nationals?  ;)  We could make it about as important as ripping a Haman's Plot. :P

I'll ad my thanks to Bill for being such and awesome host!  I couldn't imagine a better environment to want to play in.  ...or do anything else for that matter!  :P  And pizza and lodging all included just for coming up made it much easier on the wallet.  :)  Thanks Bill!  Keep doing what you do best!

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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #23 on: March 11, 2009, 11:16:31 AM »
It's not as funny when Craig is busy making loud "smoochy" noises in the background when you're on your cell phone. I'd toss out a grrr, but it's hard to stay mad at the big galoot.

I wasn't even there ??? But video clearly shows that EmJayBee83 had a brunette on one arm (SirNobody) and a midjet on the other arm (everytribe). Scandulous!!!!! :-[

Tournament was a blast. Thanks Bill.
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Re: Minnesota Type II Only -- Recap
« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2009, 06:51:14 PM »
Tournament was a blast. Thanks Bill.

I concur!!  Great tournament.

*My favorite play of the day was when Franta012 made a battle challenge and I blocked with King Zed and played DoM three times to capture three important unique heroes. Muwahahahahaha.

*My least favorite moment of the day occurred when Franta012 decided that Sinning Hand should always be played in groups of three. Time to add Covenant of Eden.

 ;D ;D ;D  Well, it was a fun game for me!  I think I was a little lucky!  Or maybe a lot!  "Hey, I have a Lot"..  ;)


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