Hey All,
We held 80% of a district tournament today at Arden Hills, MN. Since the weather was sooooooo beautiful today, the attendance was only 26, but we had a great time nonetheless. With four of the five events complete (the fifth event is T2-MP and is scheduled for next Friday evening), here are the results...
1) Nathan Voigt
2) Josh Brinkman
3) Martin Miller
1) Glen Wilson
2) Alex Lamp (tie)
Justin Alstad (tie)
Booster Draft
1) Josh Brinkman
2) Jeremy Volk
3) Alex Lamp
1) Nathan Voigt/Matt Brinkman
2) Jayden Alstad/Glen Wilson
3) David Carlson/Ray Parker
[Updated 11/14]
1) Matt Brinkman
2) Jayden Alstad (tie)
2) Bill Voigt (tie)
Teams really fit in well for some of the younger folk in attendance as they were able to use their T1-2P deck to much greater effect in teams than they were able to in T1-MP. It was also a blast to play.
We also have a box or TexP that contained five or so packs that contained four of the TexP foils instead of the standard two. In addition over five of the new dominants were pulled from the box. Fun times, fun times.