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I'm a T2 player from auburn are there any tournaments or play groups near me?
Quote from: dogeta32 on December 26, 2014, 06:25:01 PMYes,I'm the only option you have for Alabama players. We are in tiny little Centre AL, a small town in northeast Alabama. I'm willing to wager we are about three hours away.
Quote from: Red on December 26, 2014, 10:35:16 PMQuote from: dogeta32 on December 26, 2014, 06:25:01 PMYes,I'm the only option you have for Alabama players. We are in tiny little Centre AL, a small town in northeast Alabama. I'm willing to wager we are about three hours away.I'm willing to wager there's nary a single T2 player.
I'm trying to convert to both. I have finally obtained 4 edicts.
I took both G/H and I/J Starter deck and made 4 every easy to make starter Type 2 deck.G Starter Type 245 Good16 Heroes2x Moses2x Miriam2x Aaron2x Jethro2x midwives3x Elders of Israel3x Women of Israel24 GE:2 x Aaron’s Rod 2x Taking Egypt’s Wealth2x Thrown into the Sea2x Plague of Boils2x Increasing Numbers2x Water from a Rock 3x Plague of Frogs3x Plague of Lice3x Plague of Hail3x Trust in the Lord3 GD:New JerusalemSon of GodAngel of the Lord45 Evil20 EC:2x Herod Agrippa I2x Red Dragon2x Strong Demon2x Sapphira4x Sadducees 4x Locust from the Pit 4x Temple Guard23 EH:1x Love of Money (G)1x Lying Unto God (G)3x Deceit of Sapphira (G)2x Flight (G)4x Denying Blame (G)2x Imitating Evil (G)2x Pride of Simon (G)4x Ancient Evil (G)4x False Witnesses (G)2 ED:Christian MartyrBurial22 Neutral3 Sites3x Herod’s Prison4 Artifacts2x Moses’ Rod (G)2x Tables of the Law (G)15 Lost souls2x Ephesians 5:142x I Corinthians 1:272x II Timothy 2:262x II Timothy 3:6-72x Luke 13:252x Luke 15:63x Luke 19:10H Starter Type 243 Good15 Heroes3x Jairus’ Daughter2x James, son of Zebedee3x John3x Lydia2x Parmenas2x Timothy25 GE:1x Burning up the Chaff1x Preaching the Truth2x Gentle Resolution2x Listening to God2x Reach of Desperation2x The Word Spreads3x Blood of the Lamb3x Cast out Demons3x Bravery of Priscilla3x Faith Shared3x Great Faith4x Lamb’s Righteousness3 GD:New JerusalemSon of GodAngel of the Lord43 Evil18 EC:2x Abiram2x Dathan2x Pharaoh3x Idolaters3x Taskmaster3x Egyptian Charioteers3x Egyptian Horsemen23 EH:1x Murmuring2x Begging to go Back2x Pharaoh’s Murderous Order2x Preemptive Strike2x Self-Doubt2x Enslaved by Egypt2x Pharaoh’s Hard Heart3x Aaron and Miriam’s Dissent3x Israelite Rebellion4x Zelophehad’s Sin2 ED:Christian MartyrBurial26 Neutral15 Lost Souls2x Ezekiel 13: 182x Ezekiel 34: 162x Ezekiel 36: 192x Jeremiah 50: 62x Jeremiah 7: 182x Job 33: 27-283x Proverbs 7: 274 Sites4x Egypt 7 Artifacts3x Golden Calf2x King’s Sword2x Table of the Law(H)I Starter Type 243 Good16 Heroes2x Andrew2x Gabriel2x James2x John2x Peter3x Gathering Angel3x Legion of Angels24 GE:2x Angelic News 2x Eaten by Worms2x Glad Tidings2x Miraculous Catch2x Overwhelming Presence2x Authority of Peter2x Walking on Water3x Angelic Guidance3x You Are the Christ4x Fishers of Men3 GD:New JerusalemSon of GodAngel of the Lord43 Evil16 EC:2x Achan2x Delilah2x Ishbibenob2x Lahmi2x Saph2x Shaphat4x Selfish Kinsman24 EH:1x Ashtaroth Worship2x Ishbibenob’s Spear2x Ishbibenob’s Sword2x Lahmi’s Spear2x Sin in the Camp3x Bad Dealings4x To Each His Own4x Wickedness of Delilah4x Achan’s Sin3 ED:Christian MartyrStrifeVain Philosophy (J)14 Neutral14 Lost Souls2x Proverbs 10:12x Proverbs 14:102x Proverbs 21:162x Proverbs 21:242x Psalm 30:32x Psalm 119:1762x Psalm 68:6J Starter Type 243 Good15 Heroes2x Boaz2x Gideon2x Jephthah2x Naomi2x Ruth2x Samson3x Elders of the City25 GE:1x Sing and Praise2x Family Bond2x Ruth Meets Boaz2x When Judges Governed2x Gleaning the Fields2x Devotion of Ruth2x Loyalty of Ruth3x Trumpets and Torches3x The Sword of Gideon3x Samson’s Strength3x Gideon’s Call3 GD:New JerusalemSon of GodAngel of the Lord43 Evil15 EC:2x Emperor Tiberius2x Quirinius2x Controlling Demon3x Unclean Spirit 3x Foul Spirit3x Mocking Soldiers25 GE:2x Hypocrite’s Proselyte2x Persistent Pestering2x Sorrow of Mary2x Twice Afflicted3x Coliseum Lions3x Crucify Him!3x Evil Strength4x Fiery Darts4x Roman Whip3 ED:Christian MartyrStrifeVain Pholosophy14 Neutral14 Lost Souls2x Luke 13:252x Luke 15:132x Luke 15:15-162x Luke 15:62x Luke 16:20-212x Luke 19:102x Mark 1:40
Try the Redemption 1.5 decks used by the guys in South Florida. They are 105 card decks that meet the deck-building requirements for both Type 1 and Type 2.
It would lose to top type 2 competition.
Quote from: TheHobbit on December 28, 2014, 04:52:32 PMIt would lose to top type 2 competition.I suspect that as well. But Clift certainly qualifies as "top type 2 competition". So either that one tournament was a fluke, or that deck type works better than most people think it would. I just wish we could've found out for sure.
I'm throwing this out to all of you that have offered this nice advice- I know more of what I am doing than you are picturing here.
I was simply commenting on the feasibility of Type 1.5 decks.