This year we doubled the best turnout I've ever had in my four years hosting Iowa States. We were blessed to have a crew from MN, NE, MO and KS in addition to several IA players. Total attendance was close to 30 people!

I'm sure there are some folks who are interested in results so I thought I'd share them as well as a little insight.
T1-MP1st - Andrew Wester
2nd - Gabe Isbell
3rd - Alan Rice
Common among the top offenses were Disciples (in various forms), TGT, Genesis and Angels. Common among the top defenses were mostly stand alone characters, Demons and Philistines.
Sealed1st - Aaron Ziskovsky
2nd - Caleb Lentine
3rd - John Isbell
Aaron used the Moses deck from G/H.
T2-MP1st - Andrew Wester
2nd - Gabe Isbell
3rd - Nathan Voigt
The top offenses included Disciples, Gold (Luke/Judges) and Prophets. Top defenses included and Herods/Magicians, Brown (CBN stuff) and Pharisees. White TGT (with Angels?) was also common.
T1-2P1st - Gabe Isbell
2nd - Tim Maly and John Nesfeder (tie)
Common offenses were Disciples, TGT ladies, FBTNb and Garden/Disciples. Defenses were FBTN, stand alone/autoblock, Pharisees and demons. Surprisingly Purple Royalty and FBTN were also pretty common and effective.
Type A1st - John Isbell
2nd - Brandon Stewart
3rd - Aaron Ziskovsky
We had 8 players in Type A. It's the first time I've ever needed to run this category at a tournament I've hosted. An angel deck went undefeated and won the whole thing. I guess anyone who says angels aren't viable must not play Type A.
Teams1st - John Nesfeder/Nathan Voigt (Team OG??)
2nd - Andrew Wester/Alan Rice
3rd - Kevin & Kirsten Shride
Common offenses were Garden/Disciples, Purple Royalty, FBTNb, Genesis, Teal and Gold. Defenses were made up of Romans, stand alone characters, autoblocks, Magicians and demons.
Booster1st - Bill Voigt and Gabe Isbell (tie)
3rd - Aaron Ziskovsky
Tim Maly was "cheated" out of a 1st place tie in booster draft by Wrath of Cain.
T2-2P1st - Nathan Voigt
2nd - Alan Rice
3rd - Andrew Wester
Some of the top offenses were Gold (Luke/Judges), TGT ladies w/silver and Job. Top defenses included Brown (CBN stuff), orange awesomeness and Pharisee/Magicians.
Thanks to everyone for taking the time to drive here and make this the best State tournament I've ever had the privilege to be part of. Also, thanks to Kevin Shride for doing a lot of the judging so I could play when I wasn't busy with hospitality. It was good to see many familiar faces and to meet a few new ones. I hope to see everyone again (plus many more!!) at NC Regionals in a month!