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Offline crustpope

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #175 on: March 07, 2011, 12:50:12 PM »
dont worry, I will remember to pack plenty of site access in my decks.... ;)
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Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #176 on: March 07, 2011, 03:55:13 PM »
Speaking of upcoming tournaments....

I am putting in for a KY State tournament on the weekend of April 16th and a East Central Regional tournament on July 9th.  The State probably needs to stay where it is.  But does anyone have any input regarding the Regional?  I could move it a week or so either way if it would make it a lot better for a bunch of people.

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #177 on: March 07, 2011, 07:46:42 PM »
Speaking of upcoming tournaments....

I am putting in for a KY State tournament on the weekend of April 16th and a East Central Regional tournament on July 9th.  The State probably needs to stay where it is.  But does anyone have any input regarding the Regional?  I could move it a week or so either way if it would make it a lot better for a bunch of people.

ok April 16th is my birthday so I am not sure whether I can come to that one or not.  We are actually celebrating my birthday two weekends earlier on the 2nd (yeah the day of MY tournament which is why my wife owes me big time)  I dont think I can come to both.  It will likely be one or the other.  most likely it will be the district but I am not sure yet.
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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #178 on: March 10, 2011, 09:42:27 AM »
I had to move my tournament from April 16th because I had a scheduling conflict so I will not be at that one. However, the July 9th tournament could be a distinct possibility...but I will need more time to be sure.

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #179 on: March 16, 2011, 08:13:31 PM »
Mark I will be able to make it to the Ky State but not the District.  My April will be very busy (mine on the 1/2  Yours on the 15/16 and travis's on the 23rd.

I will be coming down right after I get of of school and I should be able to make it there by 6:30.  I will be playing everything I will be eligible for. I probably WILL need a teammate so if anyone REALLY wants to WIN pair them with me!  I dont know Brian the guy you had me paired up with on the list but if he has an email and he (or anyone else) still wants to pair up have him contact me at

Will there be type 2 categories offered?  If not do people want to play type 2 in their down time?  I know it is not AS popular down there but maybe there are a few diehards?
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Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #180 on: March 16, 2011, 10:54:45 PM »
Mark I will be able to make it to the Ky State but not the District.  My April will be very busy (mine on the 1/2  Yours on the 15/16 and travis's on the 23rd.
That does sound like a busy (and fun) month.  We'll look forward to seeing you in April for the KY State tournament.

I probably WILL need a teammate so if anyone REALLY wants to WIN pair them with me!
We'll see how TEAMS goes at the District tourney in a couple weeks, and I'll try to get you a good partner from there :)

Will there be type 2 categories offered?  If not do people want to play type 2 in their down time?  I know it is not AS popular down there but maybe there are a few diehards?
There will be a T2-2p tournament at the KY State tourney, but no T2-mp.

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #181 on: April 05, 2011, 09:05:39 AM »
Mark, unfortunately our budget got destroyed last month due to some unforseen expenses, as a result all unnecessary travel has been cut from the budget so I will not be able to come to the tournament this month.  I hope this does not put you in a bind this year.

I am kinda depressed about it, especially since 1100 dollars of the budget were blown on purchases made by my wife....grrrr
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Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #182 on: April 05, 2011, 10:21:20 AM »
I will not be able to come to the tournament this month.  I hope this does not put you in a bind this year.
We'll miss you at KY State, but it does mean that the rest of us will have a better chance to win.  I'll have to shout out an "Are you kidding me?!" at some point during the tournament in your memory :)  And don't worry about putting me in a bind.  I think the guys from TN are coming, and possibly even the guys from GA.  Plus my own playgroup is decent size these days, so we'll still have a good turnout.

I am kinda depressed about it, especially since 1100 dollars of the budget were blown on purchases made by my wife....grrrr
I've met your wife, and I know how much you love each other.  She's worth way more than $1100.  Don't sweat it :)

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #183 on: April 05, 2011, 01:03:31 PM »
District Tourney Report (Spring 2011)

We had one of our best tournaments in a long time, with a dozen players, and many great games.  We held 4 different events, and had 4 different people finish in 1st, 4 different people finish in 2nd, and 4 different people finish in 3rd.

In the first round, the favorite (Mr. Wills and his son Drew) had the random bye, and the other 2 top teams both won convincingly.  In the second round they had to face off.  Ian and Michael both played Angel/Brown decks.  David and myself both played Red/Pale Green "Christmas" decks.  Our offense was just too much for them to handle early and we ended up winning big.  The final round we had to play the Wills duo (who had also won their 2nd round game).  They got to a blazing start partly due to a LOT of dominants early.  Before we knew it, we were down 4-1, and our defense was paper thin.  Somehow we kept pulling off amazingly close blocks, and held them off while our offense came charging back.  Finally it was all tied up 4-4, and they wouldn't have been able to stop our next RA.  But it was their turn, and we just didn't have enough juice left in the tank to stop them.  So the Wills duo was victorious.  David and I came in 2nd, and Ian & Michael placed 3rd.

Only a few participants in this one, but everyone was glad that they did.  Chris drew a Haman's plot and a TxP Gomer to play it on.  Michael drew an Emperor Nero and a Wrath of Satan.  I drew a Michael.  I started off trying for Red and White on offense, but no red heroes ever seemed to come, so I ended up switching to Silver late in the draft and that worked out pretty well.  My defense was pretty serious actually with brown and grey.  The first game I had all my offense early, and kept taking Chris's LSs before Michael had a chance at them.  I won fast, with Michael in 2nd with 3 LSs.  The last game my offense didn't show up and neither did my defense.  Michael kept taking LSs from me and Chris, and he won quickly, with Chris in 2nd with 4 LSs.  Overall Michael had more LSs taken so he came in 1st, I came in 2nd, and Chris came in 3rd.

After 2 events, I hadn't won 1st in either, so I was really hoping to turn things around this event.  Thankfully things worked out, and I went undefeated to take 1st place.  2nd place was expected to be either Michael or Drew, and Michael pulled it off.  His only loss was a bad one to me.  In a surprise upset, Chris won 3rd place instead of any of the other top contenders (Drew-4th, David-5th, Ian-8th).  Considering that Chris had never placed in a tournament event before, I was really impressed that he did it twice in this tournament.  I was also very proud that my daughter Alecia came in 9th (ahead of a couple people) in her first tournament ever :)

This has traditionally been my best event, in spite of the fact that my students love to all gang up on me in it.  This time was no exception as I was able to win enough to take 1st in this event.  It was not too surprising that several top contenders tied for 3rd place (David, Ian, and Michael), but what was very surprising was that Kayleb came in 2nd.  He's never placed in a tournament before, so I was really impressed with his strong finish here.  I was also very proud that my daughter Alecia again came in 9th (not last again) in her first time ever playing multi-player at all.

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #184 on: April 05, 2011, 03:57:31 PM »
Your daughter deserves congrats from us guys and gals in AL. So congrats to her for not last in her first tournament!(isn't she nine?) If so that's far better than my preformance when I was that age.(Well she beat more people out than my first tournament I got 2nd to last.)
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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #185 on: April 05, 2011, 05:17:04 PM »
Your daughter deserves congrats from us guys and gals in AL. So congrats to her for not last in her first tournament!(isn't she nine?) If so that's far better than my preformance when I was that age.(Well she beat more people out than my first tournament I got 2nd to last.)
Thanks.  And she's actually only 7 :)

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #186 on: April 05, 2011, 05:47:22 PM »
Wow. Just wow. I started when I was 7 too. And I bet your one proud dad.
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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #187 on: April 05, 2011, 08:47:02 PM »
That is fantastic!  I cant wait until Micah can play!
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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #188 on: April 06, 2011, 09:39:57 AM »
The youth movement is underway...  ;D

Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #189 on: April 06, 2011, 09:35:43 PM »
Hey Mark, how hard would it be to get your kids down here the second weekend of May? Turns out I completely forgot about a family graduation on the 7th.

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #190 on: April 06, 2011, 10:54:37 PM »
Hey Mark, how hard would it be to get your kids down here the second weekend of May? Turns out I completely forgot about a family graduation on the 7th.
Totally impossible, since that Graduation is that weekend.  But we might be able to do the last weekend of April.

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #191 on: April 07, 2011, 12:17:46 PM »
and GA State is June 4 (unofficially)
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #192 on: April 07, 2011, 12:31:11 PM »
and GA State is June 4 (unofficially)
Thanks, but all our students will be gone between the 2nd weekend of May (Graduation) and toward the end of June (start of summer school).

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #193 on: April 18, 2011, 03:06:50 PM »
I just asked off for the whole weekend of regionals there. I'll see if I can get Chris McCravy, ELarge, and I'm sure RTSmaniac will be with me. We will be coming with the TN boys.

Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #194 on: April 18, 2011, 04:15:22 PM »
I just asked off for the whole weekend of regionals there. I'll see if I can get Chris McCravy, ELarge, and I'm sure RTSmaniac will be with me. We will be coming with the TN boys.

Yeah, I guess the GA guys will come to Knoxville & then we'll all head up there together!

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #195 on: April 19, 2011, 10:27:19 AM »
KY State 2011 Tourney Report

Well I've been saying all year that the playgroup here in KY has been getting better, and it showed up very clearly in this tournament.  Last year, we had a very small turnout, and I won every category.  This year we had 17 players (14 from KY), and I only won 2 events, and didn't even place in one.

We started with T1-2p on Fri (since some of our players had soccer on Sat), and we had 5 rounds BECAUSE WE HAD TO (did I mention the awesome turnout?).  There was a critical game in the 2nd round when I played Michael Saucedo (Alfonso), and he got an early random discard of my SoG.  That ended up being the difference in the game, and since he dominated the rest of his matches to go undefeated, he took 1st place.  Thankfully I never lost again and so I ended up in 2nd.  And Rebekah Collins ended up taking third place honors back to OH with her (finishing just ahead of her dad who came in 4th).  Speaking of daughters, my own daughter Alecia played in her 1st state level event and had a lot of fun despite losing every game.  But she had a great attitude, and due to a lot of close losses leading to a decent differential, she didn't come in last.

Then we stayed up WAY too late at night playing Booster starting at around 11pm.  We had 7 players, and after a couple rounds the top table all had winners, and whoever won the game was going to win the tournament.  I liked my chances with a solid deck of 8 angels (including CotH) and 8 silver GEs, in addition to some decent blue, and a reasonable defense.  However, the seating arrangement turned out to be more critical.  Michael was to the right of a guy with no defense, who kept drawing single LSs.  And Michael also was able to stop my CotH a couple times BTN due to some impressive blocking.  So he won the game and the event.  Chris Lewter came in 2nd place, which was his highest showing ever.  Matt "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Archibald took another 3rd place honors back to OH, and I didn't place at all.  The most amazing pack of the Booster was a Disciples pack that I opened.  It had a Destruction of Nehustan (which I took), an Unholy Writ, the Di LS that underdecks NT LSs, a huge numbered hero, a Saul/Paul (which I took), a Storehouse, a J-Tower, a Pierced Heart ultrarare, and other stuff.

After a meager few hours of sleep, we started again early Sat morning with some Bagels and TEAMS.  Thus far in the tourney, Michael had been unstoppable, so I was glad that we were teaming up for TEAMS, and with the 1st place TEAMS from our last district busy with soccer, I liked our chances.  However, it wasn't meant to be.  We tried the strategy of having a defensive player and an offensive player.  I handled the defense and Michael handled the offense.  Although this worked well in the 3rd game, it didn't work so well in the first 2 games.  Both games the offense deck just didn't draw out the way that it was supposed to, and so despite my very successful blocking, we weren't able to take LSs ourselves very quickly.  We ended up winning the 1st game in the long run, but the 2nd game we timed out with us behind the team of Matt and Kayleb Matthews.  They went on to be undefeated, and therefore came in 1st place (which was Kayleb's highest finish ever).  We took 2nd, and the team of David Eom and Brian Jones finished in 3rd (Brian's highest finish ever).
« Last Edit: April 19, 2011, 10:32:05 AM by Prof Underwood »

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #196 on: April 19, 2011, 10:28:17 AM »
KY State 2011 Tourney Report (cont.)

So at this point we were halfway through the tournament, and I hadn't won a single event.  Despite personal disappointment, I was extremely proud of how well everyone else was doing.

T1-mp has traditionally been my strongest event, so I was really hoping to turn things around Sat afternoon.  I was able to win my first game, and be in the lead in my timeout second game, so going into the championship round I had 5 VP and 9 LSs.  However, the top table also had Matt, Allen, and Brian, who all would pass me for 1st if they won the game.  Needless to say it was a super close game.  Allen was able to get to 3 first, but couldn't clinch it due to a Judah's Sin sitting in a territory on Judas Iscariot.  He ended up using SoG solo to block me from taking LS #3, and therefore got to 4.  Meanwhile Brian also got to 3 pretty easily, but never drew his SoG.  He also took a 4th one in battle and therefore was tied with Allen.  Matt had the worst draw ever and couldn't get a single hero to attack with for about 5 turns (despite having MANY in his deck).  He even played Mayhem at that point, and still couldn't draw a hero.  It was just too much to come back from and so he ended up with only 2 LSs.  I'd like to end this by saying that I got to 5, but I didn't.  Instead I got hammered all game by everyone.  I think that all the CM's were played on me.  I think that all the Burials were played against me.  Thankfully an early GoYS protected me from the FA's.  I had heroes get wiped out when other players attacked each other.  It was just brutal.  I was just happy to end up with 3 LSs, which was enough to give me enough points to barely hold onto 1st overall for the event.  Brian came in 2nd (his highest finish ever), and Rebekah came in 3rd (after winning her 3rd round game).

Our last major event was Sealed Deck.  I was paired up with Michael first round, and the packs that we both opened ended up having a lot of stuff to help my deck, and I felt like it was actually a really good deck for Sealed.  However the first game, Michael just tore me apart.  My opening draw had 3 LSs and no ECs.  He walked in for 1 LS, and then played SoG on his only available LS so I had nothing to take.  His second turn he played AotL on the only EC that I drew, and got LS #3.  He then CM'd my attacker, so I was still at 0.  His third turn he walked in again for LS #4, and I knew it was over at that point.  I finally broke through a couple times before handing over #5.  I won my last 2 games, and Michael lost his last one, but the differential was too much in his favor, plus he had the head-to-head win.  So Michael won a 3rd event of the tournament, I came in 2nd, and Drew Wills came in 3rd.

The last event was really just an afterthought.  There are only a couple players in KY who even have a T2 deck, and neither of us really enjoy the T2-2p category.  But we played anyway, and it was a decent game.  Andy Wills defense set up REALLY quickly, and it was clear that if I even tried to attack, that he would destroy my territory, deck, and probably hand.  So I had to wait forever until I finally drew ET+AoCP.  Thankfully my defense held out as I almost always had just barely enough to stop his constant attacks.  He did break through once, but I was able to Falling Away.  Then after I wiped the table with the AoCP it suddenly went from being an intense stalemate to being an intense race.  Thankfully I had the lead and so I was able to finish first, with Andy in 2nd.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2011, 10:54:34 AM by Prof Underwood »

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #197 on: April 19, 2011, 01:01:11 PM »

Matt had the worst draw ever and couldn't get a single hero to attack with for about 5 turns (despite having MANY in his deck).  He even played Mayhem at that point, and still couldn't draw a hero.  It was just too much to come back from and so he ended up with only 2 LSs.  

This was one of the most lopsided multiplayer games I have ever played.  With 11 disciples in a deck, I got boat out first turn (along with 5 lost souls) and I didnt see a single disciple for 5 turns, playing mayhem on my 3rd turn to try to draw them out.  When I got a hero all the lost souls had been hoovered up by then.  I must have gont 8-9 tunrs before winning a LS.  playing SoG solo to get to two.

I was second going into that round and I fell to 6th or 7th.  It was brutal.

The highlight of my multiplayer tournament came when Mark played feast of trumpets with gifts up to draw 8 billion cards and after everyone was done drawing and revealing, I played FA on a shuffler and then played Sog/NJ on the shuffler to suck up all the LS's....that is the second time I have been able to do that in high level tournaments and I love it every time!
« Last Edit: April 19, 2011, 03:14:19 PM by crustpope »
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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #198 on: April 19, 2011, 01:35:23 PM »
The highlight of my multiplayer tournament came when Mark played feast of trumpets with gifts up to draw 8 billion cards and after everyone was done drawing and revealing, I played FA on a shuffler and then played Sog/NJ on the shuffler to suck up all the LS's.
In fact it was even meaner than that.  I thought for sure I would get a LS with a hand stuffed with cards and a bunch of LSs available on the table.  If I remember right I was even able to attack with a TGT hero while someone else had TGT up, while there was only 1 EC down on the table at the time.

But then Matt had to hurt David by Falling Away his only LS (the shuffler).  Then he had to hurt me by rescuing it with SoG/NJ to make all the LSs go away.  But at that point I was still feeling good since I had Harvest Time in my hand and played it.  But then Matt had to hurt me AGAIN by playing Burial on that LS.  And then I had to hurt myself because I had all those cards in my hand and couldn't put them all down, so I had to toss some.  Overall it was a devastatingly sneaky play by Matt, and was a beautiful thing to behold.

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Re: Kentucky Tournaments
« Reply #199 on: April 19, 2011, 02:04:49 PM »
Dang!  I'm sorry I missed all the fun!  I will definatly be there for Regionals though!


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